Cardcaptor Aiba - Chapter 12

Jan 05, 2014 20:44

To say that Clow was shocked is understatement he is totally devastated to see that I’m still alive.

“But, how? I’m sure I heard Matsumoto recite the spell just now,”

“Oh, yes. He did recite the spell but it is not the right spell to kill me. Sensei, before you make any plan, make sure you do the research properly before,” I told him that. He was shaking his head the whole time, didn’t believe that his plan doesn’t work for the second time.

“You have ruin people’s life in order to get power. You don’t belong to this world anymore and you should be dead,” I told him as I cast a spell to get my staff. I don’t know how I know about this. It is just something which is inside of my mind.

Without really thinking, I cast the spell J taught me to Clow. He has caused too much miserable and should be dead. The spell strike Clow right into his heart and as I just watched as smoke surrounding him. I was happy to see this but was surprised as I saw him standing still in front of us while laughing as the smoke slowly dissolved.


“You underestimate me, young man. You should know that I always take precaution in whatever I do. I know that the only way to kill me is by destroying my heart and that is why I hide my heart somewhere. So, you cannot kill me now. I will only die when my potion is finished. I still have some left to kill you, Ninomiya Kazunari,”

I was shocked to hear that. Why didn’t I think about this? Clow is a smart man. Even though he doesn’t really know who I really am, of course he will still be careful when taking his action. I regret my action for being rushed just now.

“Now, it’s your turn to die. But, before that, I will kill your friends first just to torture you. Hmmm, who should I start first? I guess your Ohchan will have to die first,” said Clow as he approached Ohchan. I was too late to stop him.

“Say your final words, Ohno,” said Clow but before he even have the chance to kill Ohchan, something strange happened. He suddenly grew older than he already is before he turned into a skull and finally collapsed as he turned into ashes. All of us were too surprised with what happened that we don’t realize J was in pain. Aiba was the first to get over the shock and noticed something wrong with J. He looked like he was sleeping and as I approached him with the others; I know that something worse had happened. He is dead.

“Guys, what happened to Matsujun?” said Aiba and I just shook my head, refusing to believe that J was dead. If I have to guess, I think Clow put his heart in J’s body along with the NOTHING’s spirit in order to make the body works for the card. J must have realized about this and know that the only way to kill Clow is by killing himself. I can’t believe that he sacrificed himself for all of us.

“He is dead, Aiba. He sacrificed himself for us,” I told all of them about what happened when I went to J’s house and the dream about Sakura. All of them had a hard time believing this. First, they thought that J is a traitor and to find out that J sacrificed himself to save all of us is a bit overwhelming to accept.

“So, what are we going to do now?” asked Ohchan. I just shook my head because I don’t even know what to do now? How are we going to explain about J’s death to his parents? I was about to break down when suddenly there was a light emitted from J’s body. The light started to form a shape and once it is done, I realized it was Sakura.

“Poor boy. I hope all of you are not angry with him for whatever he did in the past,” said Sakura. All of us just shook our head. It’s true that J used to betray us in the past but we are still alive now because of him. We owe J for this.

“Who is she?” asked Ohchan. I just do a quick introduction to all of them but I left the information about Sakura is Aiba’s mother. That is something that she should tell him herself.

“Sakura, if I’m not mistaken, there is actually a way to revive a Cl, sorry, my mistake, Sakura card,” said Sho. This got my attention. I don’t know about this and turned my gaze to Sakura who was smiling at us.

“As expected of Kero’s replacement. You really know your stuff. That is right. We can revive NOTHING. I can revive NOTHING but he cannot return to its card form anymore. In fact, he can be fully human after this. There is actually a simple way for the cards to be human. If they prove their worth without any hidden motives, as their creator, I have the power to make them become human,” as she said this, she began to cast a spell. All of us turned our attention to J and noticed that he slowly opened his eyes.

“What happened? I thought I have killed myself,” asked J before she realized that Sakura was standing right in front of him.

“Matsumoto Jun, you have showed me that you have kindness in your heart and that is why I gave you another chance. Your wish to become human has been granted and I hope that you will love my gift. Thanks for everything that you did for my sons,” said Sakura before she finally disappeared. So, she decided to not tell Aiba about her secret but when I looked at Aiba, I see his small smile and I guess he already know who Sakura really is. I turned to look at all of my friends who now beam with happiness after knowing that Clow has been defeated and J is still alive.

“So, what are we going to do now?” I asked all of them.

“We should get home and get some rest. Maybe, there will be new adventure waiting for us,” said J. Then, all of us headed home with the strong reminder in ourselves to not be greedy and selfish. This incident with Clow really taught us a lot of things and it also made our friendship grow stronger.


A/N: First of all, I'm sorry for a very late update. I went for a vacation and just get home yesterday. To compensate for that, I have another fic for you to read. Secondly, I know it is such a lame ending but this is the best I could think of. I hope you enjoy the story. Thank you for the support and comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfict, cardcaptor aiba

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