Living with You - Part 2

Jun 17, 2018 15:45


Nino turned away from the computer screen when he heard the familiar voice. As he thought, it was Yamato. He looked at him strangely, perhaps wondering what Nino was doing in his daddy's office. Behind him, Ohno's mother was also surprised to see him.

"Yamato! Come here and hug papa," said Nino as he stretched his hand. He was relief when Yamato ran towards him and he showered the boy with kisses as he scooped him into his arm. To be honest, he was afraid that Yamato would reject him after he scolded the boy.

"What are you doing here, papa?" Asked Yamato innocently. "You're not working today?"

Before Nino could answer, the door of Ohno's office was opened and Yamato shouted excitedly to see his daddy. Nino chuckled to see how cute his son was and walked towards Ohno, giving Yamato to Ohno.

"Aww..." Said Aiba suddenly. "You guys look like a real family,"

Nino could feel his face turned red because of the comment. He didn't know why but since yesterday, he felt his heart beat faster whenever he was close to Ohno. Aiba's stupid comment since this morning didn't help to calm his heart.

"Baka! We're family," said Ohno. Then he turned to look at his mother who looked at them amusingly. "You didn't tell me you will come,"

"I want it to be a surprise. Yamato wants to eat hamburger near your office so I thought to visit you as well. But, it was me who was surprised to see my son-in-law here,"

Once again, Nino found himself blushed. It wasn't the first time Ohno's mother call him that. In fact, she has been calling him that since they lived together. But, he didn't know why it was very embarrassing to be called that now.

"Well, what if I wasn't around when you're here?"

"I already check with Aiba chan,"

Aiba grinned innocently at Ohno.

"Well, let's go to eat then," said Ohno. "Nino, you're coming too, right?"

Nino was too surprised with the invitation so he only blinked in response. He looked at the watch. It was almost 12. He didn't know what time he should go out for lunch. In his previous company, he rarely went out for lunch. Usually, he will just eat while working.

"I haven't finish my work,"

"You can continue after lunch. I bet Yamato is hungry. Right, cutie pie?" Said Ohno as he brushed his nose to the boy's nose. Nino immediately nodded his head, wondering why he was jealous with Yamato.

"Ah, no wonder you look familiar," greeted Jun when Nino get back to the office with Ohno. Yamato and Ohno's mother went shopping together after lunch. "You're Yamato's uncle,"

"I'm his papa," answered Nino, sitting at his own place, which was in front of Jun's desk.

"That's what he called you. But you're not his real papa,"

Nino chose to ignore his remark and focus more on his work. But, it seems that Jun won't leave him alone as he sat on Nino's desk, blocking Nino from seeing the computer screen.

"What?" Growled Nino. He wondered why this guy bothered him even though they've just met. Did Nino do anything wrong to him?

"Nothing. I just want to have a closer look at you," answered Jun, still won't budge from the desk.

"Jun, don't tease him," said Ohno, pulling Jun from the desk.

"He's cute," remarked Jun. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Eh?" Nino was surprised. Did Jun just openly flirt with him? Or is he just teasing him?

"Do you have a boyfriend? If you don't, can I be your boyfriend?"

"Of course he has a boyfriend," it was Aiba who answered the question. Nino looked at the guy in confusion. Nino didn't have a boyfriend so why did Aiba claim he has a boyfriend?

"He is dating Ohchan right now!" Claimed Aiba and Nino's eyes became wide with surprise while Ohno coughed, also surprise with what Aiba said. Sho, on the other hand, laughed looking at all of them.

"He thought you're dating because your mother called Nino her son-in-law," explained Sho.

"They're not?" Asked Aiba innocently. "But, they looked so cute together,"

"Well, Nino and I will look even cuter together," said Jun. "So, are you single? Can I try to win your heart?"

Nino only smiled awkwardly at Jun. Win his heart? It sounded sappy. He didn't expect Jun to be that kind of person.

"Okay, guys. Let's continue working. Jun, I don't mind if you want to flirt with Nino but please be professional during office hours, okay?" Said Ohno before immediately going back to his office. Nino didn't have the chance to look properly at Ohno but from the tone, it sounded like he was jealous.

"So, can we go for a dinner together after work today?" Asked Jun, distracting Nino from looking at Ohno.

"Not today. I am busy," answered Nino. He pushed Jun away from him then continue with his work. A few times, he glanced at Ohno from his seat, hoping Ohno would look back at him.

"How was your first day?" Asked Ohno as they watched the television together at home. Nino just shrugged him off, not really sure how to answer. The work was okay but he became distracted with Ohno.

"Did Jun bother you?"

"Nope. He just asked me to have dinner with him but I refused his invitation,"


"I bet he will bring me to a high class restaurant. I'm not good with that kind of stuff,"

Ohno only laughed in return before continuing.

"If he offers to cook for you, don't refuse him. He cooks delicious food,"

"Is he always like that?"

"Like what?"

"Flirting with a new staff?"

Once again, Ohno laughed to hear Nino's question. It was a beautiful melody to his ears, which made him think how stupid he was for being cold with Ohno before.

"That's my first time seeing him like that,"

"Is he serious?"

"I think he is serious. He is not the kind of person who will play with someone's feeling,"

"But... We just meet," Nino expressed his concern. "How can he like me?"

"You're cute," answered Ohno simply. Hearing that from Ohno made Nino even more embarrassed. "Anyway..."

Ohno seemed unsure to continue what he wanted to say so Nino promptly asked him if something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?"

"I just want to apologize. I've asked my mother to stop calling you her son-in-law but she likes to call you that,"

"Ah, it's okay. My mom did the same too," answered Nino. Then, he suddenly thought of something that he had been thinking about recently. "Ohno san, if one of us get married, how are we going to take care of Yamato?"

Ohno didn't answer him, instead he continued to stare at Nino. Once again, Nino could feel something weird in his heart when Ohno stared at him like that so he turned his attention towards the television.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Ohno's voice was so low, like he was whispering, making Nino wondered if he heard him correctly.

"Date?" Asked Nino. He couldn't hide how surprised he was with the sudden invitation. But, he was even more surprised when Ohno blinked in confusion at him.

"Ah, sorry. Did I say that aloud? I don't mean that. Ah.... I mean it but not yet... Ah, I don't even know what I'm talking about,"'

Nino chuckled to see how flustered Ohno was. He wasn't sure what Ohno was talking about but he he had to calm him down.

"Don't say anything," Nino put a finger on Ohno's lips. Ohno stopped talking almost immediately.

"Are you serious about asking me to go on a date with you?" Asked Nino. Ohno's face turned red. He never imagine to see Ohno like this. His image of Ohno had always been a cool, charismatic guy who will never have a problem asking someone out. He didn't expect Ohno to be this anxious.

"Yes... But I don't want things to get weird between us... Not when we are finally getting along.…."

"Okay. When are we going for a date?" Asked Nino to stop Ohno from his babbling.


"Yamato is coming home tomorrow, right?"

"I'll ask my mother to bring him home after our date. But, why do you agree?"

"Because I like you," answered Nino simply. He wasn't sure of his feeling yet but he thought it was possible that he likes Ohno.

Ohno looked at his wardrobe, wondering what he should wear for the date. He never imagine Nino would agree. Heck, he never imagined he would ask the guy out. He admitted that he had a crush on Nino for a long time, long before Yamato's parents died in the accident but he was too shy to confess. Because he was too shy towards Nino, he ended up being cold towards him.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and it surprised him. He looked at the watch and noticed it was only 9:15 am. Wondering who might come early in the morning, he walked to the door only to be surprised to see Nino hugged Yamato. He widened his eyes as he just remembered that he forgot to tell his mother to bring Yamato home later.

"Daddy!" Shouted Yamato while Nino was scooping him up. Ohno smiled as he walked towards them, placing a soft kiss on Yamato's cheeks when he was near. However, he yelped softly when Nino suddenly did the same to him.

"Good morning," said Nino sweetly towards him.

"Ah, both of you are so lovey dovey in the morning," his mother said. "Kazu chan, are you going anywhere today?"

Hearing that, Ohno immediately noticed how Nino was well-dressed. He was wearing a jeans with a light blue shirt as well as a vest. Even his hair, which usually messy, was perfectly styled. He heard a response from Nino but he was too mesmerized with the beauty in front of him that whatever Nino was saying seemed like a foreign language to his ear.

"Satoshi, you didn't tell me you're going out with Kazu chan today. If I know, I will bring Yamato home tomorrow,"

"It's okay. We can bring him with us,"

"No. I will bring him home with me," said his mother, taking Yamato from Nino.

"We're going home?" Asked Yamato innocently once he was in his grandmother's embrace.

"Yes. Your papa and daddy have to do something together. Don't disturb them, okay?" Said his mother as she brushed Yamato's hair with her finger. Yamato pouted but complied to the request. "Enjoy your date, okay?"

Nino nodded his head and then kiss Yamato's cheeks. Ohno also followed what he was doing before Yamato and his mother left them alone.

"How long are you going to stare?" Asked Nino teasingly.

"You are so beautiful. I cannot help but to stare at you," said Ohno. He chuckled as he noticed how Nino's face turned red because of the compliment. As the results, he shortened the distance between them and pulled Nino closer to him. He looked straight at Nino, asking for permission to kiss the guy. Nino didn't push him away so without waiting any longer, he leaned in to kiss Nino.

After a few minutes, he released Nino from the kiss but still keep him in his embrace.

"I think you should get ready now," said Nino. "Or we might end up having a date in the house,"

"Well, having date at home sounds like a good idea," said Ohno and he laughed when Nino pouted because of the suggestion. "But it will be a waste for your hair. Wait for me, okay?"

"Aiba chan was right," Nino turned around. He was walking with Ohno, holding the other man's hand and swung them together when he heard a familiar voice from behind. It was Jun, looking at both of them amusingly as he continued. "Both of you look cute together,"

"Jun, what are you doing here?" Asked Ohno. He sounded guilty, perhaps because he thought he snatched Nino from Jun.

"Just walking around. How about you guys? Going out on a date?"

Neither of them answered but Jun seemed to know the answer. So, he laughed at them.

"Don't worry. We just met. The feeling was barely there so I'm totally okay with both of you dating,"

"Really," asked Nino innocently. Jun nodded his head.

"Yes. Don't worry, okay. Now, go and enjoy your date," said Jun. Nino smiled at him before he bade them goodbye.

"Is he really okay?" Asked Nino. Ohno had known Jun longer so maybe he will know if Jun was lying.

"I think so,"

"Well, if he's really okay, let's go home now. I already tell your mother that we're on the way home so she can send Yamato home,"

"I thought we're going to have a date at home,"

"Next time, okay? When Yamato isn't around,"

"Okay, I'll be waiting,"

Both of them walked happily together to go home. In Nino's head, he was wondering how did he end up dating the man next to him. But, he wasn't going to complain because he felt happy with the development of their relationship. He promised to make sure the relationship work.

A/N: It's weird, I know. This is my birthday gift for Nino.

ohmiya, living with you, fanfic

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