Hanadan Arashi Version

Nov 23, 2013 01:29

The alarm clock rang at 7 am. Nino switched it off while grunting. It's time to go to school and he didn't get enough sleep yesterday. He slept around 3 am because he needed to finish his homework. He has been working part time from 5 pm to 10 pm. Usually, he will work on his homework right after school but yesterday, his teacher had asked him to help him cleaning the classroom for today's event, so, he didn't have the time to finish it before working. And, the homework requires a lot of research, so that's why he needed a lot of time to finish it.

There is another reason why he doesn't like to go to the school. It is true that he chose Arashi High School right after he graduated from junior high school. It is the best school for anyone but the fee is expensive. He is lucky that his examination result is good that he get a scholarship to study in the school. He is the only one in the school who get the scholarship. In other words, he is the poorest student in the school. He thought that he is going to enjoy his high school life but he regretted it on the first day he came to the school.

The school is full of rich and arrogant people. All of his classmates refused to be friend with him because he is poor. He still remembered the first day of school. They treated him nicely at first after knowing that he is the only one who is qualified to received the scholarship that the school offered. But, during lunch break, when he put his bento on the table, they laughed at him because it is too normal. All of them brought sophisticated cuisine. They asked him what is his father's occupation and when he told them that he is just a normal salary man, they started to insult him. He felt so upset hearing that but the insults didn't stop there. They started to bully him. At first he was angry and try to rebel but then he guessed it won't change anything. So, he started to ignore their bullying and it stopped in the third month he was there. There is actually another reason why the bullying stops. But, they still ignored him in the class, like he doesn't exist. He thought of giving up the scholarship and go to a different high school but after remembering how happy his parents were after he got accepted, he decided to stay. It's okay if they ignored him, everything will be okay if he stayed away from the F4 in the school.

While walking to school, he thought about a group of students called F4 who ruled the school. Their parents are the biggest share contributors to the school and that is why they own the school. While everyone had to wear school uniform, they are exempted from doing so. They can wear their normal clothes. Teachers will never scold them and they can come and left the school whenever they want.Anyone who makes anyone of them angry will receive a red sticker in their locker and the rest of the students will bully the student unless the F4 asked them to stop. But, why would they stop the bullying when they are the one who starts and encourage the other students to bully.

The scholarship that Nino received is actually from one of the members of F4' s company. It is from Ohno Satoshi's parents. He is the leader of the group. Nino doesn't know why he is the leader when he is basically just standing there and do not talk at all. Nino guessed that he was the leader because they keep on calling him 'Riida'. Who knows that he is actually the one who plan all the bullying. Nino believe in the statement that don't judge the book by its cover. Even though he looks like an angel, who knows that he is actually the most evil of them all.

The second member is Matsumoto Jun. He is actually the one who looked like their leader. He is the one who like to punish a student. Even if a student accidentally drop food on his shoes, he will asked the student to lick his shoes. If not, like mentioned earlier, that student will received a red sticker and the bullying starts. Actually, Nino never see anyone of them beat the other students but NIno doesn't like them because they are the one who started the bullying. To be honest, Nino actually has a crush on Matsumoto Jun because he is the reason why the bullying on him stops. When he saw Nino's classmates throw away Nino's bento, he scold the other student, saying something about not to waste food. That is why the other students stop bullying Nino. In NIno's opinion, even though Matsumoto looks scary, but he is actually the kindest of them all but he is just too arrogant to admit. That's why he usually put his arrogant upfront to fool the other students.He value his pride more than anything. Nino always look at him whenever he is in the dining room and watched how he actually cared about his friends. That's why Nino likes him the most.

The third member and the reason why there is a celebration in the school today is Sakurai Sho. He just won a debate competition and the teachers decide that they should have a celebration for that. He is actually the smartest of them all, always getting the first place in his year. Oh, yes, actually the members are in their third year and going to graduate soon. If Sakurai is number one among the third year student, Nino is the first among the second year student. Nino doesn't know much about Sakurai except that he is the captain of the soccer team but fail in other sports. And, he is actually afraid of heights.

Last but not the least is Aiba Masaki. He is the sunshine of the group. Whenever Nino sees him, he always giggling or laughing and Matsumoto always hit him because he is too happy. He is the opposite of Sakurai. If Sakurai is the smartest, he is the dumbest. He always.... No, actually Ohno and him are the dumbest. They are always the last among the third year students. In fact, it could be said that they are always racing to get the worst result. But, actually he is so good in other sports, especially baseball. Nino wanted to join the baseball team but because the fee for joining clubs in the school is not covered by his scholarship, he didn't join it.

So, they are the legendary F4 in Arashi High School. Nino never speak with any of them and he doesn't want to do so even when he likes Matsumoto. The reason? He is afraid that he will upset them and it might lead him to have much worse high school life than he has now. Plus, no one actually spoke to them. They are their own circle of friend and wouldn't let anyone else enter.


"Unbelievable" shouted Nino at the stairs that he always go during recess time. In the class today, when he managed to solve a difficult question given by the teacher, his classmates whispered among them. He heard someone said that they saw him in the restaurant that he is working now. They said something that maybe Nino offered his body to get body and who knows that maybe Nino was sleeping with one of the teachers and that is why he is in the top spot. He was very angry but he couldn't let it go. That is why when the recess bell rang, he immediately go to the stairs to let go of his feelings.

"You're noisy," he heard a sleepy voice. He looked ahead trying to find the source of the voice until he saw Ohno Satoshi walked down the stairs. He looked so sleepy and Nino feel afraid now. Who knows that he will give him a red sticker after this for yelling too loud and disturb his sleep. Errr, Nino guessed he was sleeping when Nino yelled because he yawned a few times and look so sleepy.

"Oh, it's you," Nino was surprised hearing his statement. Did Ohno actually knows him?

"Do you know me?" Ohno just chuckled hearing his question. He doesn't look so sleepy now.

"Of course I know you. You are Ninomiya Kazunari. Oh, you look much cuter in person," Nino blushed hearing his comment. Ohno walked to him and smiled.

"What makes you so upset?"

"Errr, how do you know me?"

"Well, you received scholarship from my parents and they always get your exam results to decide if you are still qualified to receive the scholarship. As your results are so much better than mine, they always talked about you.They even thinking to ask you to teach me.  So, that's how I know you. ," Again, Nino was blushing hearing comments from Ohno.

"Oh my, you looked much cuter when you are shy. I was thinking to keep you in my room and not letting you out so that no one will see how cute you are," Nino's face get redder hearing that. He never thought that this sleepy guy could actually get talkative.

"Anyway, thank you for waking me up. I just remembered that I have to eat with my friends. Do you want to join us?" Again, Nino was so shocked hearing that from Ohno. Ohno just staring at him for a few minutes before deciding to pull him away from the stairs. When Nino realized what had happened, he asked Ohno where are they going.

"Of course we're going to eat. You didn't answer my question and I think that you don't bring your bento, so I decide that you should follow me. You are so thin, you should eat more,"

"It's okay, Ohno san. I'm not hungry,"

"It's Ohchan,"


"You have to call me Ohchan. We need to hurry, if not Matsujun will be angry if I arrived late,"

Once we have arrived in the dining room, everyone was staring at us. Ohno was smiling at me before pulling me upstairs to where F4 is always eat.

"Sorry, I'm late. I was sleeping in the stairs because it is the quietest place in the school. Thank god, Kazu chan wakes me up with his screaming," Kazu chan? Nino is surprised to hear that. Why is this guy suddenly become so friendly to him?

"But, why do you bring him here?" Matsumoto, being arrogant as always,just glared at Nino. NIno just staring at the ground. He never thought that he will be this close to the guy that he loves.

"He is joining us,"

"Ohno san, it's okay. I'm not hungry," and I cannot afford to pay for the food. Nino just said that silently. But, his stomach betrayed him to choose that moment growl. He should bring his bento but he forgot.

"Hahahaha. Trying to trick me. Just sit down and eat. You are hungry and thin. So, you should eat more. And, didn't I tell you to call me Ohchan," he pulled a chair for me and asking me to sit. Hesitantly, I sit down between Matsumoto and him.

"He is really cute, Riida. Just like you always said,"  said Aiba and Sakurai who sat beside him just nodded his head, agreeing with Aiba. Did Aiba just said 'Always'? Are they always talking about him?

"I know. That's why I was thinking to keep him in my room," Again, Nino was blushing hearing that again. Their food arrived and it was a Chinese cuisine.

"Aiba's parents have a Chinese restaurant and we haven't eat chinese food for a while. So, it's chinese food today for us," explain Ohno while putting the food in Nino's plate. Nino hesitantly take the first bite. It is so delicious.

"It's delicious. Thank you so much,"

"My restaurant provides the best chinese food in Japan. Don't hesitate and eat more,"

"Aiba, it's not yours. It's belong to your parents," Matsumoto who is quiet before this start talking before starting to eat his food. Aiba just sticking his tongue out at Matsumoto before starting to eat too. Nino thought that he will feel awkward with them but they sometimes talk to him causally. When Ohno told them that his parents want Nino to teach him, both Matsumoto and Sakurai agreed and asked Aiba to join them. Once the break is over, Nino excused himself to go to the class.


Nino cannot concentrate at all during work. Thank god there are not too many customers today. He kept on thinking about Ohno. Why does he treat him so friendly today? His face kept on popping his mind. Usually, Matsumoto is the one in his mind but he cannot get Ohno out of his mind at all since what happened during the break.

"Nino, what are you thinking about?" asked Mao, his childhood friend. He is actually the daughter of the owner of the restaurant he worked. Thanks to her, the owner allowed Nino to work in here after school. Today, Nino is going to receive his payment and he was thinking to make bento for F4 as a gratitude for treating him today. Even though he doubt that they will eat it, but, he is still going to give it to them.

"Nothing," lied Nino. Mao just sitting beside him, putting her best puppy face, trying to get the information out of Nino's mouth. But, NIno just ignored her.

"Fine. I know that you are thinking about that Matsumoto. Seriously, why do you like him? He is so arrogant," at that moment,  the front door of the restaurant opened signalling a  new customer just arrived. Nino looked at the front door and was so surprised to see Matsumoto and Sakurai entered the restaurant.

"Ninomiya san, what are you doing here?" asked Sakurai casually.

"I work here. Sakurai san, Matsumoto san, can I get your order, please?" Mao who was beside me gasping when hearing the name Matsumoto.

"Matsumoto? Is he the Matsumoto that you li..," Mao, who cannot keep her mouth shut when too surprised almost reveal his secret. Fortunately, Nino managed to close her mouth before she finished her sentence.

"Sorry, she is crazy sometimes. Just ignore her. So, what is your order,"

"She is too noisy or maybe over friendly. She is really suitable to be a waitress because waitress always love to be over friendly," Matsumoto makes a statement which caused Mao to be offended.

"Well, at least it was better than being an arrogant with weird perm like you. Weird hairstyle and weird fashion sense. Thank god, you're not my boyfriend.I will be so,..." Again, Nino has to close her mouth before she can continue. Mao is a bad tempered person, so, it's better not to offend her.

"What? Why are you closing my mouth. Let me finish it. It's not like I'm going to receive a red sticker. I'm not going to the same school as yours,"

"Yes, you are right. But, I can give it to Ninomiya. He is going to get bully because of you," This makes Mao angrier than before. She gets to her usual stance for punching people. Matsumoto just stared at her, not getting what she is going to do before she punched his face. Everyone was so surprised.

"Don't you ever dare trying to do that. You're going to get worse than that," said Mao. Matsumoto was so surprised to say anything. Thank god that Mao's father is not here because he has another matter to attend for, if not, Mao will definitely be punished.

Matsumoto stands up after being punched by Mao, looking surprised. He looks like he wants to say something but Sakurai stopped him and excuse both of them.

"Mao chan, you're going to get me into trouble. You know how badly people treat me in the school. If I get a sticker, it is going to get worse,"

"If they bully you, you should stand up against them," Nino just shook his head hearing that, thinking about his fate for tomorrow. Definitely, a red sticker will appear in his locker.

A/N: I'm disabling the comments because there are second part for this.

ohmiya, hanadan arashi version, fanfic

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