From Ohchan's Perspective

Nov 23, 2013 22:16

It's always him. Always.Even though his parents never met Ninomiya Kazunari, they keep on complimenting him because of his good results. They keep on telling him to improve his results so that he will be able to success their business. But, the thing is, he is not interested to be the heir of a big company. He just want to spend time drawing and make an exhibition for his drawing. But, as he is the only son of Ohno's family, there is no one else to take over the company. How he wish that he was born in a normal family. At least, he will have the freedom to do whatever he wants. But, he doesn't want to let go of the wonderful life he has now. Everything is wonderful except for the continuous nagging from his parents about the company and Ninomiya Kazunari.

Speaking of Ninomiya Kazunari, he doesn't know who that boy really is. He just know him as someone who was offered a scholarship from his parents' company. He doesn't even know how he looks like. But, he knows that he hates that boy. If the boy doesn't get a good result, his parents wouldn't compare both of them.

Suddenly, his eyes grew bigger. He has found a perfect solution for his problem.


"Ne ne, Sho chan, do you know who is Ninomiya Kazunari?" asked Ohno the next morning he met his best friend, Sho chan when they met in the special room made for them to hang out. He has three best friends. They are Sho chan, Aiba chan and Matsujun. The four of them together are called F4 by the rest of the students in the school. The power to control Arashi High School actually belongs to them  because their parents are the biggest contributors to the school. They don't need to wear the school uniform and can come anytime they want. In fact, it is only Sho chan who goes to school everyday. Everyone else is just as lazy as he is. Matsujun loves to go to school too, but not to study, but to bully the other students. He is a DoS after all.

"Ninomiya Kazunari? Hmm, I think I have heard that name somewhere before," said Aiba chan. As always, he is doing his weird experiment. This time, he wants to improvise his mirror man costumes so that he will be invisible. Aiba chan is actually a clever boy because he has a lot of weird idea but he just has a problem to keep focus on what he was doing. That is why his exam results are always as bad as Ohno.

"Of course you have heard of him. He is the one who received the scholarship from Ohno's company. He is the best student in first year based on the test. I heard that he always get a 100 in the test. Why are you suddenly interested with him, Riida?" explained Sho chan. Even though he was so focus in doing his homework, he still managed to give a long and detailed explanation about Ninomiya Kazunari. But,he still didn't give the answer that Ohno wants. Of course Ohno knows who he is, but the one that Ohno really wants to know is which one is Ninomiya Kazunari.

"I know that. What I mean is which one is him?" Ohno tried to rephrase his question so that Sho chan knows what he really mean. Sho chan was looking at him curiously before finally giving his attention to something behind Ohno. Ohno turned to look at what Sho chan is actually looking at. In another building, a small guy was trying to get his book from a group of students. He wondered why Sho chan is interested on that. That must be a new victim of red sticker so there is nothing unusual.

"That is Ninomiya Kazunari. The one who was bullied. Riida, why are you interested with him?"

"Did he do anything to upset Matsujun?" Ohno asked curiously. To be honest, he doesn't really know who is the victim of Matsujun because there are too many of them to keep track of. Matsujun who was before this keep quiet while reading his fashion magazine stand up and looked at the boy.

"No, I don't remember giving any red sticker to him," said Matsujun while Sho chan shook his head.

"No, they bully him because he is an eyesore. He is not a heir from rich families but actually a commoner. That is why they bully him. I was surprised on how he can still study and get a good result even with the treatment that he had received while the two of you who live comfortably always get the bad result," said Sho chan sarcastically. Aiba was just pouting hearing his boyfriend's word.

"Sho chan is a meanie. You know how much I don't like reading and studying. I am more interested in doing experiments," said Aiba while sitting on Sho chan's lap. Sho chan just stroke his hair lovingly. Ohno always choose to ignore the moment this couple being lovey dovey and focus on his target, Ninomiya Kazunari. He is going to make sure that he will find a this boy doing something bad so that his scholarship will be taken away and he can stop listening to his parent's nagging about the small boy.


It has been two weeks since he started watching the small boy. He thought that the boy may have done something bad like beating the boys who bullied him but turns out, he never done anything at all. At first, he always rebel against the boys but he stopped after a while. Each time they insulted him, he just ignored them. If they took his book or anything, he will take another book to use. Instead of hating the boy, Ohchan found himself slowly admiring how the boy is so patient and stay true to himself. It's not like he never met any commoners before this. Some of the maids in his house always try to seduce him but he never care about them. Instead of trying to act like a rich guy so that he will be accepted in the school, Ninomiya always choose to be alone. He will not try to change himself to be accepted and that is what makes Ohno started to like the boy.

"You keep on looking at that boy. Do you like him?" asked Matsujun while they are alone in the dining room. He doesn't know where the other two have gone. Perhaps Sho chan joins Aiba chan doing his stupid experiment again. Despite being the smartest of them all, Sho chan is the only one who is stupid enough to join Aiba's experiment. Maybe it is the power of love. Love can make someone be stupid.

"He is cute," he answered shortly while staring at the boy who was eating his bento silently. He is always alone. Didn't he get lonely to be alone?

"You're not answering my question, Riida," Ohno just sighed listening to Matsujun. He just nodded his head, agreeing with the statement Matsujun made before this.

"I thought so. You're always looking at him with the same look that Aiba and Sho always give to each other. I wonder how to be in love actually feels like. I never feel it,"

"You will know when you meet someone that you like. At first, you will be in denial, but the more you try to deny, the more you realized you love the other person. And, the weird thing about falling in love is you can never know the reason why you like the other person,"

"Wah, you turning out to be sappy by falling in love. Euwww, I don't want to fall in love then if I'm turning to be sappy like you," Ohno just ignored him while focusing his attention to the boy who had finished eating and will go to his class after this. He is definitely going to get bully after this. Ohno wished that he could stop the bullying on Nino. But, the thing is, he is not good with words so it may turned out to be a bad idea. He wished that Matsujun will help him stop the bullying because people are more afraid to Matsujun.

The next day came and as usual Ohno just watched Nino as always from their special room. The location of Nino's classroom is very strategic because it can be viewed from their special room. It makes the job of stalking Nino a lot easier. And as usual, he was bullied by his classmates. They took his bento and Ohno doesn't know why he suddenly feels irritated watching the scene. The bullying on Nino has to stop.

"Matsujun, you have to help Nino," he turned to look at Matsujun who was smirking looking at him.

"I thought that you will never asked. I will stop them from bullying him because in this school, the only one who gets to be bullied is the one who makes me upset. As he never done so yet, I will help him," with that said, Matsujun leaves the room and go to Nino's class. Ohno just watched from afar how everyone is so scared with Matsujun and starting from that day, all of Nino's classmates stop bullying him.

But, maybe asking Matsujun to help turns out to be a bad decision. From that day, he noticed how Nino always look at Matsujun and he started to become jealous. But, if it is going to make Nino feel happy, he will be delighted to love Nino in silence.


"Ah, I am so sleepy. If it's not because of Sho chan, I will not come to school today," complaint Ohno while trying to find a place to sleep. He wants to sleep in the special room but Aiba and Sho chan were there to have their 'private' celebration for Sho's triumph in the debate competition. So, he ended up sleeping in stairs. It was his place to hide in his first year before the special room for them was made and it is the quietest place in the school. It doesn't take a long time for him to fall asleep because he is too tired. He worked on a drawing for a long time yesterday.

Suddenly, he woke up hearing a yell from someone. Being angry to be wake up like that, he asked that person to shut up while he walked upstairs to the source of the voice. To his surprise, it was Nino who was yelling. His classmates may have done something to him again.

He was much cuter and much smaller in person. The way he blushed whenever Ohno compliments him make him cuter. Ohno doesn't know what possessed him that he started to flirt with Nino. Maybe this is a chance sent by the God to help him getting closer with this small boy. Without thinking, he invited the boy to have lunch, remembering his promise with his friend to eat together today. This boy is too small and he didn't bring his bento, so he should eat more.

The time spent with Nino during lunch was the best moment of his life. Hearing the way Nino speaks make him fall more and more in love with the small boy. He noticed a lot of eyes that kept on staring at Nino while whispering something and he really really want to punch them so that the whispers could stop. When Nino excused himself to go back to class, Ohno wished that he will not go. But, this is the first step in getting to know Nino. Tomorrow,he will make sure to spend more time with his beloved Nino.


Ohno and Aiba were alone in his room while Matsujun and Sho was out trying to find a good hayashi rice. Sho had heard from his maid that there is a good hayashi rice restaurant in a rural side of the town. As he was so sleepy to go out and Aiba wants to finish his new invention, only Matsujun and Sho go to buy hayashi rice from the restaurant. The room was so silent because Aiba was so focused on his new invention. It's weird to see him being so focused but Ohno knows that it is going to be another useless invention so he doesn't bother to ask about it.

Being so sleepy and bored, Ohno was about to fall asleep when he heard Matsujun and Sho's voice. He woke up to see a very furious Matsujun. Seriously, who had make Matsujun so angry like that?

"I am so going to give a red sticker to him tomorrow," said Matsujun. Ohno just sat at his bed listening to the conversation between his friends. Aiba, as always, find his place to sit on Sho's lap.

"Please don't. It's not him who make you angry, it is his friend,"

"But, that girl doesn't go to our school,"

"Matsujun, you are just angry because she is the first girl who punched you after your sister. She hit you pretty hard," Matsujun just glared at Sho. Ohno, who was being curious about the girl who punched Matsujun asked for more detail from Sho. He was surprised to find out that the girl is Nino's friend and hearing that Matsujun wants to give Nino a red sticker had make him plead to Matsujun not to do so. Of course Matsujun was disagree at first but after a few attempts, he decided to let it go. Ohno knows that no matter how cruel Matsujun actually looks, he actually has a good heart.

The next morning, Ohno can't wait for the recess bell to ring. However, when the bell rang, Nino was nowhere to be seen in the dining room. He then went to the stairs to see if Nino actually goes there, but unfortunately he was not there too. He was about to return back to F4 special room when he saw his friends running. Being curious, he asked them what happened and was furious to find out that Nino's classmates were bullying him. He just watched his friends save his Nino while his eyes looked at the bento that Nino brought. Being curious if Nino is a good cook, he tried the omurice that Nino make and was surprised to that it is very delicious. Nino would be a very good wife. Wait, did he just think that? Yes, Nino will be a good wife for him.

Without realizing it, he suddenly shouted about how delicious the omurice is and was embarrassed when every pair of eyes in the classroom were looking at him. The leader of the bullies who were so terrified ran away with his comrades leaving him and the rest of his friend. When Sho starts to tease Matsujun with Nino's friend, he noticed how Nino try to look happy even though he was actually sad. Seeing that makes him feel sad too. He knows how hurts unrequited love is because that is how he feels when realizing that Nino would not like him the same way Nino likes Matsujun.


It was funny trying to pair Matsujun with Mao chan. She is really really a funny girl. No one else has ever dare to make fun of Matsujun but she really managed to do so. That is why they are a very cute couple. Seeing how Matsujun started to be different after started going out with Mao chan really makes Ohno happy and sad at the same time. He is happy because finally his friend has find someone to love but sad to see the love of his life feel the same pain as he felt because of unrequited love.

He noticed how Aiba and Sho try to pair him up with Nino. They will purposely leave Nino and him to be alone together whenever Matsujun and Mao went for a date. Just like right now, both of them leave them in the special room saying that they have an experiment to investigate. He doesn't mind that but he worried that Nino may not feel comfortable with him. But, from what he saw, Nino was okay being alone with him. He still treated Nino the same way he met him for the first time and he noticed how Nino was actually give a good response to his treatment. He feels like there is a hope for them to be together. But, he was worried about something.

What if he was just a rebound? What if Nino was using him as a mean to forget Matsujun? What if there is something wrong between Matsujun and Mao in the future and Nino would go to Matsujun and leave him alone? He was sure that it was going to be more painful than what he felt now.

"Ne, Ohchan, stop daydreaming and finish your work. You are supposed to submit it today," said Nino while he continue to think about their relationship. Nino looked over his homework and just shook his head.

"This is wrong. You are supposed to do it like this," said Nino while erasing the wrong answer that he put. Then, he tried to show him the right way to do the question. But, Ohno cannot concentrate and keep on staring at Nino.

"Do you think you look cute staring at me like that? You're not cute at all. I'm the cute one, so, don't try to steal my spot for being the cutest student in the school," Ohno just chuckled hearing Nino's statement. It's true. Nino is the cutest student in the school and there is no one who would be able to beat his cuteness.

"Do your work if not Sakurai will be angry. I want to sleep for awhile. I cannot sleep at all yesterday," said Nino and he went to the couch and lying down. In just a few minutes, he was already snoring. He must be tired. It must be tough being a student and work at the same time. Ohno walks to Nino to look at his sleeping face. He was really really cute. Without realizing it, his lips was getting closer to the other guy. If not because Sakuraiba pair suddenly coming into the room, he will definitely has kissed Nino. He immediately move away from Nino before his friends realized what he was about to do.

Starting from that day, he started to ignore Nino. He was so afraid that if he kept on being closer with Nino, he is going to be hurt if Nino ends up reject him. At first, Nino was trying to be close with him again but after receiving cold treatment from Ohno, he stopped doing so as he realized the effort was futile. To avoid Nino, he always spend time in the arts room drawing a portrait of Nino.

It was a sunny day when he almost finish the portrait of Nino when the door to the arts room was suddenly opened. He was surprised to see Nino staring at him. Nino was trying to look at his drawing but he tried to block it from Nino's view. However, Nino managed to have a look at the drawing. He was surprised to see how calm Nino's expression is after seeing the drawing. Maybe he knows all this time about Ohno's feeling for him.

"How could you call me ugly. I thought that you love me. How could you say that about someone that you love," as he thought, Nino really knows about his feelings.

"It's no use, You don't love me at all," he didn't realized he was pouting when saying that.

"Who said that. I was about to fall in love with you when you suddenly ignored me. You make me feel confused," Ohno's eyes get bigger hearing that. He cannot control himself from hugging Nino. All this time, he was waiting to hear that Nino loves him and when he finally hear it, he cannot stop smiling.

"Really? Do you really like me?" he asked like a small kid. He really needs to be sure about this.

"Yes, I like you, no, scratch that, I love you," Ohno cannot control his desire to kiss Nino right now. He pushed Nino on the wall and started to kiss him. Nino was surprised at first before finally responding to the kiss. It was his first kiss and was glad to share it with a guy that he loves.

From the outside of the room, three guys were taking a peek at what happened in the arts room.
"Euwww, that was very gross. I think they can be more perverted couple than you guys," said the guy with the perm hair.
"We are not pervert, we are romantic," said the guy with sloping shoulder.
"They owe me for this. I think they should help me with my new experiment to repay for this," said the tallest guy.
"Whatever. I think we should go from here. I feel like a pervert looking at them like this," said the perm guy while pulling the other two away from the door.

A/N: I know the previous one was short and a little bit rush. I hope this was better. I want to write this because I want to write the story from Ohchan's POV. Comments are appreciated. I am new to this kind of writing so I may not be able to express my idea properly.

ohmiya, from ohchan's perspective, fanfict

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