Hanadan Arashi Version Part 2

Nov 23, 2013 03:11

Nino has a bad feeling that today is not going to be good. He doesn't know what is going to happen. One thing for sure, a red sticker will appear. He didn't blame Mao for what happened yesterday. His friend has her temper and it is just too bad that she decided to punch the almighty Matsumoto yesterday. Anyway, he still prepare a bento for F4. No matter what, he is still going to give his appreciation for yesterday to them, especially Ohno. He doesn't want to feel that he owe them. It is not much considering that his payment is not much.

When he arrived at school, he opened his locker very slowly, afraid to see its content. He sighed in relief when discovered that there is no red sticker in his pocket. Feeling happy, he went to the class.

The class went smoothly as usual. When the recess bell rang, he waited until all of his classmates went out before getting the bento out from his bag. He thought on how to give the bento to F4. Should he just went straight to their dining hall and give it to them? But, that would be too obvious. He doesn't want anyone to see it. They would said that he is trying to be close with F4 when the truth is not that. He sat still in his seat when a classmate approached him.

"Nino, what do you bring for today?" it is Arata. He is the one who starts to bully him.NIno just ignored him, considering that he may up to no good. He took his bento away before Arata's friend suddenly appeared in front of him and snatched the bento from him. Nino tried to get it back but fail because there are too many of them and they are bigger than him.

"Hahahahaha. You are being ignorant now, right after getting a chance to eat with F4? What is this? Bento for them?" asked Arata while taking the bento from his friend.

"Give it back to me,"

"What are you going to do if I don't give it back? Do you seriously want to give them this?" Arata opened the bento which contained omurice.

"Nino, Nino, my dear Nino, just because they invited you to eat with them, it doesn't mean that you are their friend. Who knows they are laughing behind you back, thinking how poor you are. I know the best place for this omurice," one of Arata's friend brought the dustbin near him and before I could stop him, he throw almost half of the omurice to the bin before a hand suddenly stopped him. Nino was too surprised to see that the hand belongs to Matsumoto.

"Didn't I tell you before that you should not waste food? Now, tell me what should I do to you? Do you want the red sticker so badly?" he looks so cool saying that which makes Nino doubt if what happened between him and Mao yesterday really happened. Why did he saved him when he was supposed to hold grudge against Nino for what happened yesterday?

"If I am the one to receive the red sticker, I think it would be better to change school. I wouldn't want to mess with F4. It would ruined my future, having feel trauma for the rest of my life," Sakurai said behind Matsumoto. Aiba who had just arrived went near Arata,

"Nino is our friend. If you bully him, it means that you asked for trouble. Tell me, do you really want to continue bullying Nino?"

"Hmm, DELICIOUS," Nino's eyes went to the bento that Matsumoto had put in his table before realizing that Ohno was eating it. Arata and his friends who look terrified to see the members of F4 ran away from the class.

"Errr, thank you," said Nino. Sakurai and Aiba smiled at him while Matsumoto went to Ohno and eat the omurice.

"It's delicious.Anyway, you owe me for this," said Matsumoto. Yes, he owes Matsumoto for this but he doesn't know how to repay the debt.

"This would be settled if you asked your little friend yesterday to go out on a date with Matsujun this weekend," said Sakurai. Matsumoto's face suddenly turned red and all his coolness suddenly disappear.

"No, why should I go on a date with that crazy girl,"

"Ahhh, Matsumoto Jun is shy. He doesn't want to admit it but he actually likes the girl. No one ever stand up against him so he feels attracted to her. Nino, you should help pairing them," said Sakurai. Nino was just smiling but in his heart, he was feeling so sad. The guy that he likes all this time suddenly feel attracted to his own best friend. He doesn't think that anyone will realized his change of mood. He didn't realized a pair of eyes was staring intensely at him, feeling sad as well, when knowing that Nino loves another person.


Helping Matsumoto to be together with Mao makes Nino feel happy. It was good that no one knows about his feelings except for Mao. Mao was against the idea of being together with Matsumoto considering Nino's feelings but Nino told her that it is going to be okay. He doesn't mind about it. As Matsumoto likes Mao, it means that he is straight, and not gay like Nino. Plus, Matsumoto is just a crush. Nino will definitely find someone else.

Actually, he thinks that he might develop feelings for Ohno. Remembering how Ohno was so kind to him in their first meeting makes Nino feel weird and confused when Ohno starts to be distant with him after a while.

"Nino, what are you thinking about?" Aiba, who suddenly coming out of nowhere surprised Nino. He is always with Sakurai, so it's kinda weird to see him alone here.

"Where is Sakurai? Aren't you always together,"

"My boyfriend has another matter related to school council to handle. So, I am here, alone," Nino was surprised to hear that. Boyfriend? Nino knows that both of them are close but he never thought that they are officially together now.

"When did you guys be together?"

"We have been dating since first year. Ne ne, when are you going to confess to Riida? You know that he is not good at talking so it would take years for you to hear him confess," Again, Nino was shocked hearing Aiba's statement. What is he actually talked about?

"Ne, Nino, I think you need to know this. We all know that you like Matsujun but Riida actually likes you long before you start to like Matsujun. I know that you think Matsujun is the one who saved you from Arata in the first year, but it was actually under Ohno's order. People won't be scared at Ohno so that's why he asked Matsujun to save you. For two years, you think that Matsujun is your savior when it was actually Ohno,"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. When he realized that you like Matsujun, he was so sad and that's why he stopped talking about you all the time. We see the difference. Nino, I know that you like him too so please take this chance and confess to him before it was too late," hearing that, Nino ran to the arts room. This is where Ohno usually spend his time whenever he is not with them. Nino saw him went there a few times before.

Without knocking the door, he went inside to see Ohno who was shocked to see him. Nino went near him to see what he was drawing but Ohno tried to block him.

"Why wouldn't you let me see the drawing?"

"Because it is ugly?"

"Oh, please, Ohchan, I know that you are the best artist in this school," Nino pushed Ohno away to see the drawing. To be honest, he is not surprised to see his own face in the canvas.

"How could you call me ugly. I thought that you love me. How could you say that about someone that you love," Ohno was surprised to hear his statement.

"It;s no use, You don't love me at all," Ohno said that while pouting.

"Who said that. I was about to fall in love with you when you suddenly ignored me. You make me feel confused," Ohno's eyes get bigger hearing that and he hugged Nino.

"Really? Do you really like me?" he asked like a small kid making him cuter than he already is.

"Yes, I like you, no, scratch that, I love you," Ohno pushed Nino to the wall and start to kiss him. Nino was too surprised to respond before kissing Ohno back. It is his first kiss and he didn't think that any kiss would beat this kiss. He was so happy that he decided to stay in this school. If he didn't, he would not meet his Ohchan.

"Ne, Ohchan, why do you like me? We don't even talk to each other before this," hearing that question makes Ohchan blushed. Seriously, he doesn't want to talk about this. He just introduced Nino to his parents and his parents instantly like Nino the moment they met him. They kept on saying to hire Nino to be private tutor. Now, they are cuddling on his bed.

"Hey, answer my question,"

"Ermmm, I don't want to,"

"Please," Nino puts on his best puppy eye and Ohno couldn't resist him so he started talking.

"Promise me that you won't get mad," Nino just nodded hearing that.

"You know that my parents keep on saying that you should be my private tutor. It is so annoying that I hate you before knowing you. So, I was trying to watch you so that I can tell my parents your bad points and maybe caused them to take away your scholarship and I would stop hearing them saying how clever you are. But, when I started to see how you ignored those people who bully you, I started to admire you before realizing that I love you so much.I admire you because you look so strong facing those bullies and stay true to yourself,"

"I am right before this. You just look like an angel but actually a devil. How could you think of taking away my scholarship? You are maou," said Nino while pulling his nose. Ohno knows that Nino is not serious in saying that.

"But, you still love me right?"

"Of course I love you. You are my savior after all even though you are maou. I love you so much, Ohchan," hearing that makes Ohno lose control and he looks intensely at Nino before started to kiss Nino. It was the longest kiss that they ever shared.

A/N: I know that I should finish Cardcaptor Aiba but I need to get this out of my head. And, this is a thank you gift for anyone who gives me nice comment about Cardcaptor Aiba. I love all of you. I changed the storyline of Hanadan a bit because I don't want it to be a MatsuMiya fic. I am an OhMiya shipper so I always want them to be together.

ohmiya, fanfict, hanadan arashi version

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