The Boss & The Secretary - Without Ohchan Part 2

Jul 12, 2022 22:15

Nino retreated to his room while his friends chose the movie they wanted to watch. It was still early but he was in no mood to watch a movie. He just wanted to lie on the bed even though he knew it would be difficult to sleep.

Nino took one of Ohno’s shirts from the wardrobe, inhaling his scent. Of course, it was not enough to stop him from missing Ohno. But, he hoped this would at least help him to sleep tonight.

Right after he lay on the bed, somebody knocked on the door. It was Aiba, asking for permission to enter the room. Nino weakly told him to come inside as he raised to sit on the bed. The door was opened from the outside, revealing Aiba and Jun on the other side. The two of them entered the room and sat with him on the bed.

“Nino-chan,” Aiba called him softly. “Don’t you want to watch a movie?”

Nino shook his head. He understood his friend’s intention. They just wanted to distract him from thinking about Ohno. It was well appreciated but it wouldn’t work.

“Hmm, should we go to sleep, then?” Suggested Jun. Once again Nino shook his head.

“Go and enjoy the movie,” said Nino. He shouldn’t deprive his friends of enjoying the movie. They could still do it without him. “I will be okay alone,”

Before Jun or Aiba could object, Nino’s phone started ringing. Nino smiled happily when he heard the ringtone. It was the ringtone he set for Ohno. He quickly answered the call.


No words could describe how happy he was to see Ohno on the screen. Having a smartphone is convenient. A few months ago, Nino only had an outdated phone which he could only use to call and send text messages. Ohno, then, bought a smartphone for him and he was grateful. If he didn’t accept the phone, he wouldn’t be able to video call Ohno right now. But, he hoped this would be the only time he had to part with Ohno. A day without Ohno was just too much for him.

“Miss me, Cutie?”

Nino only smiled sheepishly without answering the question. Ohno would know how he felt.

“I miss you too, my Cutie Kazunari,” expressed Ohno. “Hi, guys,”

Ohno waved at Aiba and Jun, which reminded Nino that he wasn’t alone in his room.

“Hi, Ohchan,” said Aiba cheerfully. Jun only smiled at Ohno. “Where is Sho-chan?”

“In his room,” answered Ohno. “Are you guys going to accompany my Cutie tonight?”

“Yes,” answered Jun.”You don’t have to worry, okay? We will make sure he is okay,”

A smile from Ohno. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it,”

“Well, we shall go, Aiba-chan,” said Jun, rising from the bed. He pulled Aiba to come with him. “We should give the lovebirds some privacy,”

Aiba nodded. “We will be in the living room. If you need anything, just call us,”

“Have you had your dinner, Cutie?” Asked Ohno. Nino nodded and then told his boyfriend about his kind mother who came to cook for Nino.

“How about you?” It was Nino’s turn to ask. “How was the meeting?”

Ohno sighed, looking worried. Nino knew that look. It seemed like the meeting might not go as well as they hoped.

However, a minute later, Ohno broke into a smile. At first, Nino was confused to see his reaction. Then, it dawned on him that Ohno was just tricking him.

“It went well?” Asked Nino for confirmation.

“Un!” Ohno nodded his head happily. “You know how convincing Sho is. The client likes his presentation. We still have to wait for the official result but I think we will get this project,”

“That’s great!” exclaimed Nino. Getting the project would mean they would get busier. But, the project would help boost their company’s reputation. Hopefully, everything would go well.

“Yes, I hope…” Ohno trailed off, his eyes were on Nino’s hand. “Is that my shirt?”

“Oh…” Nino was embarrassed when he looked at the shirt he was hugging. “It has your scent so I think it will help me fall asleep,”

Expecting Ohno would tease him, Nino’s eyes widened when Ohno raised his hand to show something that Nino didn’t expect he would see. It was his favourite t-shirt. He was looking for it earlier but he couldn’t find it. Thinking it might be in the laundry, Nino ceased searching. It never crossed his mind that Ohno would steal it.

“I took it with me for the same reason,” explained Ohno with a sheepish smile.

“Get back here quickly,” said Nino, pretending to be angry. “I miss that t-shirt,”

“More than you miss me?” asked Ohno.

Nino didn’t answer. Instead, he stuck his tongue out at Ohno. He looked at the clock, noticing it was pretty late.

“We should go to sleep,” said Nino. “You have an early flight to catch tomorrow morning,”

“That’s right,” agreed Ohno. “Will you be okay sleeping without me?”

“I’ll try,”

“Hmm… how about I sing for you? Maybe it will help,”

Nino nodded, agreeing. Soon enough, Ohno’s soothing voice filled the room. And, just like that, Nino fell asleep. Ohno might be far from him. But, he appreciated how much Ohno tried to make this separation bearable. He couldn’t wait to be reunited with Ohno tomorrow.

A/N: It's been a while since I update this one, right? Hope this is okay :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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