The Inheritance Game Part 3

Oct 03, 2022 23:43

Ohno Satoshi woke up early that morning. He would have to attend a will reading at 9 AM so he decided to visit th convenience store where his crush worked. He didn’t know what time the cute man would be working today. But, there was no harm in trying to see the man, right? Sho had hinted that today would be a busy day. So, let’s try and meet his crush first before the busy day begins.

Unfortunately, the man wasn’t there. Someone else was working at the counter when he arrived at the store. Hmm, maybe today was the off day for his crush.

Frankly, he had hoped that the reading would be cancelled again just like the previous two. But, Sho had successfully tracked down a man named Ninomiya Kazunari. Ohno didn’t know who the man was but his name sounded cute. It would be funny if the man turned out to be his crush. Yes, he didn’t know his crush’s name but he had heard the man’s friend call him Nino a few times. So, maybe his name was Ninomiya Kazunari.

That was a stretch, wasn’t it? It would be unlikely that his crush would be the man who was required to attend his grandfather’s will reading.

However, fate had a twisted way of being weird. When Ohno arrived home for the will reading, he was shocked to find his crush in the hallway with his cousin, Jun.

His Teddy Bear is Ohno Satoshi.

His Teddy Bear is Ohno Satoshi.

His Teddy Bear is Ohno Satoshi.

Nino let the fact sink in. He tried to remain calm as he looked away from his Teddy Bear. As much as he enjoyed looking at the man’s face, he couldn’t bring himself to look at his Teddy Bear. A betrayal was what he felt. But, he couldn’t blame the man. Judging from the surprised look on his Teddy Bear, he also didn’t expect to see Nino here.

The awkwardness between them didn’t go unnoticed by the other occupant in the hallway. Matsumoto frowned as he looked at them. But, Nino was thankful that he didn’t have to tell the man anything because Sakurai chose that moment to grace them with his appearance. Aiba followed behind but he didn’t seem to notice Nino’s Teddy Bear. Instead, his eyes were only on Sakurai. Good. He didn’t want Aiba to make a scene right now if he noticed Nino’s Teddy Bear.

“Satoshi is here,” said Sakurai. “Let’s open the will,”

Nino hurried back inside, dragging Aiba with him because he didn’t want his friend to see their regular customer. They took a seat on the empty sofa while Teddy Bear and Matsumoto went to sit with their parents. As expected, Aiba noticed Teddy Bear as soon as they sat. Thank goodness, Nino was quick to stop him from saying anything. He covered the man’s mouth when it opened. Sakurai saw the action and rewarded them with a chuckle.

“Are you all ready?” Asked Sakurai and Nino knew the question was directed to him. It must be because of what he did to Aiba.

But, he was wrong. The question wasn’t for him. Apparently, someone else wasn’t paying attention to Sakurai.

“Satoshi,” called Sakurai softly. His tone was playful. “Can we start now?”

Nino didn’t know what Teddy Bear was doing because he avoided looking at the man.

“Hmm... sure,” answered Teddy Bear.

With a nod, Sakurai started talking formally again.

“Well, thank you all for coming today,” said Sakurai. “After delaying this twice, it’s finally the time for us to read the will of Ohno Kazuki. As all of you know, I am Sakurai Sho and I was appointed as the representative for my firm which was entrusted by Ohno Kazuki to manage his inheritance. It is my duty…”

This was so boring, thought Nino. He would rather be at his work than listen to Sakurai Sho went on and on about the assets owned by Ohno Kazuki.

“This is fate,” whispered Aiba. His friend must be bored to be at this reading as well. Anyway, it was a surprise to know Aiba could whisper. All his life, the man had been talking loudly.

“What?” Asked Nino for clarification.

“You and him,” answered Aiba. Certainly, he was talking about Teddy Bear.

Nino ignored his friend. The will reading was boring. But, at the moment, it was better to listen to Sakurai than talk about Teddy Bear with Aiba.

“How do you feel?”

“Shut up,” said Nino in a low voice. “I need to focus,”

Aiba only pouted in return. Good, at least he would shut his mouth now.

And, Nino wasn’t lying. He wanted to focus on the will now that Sakurai had finished listing all the assets owned by Ohno Kazuki. The lawyer had started listing the inheritance left for Ohno Kazuki’s loyal employees. A couple of husband and wife who helped take care of the mansion was awarded a large sum of money along with a cosy cottage which was located within the mansion’s compound. Sakurai then proceeded by telling what was left for Ohno Kazuki’s assistant, driver and bodyguard. Since they were all outsiders, Nino thought it would be his turn next. However, he was wrong. Instead, Sakurai listed the inheritance left for Mamoru and his wife as well as Momoko and her husband. The older Matsumoto seemed unhappy to hear that they would only get a sum of money and some jewellery and painting owned by Ohno Kazuki. Perhaps he expected to get more from his father-in-law. Ohno Mamoru, on the other hand, looked happy with the inheritance he received. There was still a huge amount of assets left and Nino guessed, it would go to both Teddy Bear and the young Matsumoto.

Why was he here, Nino kept thinking. His name wasn’t mentioned. Perhaps Sakurai was wrong about having Nino as the mandatory presence for the reading. Maybe, he was invited as a joke. Ah, this was stupid!

“And, finally, to my grandsons, Satoshi and Jun…”

Sakurai continued. Now, that he mentioned the grandsons, Nino was certain he had nothing to with the will. He would not get anything from the strange old man. Coming here was just a waste of time.

“... as well as Ninomiya Kazunari who was a special person to me…”

Nino was startled when Sakurai finally said his name. Ah, so the old man wanted to give him something.

“Kazunari, I know you are wondering why you are a part of my will. For me, you are a family. A long time ago, I made a promise to your grandmother. I never had a chance to fulfil the promise. So, I see it is my duty to make sure your wellbeings are taken care of,”

“I apologize for being selfish. If the three of you are angry with me for my request, I totally understand. You can ignore my request. You can choose not to participate. But, please let this old man have his wish granted,”

Nino frowned as he listened to what Ohno Kazuki wrote. It sounded so weird. What did the man want him to do?

“I could never reunite with Kazunari’s grandmother in this life. But, I want Kazunari to officially be a member of my family. And, to do this, Kazunari has to marry one of my grandsons. Both of them are wonderful, Kazunari. Please allow yourself to know more about them,”

Nino didn’t like any of the sentences.

“Satoshi, Jun and Kazunari… please stay together in my mansion for a year. Please try to get along. And, if Kazunari falls in love with either of them, the other will receive a quarter of my remaining assets while the couple will get the remaining fortune I left behind. Sakurai has all the details and will explain them to you at the right time. If it doesn’t happen, all three of you will receive 100 million yen and my asset will be donated,”

“Kazunari, if you wish to further your studies, please do so. I will fund your education even if you don’t choose my grandsons. You can bring your friend, Aiba Masaki, to stay in the mansion with you. And, my lawyer, Sakurai Sho, who was closer to your age will be joining you in the mansion to facilitate the living arrangement. I know this is too much but please consider it,”

“As for Satoshi and Jun, I’m sorry for putting you in this situation. I know I have no right to dictate your life. But, I hope you will grant my final wish,”

A/N: Sorry if the will is weird. So, do you think Nino will agree? How about Satoshi and Jun?

ohmiya, the inheritance game, fanfic

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