Challenge Accepted - Part 3

Apr 01, 2022 22:18


Nino watched from the pantry entrance as Aiba greeted the new staff. This was insane. How could this man fit the description that he told Aiba earlier?

“I’m Aiba Masaki,” Being friendly, Aiba was quick to introduce himself. The older staff who surrounded the man slowly left the pantry, leaving Aiba alone with him. “You can call me Aiba-chan,”

The look of recognition flashed on the new staff’s face upon hearing the name. Interesting, Nino noted. Why did the man look happy when he heard Aiba’s name? Did the people in the Kyoto branch gossip about his friend over there and that’s why the man recognized the name? That wouldn’t be a surprise considering his amiable nature made it easy for people to befriend him. After all, his friend often joined the company’s events organized for both the headquarters and the branch. Nino, on the other hand, would only join if it’s mandatory.

“I’m Ohno Satoshi,” said the man.

“Can I call you Ohchan?” asked Aiba, interrupting the man named Ohno when he was about to add something else. Ohno chuckled in response. Nino watched the exchange with interest, admitting that the man had his own charms.

“Sure,” said Ohno. He looked eager to ask Aiba another question. “Hmm… don’t you have a best friend who works here with you?”

Huh? The question took Nino by surprise because he didn’t expect Ohno would be asking Aiba about him. Why was the man interested in him, though? Did the staff in the Kyoto branch also talk about him there?

As he was lost in his thoughts, thinking about the reason Ohno was interested in him, he was suddenly hit on his shoulder. He looked beside him, noticing Aiba was already there, grinning at him. Stupid Aiba! He was always like this. It might be a playful hit but the man wasn’t aware of how strong his punch was especially on someone fragile like Nino.

“Here he is!” said Aiba cheerfully, pulling Nino towards the new staff. “This is my best friend, Nino. He is a brat. But, don’t worry. He is a nice man,”

“That hurts, dummy!” chided Nino. He was about to say more but the look on Ohno’s face made him stop. The man was staring at him curiously.

“What?” He said to the man, not caring that he sounded rude. The man was at fault here. He was staring at Nino. Didn’t he know that it was rude to stare at people? Besides, he was already asking Aiba about Nino. What business did he have with Nino when the two of them didn’t know each other and had just met?

“You’re rude,”

Nino’s eyes widened and couldn't believe what he had just heard from the man. Who was he to call Nino rude?

Perhaps sensing the change in his mood, Aiba quickly pulled Nino away from the new staff. The man was stronger than Nino so he had no trouble bringing him away. But, it didn’t mean Nino would let this go. The new staff would get the punishment he deserved for being rude to Nino.

You’re so cute!

That was what Ohno wanted to say. He couldn’t take his eyes off Nino when Aiba introduced the two of them. Never before had he met someone as cute as Nino. His nose, his eyes, the mole on his chin. Everything about Nino was so cute to look at. That’s why he had been staring at the man. How could Jun claim someone cute like Nino rude? It’s unbelievable!

But, he was flustered when he found Nino was glaring at him and that’s why he blurted the first thing in his mind. Blame Jun for planting the thought of Nino as a rude person to him. Instead of telling Nino how cute he was, Ohno ended up saying the man was rude. Unfortunately, he also didn’t get the chance to apologize because Aiba immediately pulled Nino away. He followed them to the bullpen but was not allowed a chance to talk with Nino because his new boss had arrived. He was introduced as the new staff and then, it was pretty much a busy morning.

Well, the busy one was Nino, not him. The man barely took his eyes off the computer screen. Ohno was asked to occupy the empty seat next to Nino, allowing him to properly watch the other man whenever he had a chance. He noticed the phone on Nino’s table and it sometimes lighted up, signalling that someone was calling Nino. Nino would glance at the phone and then ignored most of the calls. Apparently, the one he answered was related to work, judging from the conversation.

“I have a meeting outside,”

It was not his intention to eavesdrop but with Aiba sitting on the other side of Nino, Ohno could hear what the man said. Besides, Aiba’s voice was quite loud.

“Okay,” came Nino’s short response.

“I might not come back for lunch…”


“Make sure you eat, okay. If you don’t want to go to the cafe, you can order online. Don’t eat instant ramen,”

“Yes, Mom,” responded Nino.

A sigh came out from Aiba and for Ohno, it indicated that the two of them often had this kind of conversation and Aiba was perhaps tired to hear Nino’s response.

“I’m serious, Nino-chan. If you don’t…”

“Stop nagging or you will be late for your meeting,”

Eyes still on the computer, Nino reminded Aiba who looked at his watch and then quickly said goodbye to Nino before he hastened to go out.

“And you, Ohno-san…”

Ohno was startled when his name was mentioned by Nino. Did the man notice he was looking at him?

“Why are you staring at me? You should be working,”

“Sorry,” He said timidly before continuing with his task.

And it was finally time for lunch. Of course, Ohno still tried to steal a glance or two in Nino’s direction. But, the man still had his eyes on the computer. The other staff invited Ohno to have lunch with them but he politely declined them. Sho had warned him that the cafe was rather busy during lunch so he had Jun pack the meal for Ohno.

On the other hand, nobody invited Nino to have lunch with them. They just smiled at the man, excusing themselves to go out for lunch. Thinking about the conversation between Nino and Aiba, Ohno deduced that Nino seldom ate during lunch and that’s why nobody bothered to invite him. Instead, the man put his head on the table with his eyes closed.

Without thinking, Ohno put the pasta that Jun had made for him on Nino’s table.

Nino opened his eyes in confusion when he heard the noise. What caused the noise, he wondered. He looked to his left and noticed a container from Sho’s cafe on his table. Huh? He looked around, searching for the person who put it there. Nobody else was here. Only him and Ohno.

“Is this yours? Why did you put it on my table?”

“It’s for you,” answered Ohno, sounding timid. It earned a frown from Nino. Why would Ohno give him food? As a form of apology for what he said this morning, perhaps?

“I don’t need this,” He told Ohno. Once again, he was aware of the harsh tone he used toward the man. But, he couldn’t help it. He was still mad at Ohno.

Nino was about to push the container away when he realized something. When did Ohno go to get the meal? Their break time only began about ten minutes ago and Ohno hadn’t left his seat yet. Even if he indeed left the office, how did he get the meal so quickly? Sho’s cafe usually took around fifteen to twenty minutes to prepare their meal. Delivery? Hmm, perhaps.

“When did you buy this?” Asked Nino.

“Hmmm… I didn’t,” answered the new staff. “Jun-kun gave it to me this morning,”


“The chef at the cafe,” explained Ohno. Immediately, an image of a guy with thick eyebrows appeared in Nino’s mind. “He and Sho-chan are the owners of the cafe,”

“You know Sho-chan?” Nino was now more interested in the man sitting next to him. “How?”

“He is my childhood friend. And, now, I live with him and Jun-kun,”

Oh, interesting.

“Hmm…” Ohno looked uncertain to continue. He looked timid this time, unlike how he appeared to Nino earlier this morning. “Do you want to eat with me? I don’t think I can finish it alone,”

“I’m not hungry,”

That was a lie, obviously. Of course, he was hungry. But, he chose not to eat today, preferring to save the money for something else. Yes, people often thought of him as a stingy person who only spent his money for his game. But, they didn’t know his story. Even Aiba, the person closest to him, didn't know the full story. Only a bit here and there.

Even with the good job he had, the salary he received was never enough. And, it’s all because of…

He didn’t have the chance to finish the thought when Ohno took his hand.

“Just come and eat with me please,”

The way Ohno looked at him made it hard for Nino to refuse him. So, he nodded and followed Ohno to the pantry.

ohmiya, challenge accepted, fanfic

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