Challenge Accepted - Part 7

Sep 19, 2022 22:13

The next day, Ohno and Nino headed to the client’s office for a meeting. It went well. The client accepted Nino’s proposal because of his idea to utilise the space in the bookstore. At first, the owner decided to buy more shelves to be put in the space. However, Nino proposed that the space could be used for a cafe. Since some books could be pretty pricey and not all people could afford them, Nino had proposed a space where the customers could read them in the bookstore for a price. It would be like a library. Besides, it would also allow the customers to discuss the books they were reading with other readers. Maybe, they could organize a get-together event for the customers every month.

Ohno stared at the man sitting next to him on the train. Nino was busy revising the outcome of their meeting with the client.

“Ohno-san,” called Nino suddenly and Ohno almost cursed. He was surprised by the sudden call. “The design… can you get it ready by Friday? I want three designs,”

Ohno nodded, willing to do the instruction. “Would you like me to include the materials?”

Without taking his eyes off the notebook, Nino hummed in agreement. “That would be helpful. Thank you. You have all the requirements, right?”

“Yes,” answered Ohno.

“Great,” Nino made a note on his book. “If you have any problems, let me know,”


In just two stops, they would arrive at their stop. A short walk to the office and they would arrive in time for lunch. Ohno contemplated asking Nino to have lunch with him. But, he didn’t think Nino would agree. Furthermore, there was a chance that it could jeopardise their good relationship. Debating about it for a while, he finally decided, he should just give it a try.

“Nino… err… Ninomiya-san,”

“Hmm…” Nino’s eyes were still on his notes.

“Let’s have…”

Ohno had to swallow the rest of his words when a man sat on the other side of Nino. Ohno frowned upon seeing the man. He looked like an older version of Nino. Was he, perhaps, Nino’s father?

Nino, on the other hand, paid no attention to the man. Not until the man finally talked.

“Hi, Kazunari,”

The way Nino froze upon hearing the man’s voice worried Ohno. He gulped and then slowly turned to look at the man sitting next to him. Seeing the reaction made Ohno reconsider his thoughts. Was this man really Nino’s father? If he was, why did Nino look uncomfortable to see him?

“What are you doing here?”

His voice was dangerously cold, reminding Ohno of how he talked on the phone the other day. This was not the way someone would talk to his father.

“To see you, of course,” said the man. “You’ve been ignoring me… You didn’t answer my calls or texts so I guess I should visit you,”

“I’m busy,” answered Nino, almost mumbling.

Ohno remained silent as he watched the interaction between the two. If the man was indeed Nino’s father, why was he being hostile towards the man?

“Too busy to answer a call from your father?” said the man, confirming Ohno’s thought. Nino’s red face didn’t go unnoticed. Seemed like he was embarrassed to be seen with his father. But, why? Ohno couldn’t help but wonder.

“It’s okay, I forgive you,” said Nino’s father without waiting for a response from Nino. “Did you at least read my text?”

Nino simply nodded.

“Good,” said the man. “When will you transfer the money?”

“I don’t have…”

“Oh, don’t lie, Kazunari,” the man didn’t let Nino finish. “You’ve been working hard and the amount I asked was too small for someone with your earnings. I’m sure you have more than enough for your old man,”

Nino took a deep breath without saying anything.

“I’ll be waiting for it,” said the man. “If I didn’t see any changes in my bank account, I will visit you in the office tomorrow,”

And, just like that, the man left, leaving Nino shaking.


“Leave me alone,”

Ignoring the order, Ohno closed the gap between them and hugged Nino. He didn’t care if Nino was going to be mad at him. He just wanted to comfort Nino.

It was warm. At first, Nino wanted to push Ohno away. He didn’t like it when someone hugged him. But, it felt good having Ohno wrapping his arm around him.

His day was good in the beginning. No text or phone call from the man who made his life miserable. But, who would have thought? The man dared to appear in front of him. It was even more embarrassing because Ohno was there to see the kind of life he had. He hated every second of it.

Money. That was all his father thought about. He had never worked to earn it. Instead, he depended on Nino’s mother to provide for him until the day she died. After that, it became Nino’s job to earn money for the family. When Nino received a scholarship, he didn’t have the chance to spend it. Instead, it all went to his father.

Thank goodness, Nino could finish his degree without any problem. His father, on the other hand, continued to ask for money from him especially when Nino got a job with a lucrative salary. The amount he asked for was bigger than before. As a result, Nino still couldn’t enjoy his life and ended up being a cheapskate person.

Did Nino ever try going against his father? Of course. But, it never worked. Usually, his father would disappear for a few weeks after Nino gave him the money he wanted. Then, he would reenter Nino’s life, asking for more money. Nino would try to ignore him but his father was persistent.

He had even lost his coolness in public once. It happened at Sho’s cafe. His phone was vibrating continuously because of the call from his father. Couldn’t bear it anymore, he answered the call and yelled at his father. The man, however, wasn’t affected by the yelling. Shamelessly, he kept asking Nino to transfer money to his account, threatening that he would come to the office if Nino didn’t do it. That was the last time Nino came to Sho’s cafe. He was too embarrassed by the incident. He even yelled at the chef who only came to check on the situation. Pretty sure the chef hated him because of it. He probably banned Nino from entering the cafe. That’s why Nino avoided going to the cafe now. He didn’t want the chef to chase him out.

“Oh, it’s our stop next,”

Ohno’s voice brought him back to his current situation. The other man slowly let him go.

“Are you ready to go?”

Nino nodded as he put his notebook in the bag. He stood up, ready to leave the train. Ohno immediately took his hand and pulled him out when the train stopped. Nino simply let him do so. He decided to just let Ohno lead them back to the office.

He didn’t expect Ohno would still be nice to him. He had been rude to the man, after all. A dark thought clouded his mind. It was the reason he kept pushing people away. If people knew how his father treated him, they would feel sorry for him and he didn’t want their sympathy.

Nino didn’t know much about Ohno. He seemed like a nice man. But, after seeing Nino and his father, would Ohno still be interested in him? Would Ohno still want to be a part of his life?

No, he didn’t think so. He wouldn’t let himself hope.

A/N: Maybe this didn't come out as I imagined. But, I hope it is okay.

ohmiya, challenge accepted, fanfic

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