Cardcaptor Aiba - Chapter 8

Dec 01, 2013 01:30

The next morning, I called Aiba to come over to my house with Sho. We need to settle this thing as soon as possible and discover the identity of the real J. If we are really the reincarnation of Clow’s student, I want to know if J was actually evil from the beginning or turning evil because of other circumstances. For example, maybe he was possessed by someone else to betray Clow. Or, maybe it was Clow who was evil. Ahhhh, thinking about all of these makes my head feel dizzy. I wonder why I have to get involved in this thing.

Aiba and Sho arrived in my house. I told both of them about my dream and Ohno is the judge. At first, Ohno was reluctant to let the others know but I persuaded him to tell the truth so that it will be easier to talk about the next step to be taken.

“It’s true that we’re all related to Clow after all. Hmm, but I wonder who was the closest to J in past life? Maybe if we know more about his past life, we could discover more of his identity,” I agreed with Sho’s suggestion. But, the thing is, there are still a lot of blank spots in our memories. We just know that all of us are best friends but to know which one is the closest to J, it is still a question. I don’t even know why I am related to this. I am just one of the students of Clow, not the one that he chose as his successor, or guardian, or judge. It doesn’t make sense to have his normal student to be reincarnate if I am not chosen to be his anything. If not, maybe there are more of his students who have been reincarnated. But, I think there are only the five of us, as Clow students, who are still in this world. Who am I actually?

“It’s getting nowhere. We don’t have enough knowledge to discover about the truth. I guess there is only one way to find out then,” said Aiba suddenly. Wah, I’m surprised that he actually said something smart. More importantly, he has an idea what to do when all of us are still searching for more clues. I hope that he has a reliable idea. Knowing Aiba, we know how much impractical his ideas sometimes are.

“What do you think we should do?” I asked him. Aiba opened the book which contained all of the clow cards. In the front of the book, there is a symbol of sun and at the back it is a symbol of moon. According to Sho, the sun is the symbol of the guardian while the moon is the symbol of the judge.

Aiba let one of the cards out. It is RETURN. If I am not mistaken, RETURN is the card that will allow its user to see the past, but, according to Sho, a lot of powers are needed to use that card. I can see that the card may have been actually useful to help us discover the past, but it will put Aiba in danger, if he doesn’t have enough magic to get back into the present.

“I’m sorry, Aiba. I’m against this idea. You know that it is dangerous to use the card and you are still an amateur to use it to go back to the past. You need to be powerful enough to make sure that you will not trap in the past,” object Sho. Both Ohchan and I just nodded, agree with Sho. Aiba just pouted.

“But, this is our only chance to know the truth. We have to use it,”

“NO! Even though it is important to know the truth, but the most important thing is to ensure everyone’s safety. I’m against this idea of your life would be in danger,”

“But, if we don’t do anything, it’s Matsujun who would be in danger. Even though he has turned evil, but I know he wants us to save him. I refused to give up without trying. Even if it is a dangerous plan, I still want to do it,”

“No, you’re not going to use that card. I’ve lost you once. I don’t want to lose you again,” said Sho. Everyone was shocked hearing his statement. Sho, who realized that he had said something that should be a secret, blushed.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked him. He shook his head, refusing to answer me. Noticing that he is uncomfortable to talk about it, I changed back the topic to our initial conversation.

“I think that we should not use RETURN yet. We will try to find EARTHY and see if it can provide us with better leads in solving this mystery. If there is no other way left, I guess we would use RETURN to let Aiba get back to the past. I don’t think that J will do anything at the moment, until Aiba had captured EARTHY,” I make a suggestion. Aiba pouted, disagree with my plan but both Ohchan and Sho just smiled, and agree with my plan.

“But, we need to find something which is powerful enough to lend Aiba its power so that Aiba will not only use his power. If we really really need to use the card, we need to make the best plan to ensure Aiba’s safety. But, first, like Nino said, we will try to find EARTHY first,” said Sho. Even though Aiba disagrees, but he just pouted to show his protest. After concluding our meeting, both Aiba and Sho left, leaving me alone with Ohchan again.

“My mom sends me a text to ask me to go home tonight. Do you think you will be okay, being alone for a while? I’ll be back tomorrow. I want to ask you to sleepover in my house tonight, if it is okay with you,” suggest Ohchan. I just shook my head. My father will be home tonight after going to US for outstation a week ago. I’m pretty sure my mom will not allow me to go to Ohchan’s house. Plus, I missed my father.

“Thought so. So, see you tomorrow. Call me if anything happen, okay?”

“Ohchan, I’m not a baby, okay,”

“But, you’re my baby,” said Ohchan before kissing my lips and go away from the house. He was gone for a few minutes before I received a visitor.

“Always acting lovey dovey with your Ohchan, aren’t you?” I was startled to hear J’s voice. How long was he in my room? Is it from the very beginning? Did he have the power to make himself invisible?

“When did you come?” I asked him. I know I should be afraid with him because he is not the J that I used to know. Who knows that he may attack me, or worse, killed me? Unlike the others, I have no role in this cardcaptor thingy.

“Right from the very beginning. I know your plan to go back to the past. Too bad, it’s not going to work,”

“What do you want from me? It’s not like I’m anyone. If you want to use me as a bait to hurt Aiba, it’s not going to work,” J was just laughing. I don’t know what it so funny with my statement.

“Nino, I’m not going to use that cheap trick. I will go directly to the one I want. To be honest, I’m not interested with Aiba or the Clow card at all. It’s you, that I want,” it happened too fast. J caught me before I managed to run away from my room. The next thing I know both of us were flying out from my house.

“If you want to see the past so much, I will show you,” said J before letting out another hysterical laughter.

A/N: I hope this is okay. Comments are very much appreciated.

ohmiya, cardcaptor aiba

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