Did you say yes? - Part 3

May 28, 2022 22:37

“I’m afraid of losing you,” said Ohno. “Will you go there with me?”


The conversation from three months ago replayed in Nino’s mind. Did he regret saying ‘no’ to Ohno?


Hmm, why didn’t he regret it? Okay, let’s get back to what happened three months ago.

“I’m afraid of losing you,” said Ohno. “Will you go there with me?”


Nino couldn’t bring himself to look at Ohno as he answered. The answer was immediate. On one hand, he was happy Ohno wanted to bring him to the US. But, it wasn’t a good idea to go there, right? His life was in Japan. His family was in Japan. He loved his job. If he go to the US with Ohno, what would he do there?

But, Ohno wouldn’t be here. Not for a year, at least.

He raised his face to look at Ohno, who smiled at him in return. Ohno didn’t seem offended by his decision as if he already expected it.

“It’s okay,” said Ohno. “I understand,”

Nino smiled weakly at Ohno. There was still another thing to discuss.

“Hmm…” Nino began awkwardly. He wasn’t sure how to talk about the other stuff. “What do you mean… hmm… when you said… hmm… you’re afraid of losing me,”

Oh god, why did he stutter a lot? Why couldn’t he just talk normally?

Ohno didn’t give him an immediate response. Instead, he stood up and took a seat next to Nino, who watched his every move with confusion. Then, he leaned toward Nino and caressed his cheeks. They touched all the time but why was the touch felt different this time? His heartbeat accelerated when Ohno stared at him.

“Can I kiss you?”

The question caught Nino off guard. His eyes widened, finding it hard to believe his own ears. He wasn’t even aware of what he did. But, the next thing he knew, Ohno was on the floor. Eh, how did his friend end up there? Did Nino push him?

“What are you doing down there?” Asked Nino, hurrying toward Ohno. But his friend only laughed in return.

“You pushed me!” chided Ohno, pulling Nino to sit next to him on the floor. “It hurts, you know,”

“I’m sorry,” said Nino. Once again, he grew nervous when Ohno wrapped his arm around his waist. “Are you serious about kissing me?”

Ohno smirked in return, pulling him closer. “What do you think?”

Nino tried to look elsewhere but he found it difficult. He kept staring at Ohno’s lips, wanting to feel them against his.

“Okay,” He mumbled.

“Hmm…” said Ohno. “What did you say?”

“Hmm…” Nino lowered his face. “Okay, you can kiss me,”

A wide smile was on Ohno’s face as he leaned forward. Nino did the same and their lips finally met.

“Pong pong,”

Nino broke out of his reverie when Aiba suddenly poked his cheeks, making a weird noise as well. He glared at the other man who only laughed in return.

“Thinking about your boyfriend?” Teased Aiba.

“Shut up,” chided Nino. “I thought you were sleeping,”

“I was,” explained Aiba, still grinning. “I woke up a few minutes ago and found you smiling,”

Nino grunted knowing that Aiba would not stop teasing him. Urgh, he started to regret telling Aiba about dating Ohno.

Oh, yes, he had started dating Ohno three months ago. They had a little talk after their first kiss where both of them admitted their true feelings. Ohno was hesitating about going to the US. The fear of losing Nino… the fear that Nino would date someone else… was too overwhelming for him. But, he also understood why Nino wouldn’t want to go and wouldn’t force him to come. It was hard to convince him but in the end, Ohno agreed to go because he might not get another chance.

“Promise me you will not flirt with other guys when I’m not here,”

“Yes, Ohchan. You don’t have to worry. You’re the only one in my heart.,” said Nino, kissing Ohno lightly on his nose. “The same goes for you. Don’t flirt with the Americans, okay?”

“Of course not,” responded Ohno. “I doubt they will be interested in me,”

Nino looked at their intertwined hands. How much longer did they have until Ohno left?

“I will come to visit you,” whispered Nino. Ohno looked at him in disbelief. It’s understandable. Nino wasn’t the type to go for a vacation.

“Are you serious?” Asked Ohno. “You will do that for me?”

Nino nodded, loving the smile on Ohno’s face.

And, three months later, he finally came to visit Ohno in the US. When he told Aiba about the plan, his friend volunteered to follow and now, they were on the plane, heading to meet Ohno. Glancing at Aiba who was watching a movie, Nino decided to get some sleep. In a few hours, he would be reunited with Ohno and he was excited. He had news to tell his boyfriend.

A/N: Any ideas what the news would be? Haha. One more part, I guess. Hope you enjoy reading this weird fic.

ohmiya, did you say yes, fanfic

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