A Familiar Stranger - Part 8

Aug 25, 2022 21:05

"Shouldn't you be asking me something?"


Ohno appeared clueless to Nino’s question. After the meal, they decided to head to the hall where the rehearsal dinner would be held. It was Ohno’s suggestion. He just wanted to see if they could help with anything. And, Nino just agreed even though he had work to do. What can he say? It was fun to be around Ohno but he would never admit it to the man.

“Hmm, you want to ask me something, right?” said Nino. He had just remembered that Ohno had a question for him before he interrupted the man with the request to stop calling him ‘Beautiful’. “When we ate just now, you wanted to ask me something. But, you never did,”

“Ah…” Ohno nodded, looking into the distance. “Maybe I don’t have to ask you anymore. I think I have the answer,”

Nino frowned. He hated when Ohno was talking cryptically like this. Can this man just be direct?

“What is it?” urged Nino. “Maybe your answer is wrong,”

Ohno shrugged. “I don’t think so. I’m sure I have the right answer,”

Nino groaned. Glaring at the man, he decided to drop the subject. The man, as always, only smiled at him.

They entered the hall and almost immediately, Ohno stiffened. Nino frowned, wondering what could cause such a reaction in the easy-going man. He looked in the direction Ohno was looking and noticed an older version of Sho talking to the wedding planner. Immediately, he recognized the man as Sho’s father.

Strangely, as if he sensed them in the hall, Sho’s father lifted his face and cast a look in their direction. He dismissed the wedding planner he was talking to and then walked toward Ohno and Nino. A look of disapproval was on his face and for the first time, Ohno looked uncomfortable.

“How are you, Satoshi?” greeted the man. He ignored Nino’s presence next to Ohno. “I didn’t expect to see you here,”

“Of course, I will be here, uncle,” said Ohno with a forced smile. “It’s my best friend’s wedding,”

“Well, my son told me that you are busy with work,” said the man. “Now that Sho is getting married, I guess you have no choice but to start working and stop depending on my son for money,”

Nino watched the exchange in silence. How he wished he could escape from this awkward situation. Ohno didn’t seem to get along with Sho’s father. But, seeing the stern look on the older man’s face, he could understand.

Ohno took a deep breath. Silently, Nino admired how the man didn’t lose his cool. If Nino were in his place, he would be mad at Sho’s father for accusing him of taking advantage of his son. He finally understood what Aiba meant when he said Sho’s father was traditional. Knowing Ohno’s job situation, he didn’t think Sho’s father approve of what Ohno did for a living. Indeed, Nino was sceptical too and worried Ohno might not have enough money to pay for the rent. But, both Aiba and Sho assured him that he shouldn’t worry about it. Besides, he could see that the man was hardworking.

“I have to go,” said Sho’s father, glancing at the clock. “Unlike some people, I am busy providing for the family. I wish you well, Satoshi,”

And just like that, he walked away.

“Kazunari, I want to return to the room first,” asked Ohno. “Will you be okay alone?”


“I will see you later,” Ohno simply went away before Nino could say anything. As Nino stared at his retreating figure, he could see Ohno was affected by the recent incident with Sho’s father. And, right now, the other man just wanted to be alone. Hmm, even so, should Nino go and comfort him?


An excited voice from behind him made Nino turn. Standing before him were Aiba and Sho, looking at him curiously.

“What are you doing here?” asked Aiba. “I don’t expect you will come down… well… I expect you will be down during the dinner,”

“Ah…” Nino scratched his head. “I was here with Satocchi but he left,”

“Satocchi?” Aiba repeated the name with a smile on his face. Nino grunted, realising the mistake he made. He shouldn’t be calling Ohno with the nickname in front of Aiba. “Things are going well between you two?”

“Shut up,”

“Don’t tease him, Masaki,” said Sho, smiling. “So, Satoshi was here?”

“Yeah, but he just left,”

“Did he speak with my father?” asked Sho. Nino nodded. From his tone, Nino would guess he already knew about it. Maybe this wasn’t the first time Sho’s father reprimanded Ohno for the choice he made.

“My father and his father were friends,” explained Sho before Nino could even ask for it. “Well, as you may have already known, my father is a bit traditional. He doesn’t like what Satoshi does for a living,”

Well, that was expected. “How about his father?”

“Satoshi’s father was okay with it. He understands Satoshi,” explained Sho. “The thing is… my father insisted that Satoshi takes over their family’s business,”

“Family’s business?” repeated Nino. Instantly, he recalled a conversation he had with Ohno months ago. Maybe the man wasn’t lying after all. Maybe Ohno was indeed a son of a vastly wealthy man. It frustrated him that he barely knew Ohno. This was unfair considering how much Ohno knew about him. Why couldn’t he remember anything about the night he slept with Ohno?

“Yes,” said Sho. “Well, Satoshi’s father is not feeling well lately. His sister is managing the company but my father thinks that as the oldest son, Satoshi should be doing it. He must be dealing with a lot of pressure right now. Ah, I am a terrible friend. I was too busy with the wedding preparation and forgot to check on him,”

“It’s okay. I will look after him,”

Nino couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth. Did he just say that? To escape the embarrassment, he excused himself to get back to the room. He needed to check on Ohno, after all, making sure the man was okay. Sho only nodded his head while Aiba grinned widely.

Ohno wasn’t in the room when Nino came back. It was empty so Nino wondered where did the man go to. Should Nino go and find him? If so, where should he go to look for the man? He had no idea at all.

As he pondered about it, the door was opened from the outside, revealing Ohno. His appearance confused Nino. The man was smiling and looked as easygoing as he always was as if what happened just now didn’t affect him at all.

“Kazunari, you’re back!” exclaimed Ohno upon seeing him. “I miss you,”

“We’re just separated for a few minutes,” Nino rolled his eyes. “Besides, you’re the one who left me,”

The man only grinned at him in return.

“Where have you been? I thought you went back to the room,”

“Awh, are you worried about me, Kazunari?”

Nino pouted, choosing not to answer. No matter what he said, Ohno would use it to tease him.

“I saw a boy eating an ice cream just now,” Ohno said. “So, I went to the shop and get ice cream too,”

“Are you okay?” Asked Nino. From the outside, Ohno seemed like his usual self. But, he was so upset when he left Nino earlier. So, how did he recover so fast? Is it because of the ice cream? Unlikely.

“I’m okay,” answered Ohno. “Why? What makes you think I’m not okay?”

“Hmm…” Nino thought for a while. “You seemed upset after talking to Sho’s father,”

Ohno smiled amusingly at him. At first, Nino expected the man would tease him for showing how he cared about Ohno. But, the man didn’t do it this time. Instead, he answered Nino’s question.

“I was upset,” said Ohno. “But, when I saw the boy eating ice cream, I remembered what you told me when we ate ice cream,”


When did this happen? Did it happen on the night they slept together? Geez, too many things he wasn’t aware of.

“What did I tell you?” Asked Nino.

“Hmm… I will tell you about it later,” said Ohno. “Right now, we should probably get ready for dinner,”

A/N: I hope this is okay :)

ohmiya, a familiar stranger, fanfic

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