Did you say yes? - Part 1

May 07, 2022 16:45

"Did you say yes?"

Nino, who was eating his lunch, almost choked on his food when someone smacked his shoulder. The culprit took a seat in front of Nino with an intense stare. It was his best friend, Aiba Masaki.

“Idiot!” snorted Nino, shooting his friend with a glare. “Can’t you see I’m eating? Why did you smack my shoulder like that? I could have died, you know,”

“Sorry,” responded Aiba. “But, I can’t wait to know your answer. Did you say yes?”

“Say yes to what?” Asked Nino. “Give me some context first. I don’t know what you’re talking about,”

Typical of Aiba. He didn’t know how to start a conversation properly.

“To his…” Aiba suddenly stopped. He frowned. Then, in a lower voice, he asked. “Ohchan didn’t ask you yet?”

“Ask me what?”

Ohchan… that’s the nickname for Ohno Satoshi, their friend. Nino knew Ohno first because both their mothers were friends. They grew up together and Nino couldn’t think of a time when Ohno wasn’t there because Ohno was always with him. Always.

“OMG!” yelled Aiba. Nino quickly scolded him, feeling embarrassed when everyone else looked at them. “I almost ruined it!”

“Ruined what?” Asked Nino curiously. What would Ohno ask him? Why would Aiba be excited to hear his answer? And, why would he say yes? Nino wanted answers to all the questions he had.

“Nothing,” answered Aiba awkwardly. “Bye,”

His friend ran before Nino could interrogate him. Urgh, this man was so quick when it came to running and escaping.

Damn! If Nino didn’t have to work after this, he would go to Ohno and demand an answer. Well, that would be something to do after work today.

Stupid Aiba!

If it wasn’t for him, Nino wouldn’t be thinking about Ohno during work. Didn’t he know how hard it was for Nino to focus on his work when he constantly thought about Ohno?

The stupid man was also gone after lunch for an appointment so Nino couldn’t talk to him. Urgh!

Of course, he thought of calling Ohno just to ask if the man had something to ask him. He just wanted to be at peace so that he could stop thinking about it. But, he had no idea how to bring it up. Hey, Ohchan… do you have something to ask me? Wouldn’t that be a weird way to start a conversation?

Once he finished all his tasks for the day, Nino quickly switched off his computer, ready to go to Ohno’s house. However, when he got out of the elevator, he was surprised to see a familiar figure in the lobby. It was Ohno, dozing off. Scratching his head, he approached the man.

“Hello, sir,” Nino shook the man’s body vigorously, deciding to tease the man a bit. “You cannot sleep here!”

He laughed joyfully when Ohno woke up, looking at his surroundings confusedly. When he saw Nino, a big smile was on his face.

“Kazu…” said Ohno, reaching out to touch Nino’s cheek and squeezing it. “Don’t tease me like that,”

“Well… it’s your fault. Who asked you to sleep in the lobby?” retorted Nino. Why was Ohno here, anyway? To ask Nino the mysterious question where Aiba thought he would say yes?

“Why are you here?” Nino didn’t waste his time asking.

“I’m here to see Aiba-chan,” answered Ohno.

“Oh…” responded Nino, hoping he didn’t show how disappointed he was to hear Ohno was here for Aiba and not him. “Well, he’s not here. He had an appointment outside,” explained Nino. “Hmm, I should go. I have things to do,”

He was about to leave but Ohno’s strong grip on his hand stopped him.

“Not here for Aiba,” teased Ohno. “I’m here for you. Let’s have dinner together tonight. I will cook for you,”

He wanted to refuse as a punishment for Ohno for teasing him. But, how could he say no to Ohno’s cute face? With a nod, he followed the man home, hoping that Aiba wasn’t lying to him and Ohno would finally ask the mysterious question later.

A/N: So, do you think Ohno really has a question to ask Nino? If yes, what do you think the question would be? And, will Nino say yes to it?

ohmiya, did you say yes, fanfic

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