goodbye dear megaupload (MU).. T.T

Jun 11, 2011 14:33

this article says it all...

i really don't care about the other websites but just not MU..

now i can only count on mediafire (MF) to download things...

and if the uploader refuse to upload their things on MF, i just had to forget about it i guess... T_T

just great!! >.<"

come on Malaysian, click the link and like the page: 1M Malaysians Don't Want Read more... )

! own thought

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Comments 49

ianne_xxyl June 11 2011, 07:21:04 UTC
waa, im sorry to hear it. is it implemented already? i can't imagine it if it happens to my country.


faradakiut June 11 2011, 07:25:00 UTC
yup... been trying to download these past fews day but never get through... T_T


ianne_xxyl June 11 2011, 07:30:12 UTC
im really sorry to hear that. i'm getting sad too cause i don't know how to cheer you up. huhu. everything's goign to be fine one way or another..


faradakiut June 11 2011, 07:56:01 UTC
it's ok.. thank you very much for your concern... ^^
well, i should be happy since they didnt know about MF also right? ^_^


diahlee486 June 11 2011, 07:47:14 UTC
wait!kenapa dgn MU???


faradakiut June 11 2011, 07:57:38 UTC
malaysia block.. dh xleh download pakai MU lg..
ade certain yg bleh download lg tp sy dh xleh download dh hampir 1minggu.. T_T


diahlee486 June 11 2011, 08:17:24 UTC
oh no! oh no!susah la gini T^T


faradakiut June 11 2011, 08:39:58 UTC
tu la.. baik cepat2 download mana2 yg gune MU sblm kene block... sy dh xsmpat ni, pasrah je...


nezu_ri June 11 2011, 09:00:41 UTC
awww.. so sad.. :'(
but you're still lucky that you can download things from MF
i'm in china and i can't download from both MU and MF T_T
and it means no downloading at all T_T


faradakiut June 11 2011, 09:03:56 UTC
aw~~ that sucks... really~
but yeah, i need to be grateful for MF.. ^^


nezu_ri June 11 2011, 09:13:52 UTC
deshooo~ X(
i can only save the link 'till i go back to indonesia next holiday..
and no facebook, no tweeter, no youtube, no blogspot too here.. T_T


faradakiut June 11 2011, 10:19:15 UTC
wah~~ cant imagine to live over there.. >.<"


pamelaxiah June 11 2011, 09:56:31 UTC
malaysia block MU???
why it happen??
hope that indonesia really do it...
it really difficult if depens from MF


faradakiut June 11 2011, 10:22:22 UTC
i dont know what the gov. thinks.. >.<"
well its either MF or nothing at all...
i cant even download my anime anymore coz the website only provide us with MU.. T_T


nezu_ri June 11 2011, 10:39:55 UTC
eeeh? please dont make indonesia gov. do that too.. >.<'


pamelaxiah June 12 2011, 01:26:29 UTC
i'm not sure now..
coz indonesia gov reallly weird


iedahmoin June 11 2011, 10:59:56 UTC
tapi ieda takat ni boleh lagi dw pakai mu..
tapi lebih lambat dr biasa,xtaula kalo ada masalah line
this is SERIOUS!!


faradakiut June 11 2011, 11:11:01 UTC
dia block tgk internet provider...
ieda gne ape? sy gne P1 wimax...


iedahmoin June 11 2011, 11:12:51 UTC
ieda guna streamyx jer...
lambat pun tahan jer yg mampu
kiranya p1max lar yg block sume file host share tu?


faradakiut June 11 2011, 11:15:40 UTC
sepatutnye semua, tp p1 wimax ni advance sgt, block awal2... mmg nk kene potong ni~ >.<"


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