[multi-chapter] The Tale of Ten Songs - Silver Ring (9/10)

Mar 25, 2011 12:06

Title: the tale of ten songs
Author: faradakiut  
Paring: Sakuraiba
Rating: PG-13 (will change accordingly)
Summary: ten different SONGs tell a story of LOVE...
Disclaimer: don’t own them.
A/N: I’m weak against time frame, thus I’m changing the rules a bit… XP
and also unbeta-ed...

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.
3. List down the title of the first 10 songs you’ve heard.
4. Write a sequence of one-shot/drabble based on that 10 songs (you can arrange them to your liking), then post it.

Songs chosen:
✔Secret eyes
✔I want somebody
✔Cry for you
✔Beautiful days
✔Be with you
✔Silver ring
One love

Silver Ring

“I’ve been thinking, Satoshi.”

“About what, Master?”

“About Michiyo,” the old man looked away from the portrait of his daughter to look at his faithful butler who was standing next to him. “... and Masaki” he continued.

“May I ask what the outcome of your thinking is?”

The old man sighed before making his way to the window. He looked up to the sky as he continued. “It’s my fault for losing my daughter in that accident. If only I choose to listen to her, she might still be alive right now,” he looked back to his butler and smiled sadly.

Ohno had heard about it from his father and he still remembered it until now. Miss Michiyo had finally come back after 5 years fled from home. She had brought her 3 years old son together. Despite missing her, Aiba Hiroki chose his pride over his own daughter. The news about the accident came not long after Michiyo left the house. The car Miss Michiyo and her husband were in had bumped head-on with another car drastically on their way back home. Masaki and a boy in the other car however had survived the accident miraculously. Aiba Hiroki had decided then to take both boys under his care. Ohno was too young to remember everything in detail but he couldn’t forget hearing crying voices filled the huge mansion soon after the boys were taken in.

“You shouldn’t blame yourself to much, Master. You’ve also suffered due to the accident.”

“I know, Satoshi. But I’m somewhat responsible for ruining those boys’ life. I can’t help to think of ‘what if’ sometimes. Masaki and Kazu wouldn’t be separated from their families.”

“I’m sure they understand your regret, Master.”

The old man smiled to the remark. “You’re indeed a good listener, Satoshi. Just like your father.”

“It’s my family’s honour to able to able to serve a kind man like you, Master.”

A knock on the door caught their attention. “Please excuse me, Master.” Ohno walked towards the door to answer it before being pulled outside by a pair of hand, shutting the door behind him. Aiba Hiroki just shook his head, too familiar with the situation. A few minutes later, he heard a soft knock on the door before Ohno stepped back in.

“Master, you have a guest.”

Aiba Hiroki smiled as he got the feeling of knowing who the visitor was. “Let him in.”

A young man suddenly appeared behind Ohno with a huge grin plastered on his face. “Aiba-jii,” the young man greeted him.

“What a pleasant surprise, Jun” Aiba Hiroki said as he signalled the guest to sit on the couch. “How’re your parents doing?”

“Great as always,” Jun replied as he sat across the old man.

“Good to hear that,” Aiba Hiroki said with a smile. He sat down on the “Now tell me everything I missed about you.”

Ohno smiled looking at Jun talking animatedly with his master as he stepped outside and closed the door. Jun used to live next door until few years ago. His father was transferred to another country and his parents refused to leave him alone in Japan despite their good relationship with Aiba’s family. They simply wanted to be able to watch their son’s growth and Jun, being a good son, agreed. They moved as soon as their son graduated from high school. He knew that old man was very happy to see the younger since they haven’t met in years. The old man had treated the four of them as his own grandson.

“What is it?” the old man asked upon seeing Jun fidgeted in his seat as his eyes fell on the clock hanging on the wall.

“I have one and a half hour left before my flight,” Jun said timidly as he turned to the old man in front of him.

“Go, don’t mind me. I know you miss your friend.”

“Thank you, Aiba-jii,” Jun said before excusing himself. “Nice to see you’re doing fine. I’ll tell my parents you said hi and I promise to drop by again.”


“To think that I’ve come just to see him,” Jun complained upon realizing Aiba’s not home. He watched as Nino struggled with the task in his hand. “So, where is he now?” he asked the shorter.

“How should I know,” Nino said nonchalantly. “Go find him yourself. Don’t you see I’m busy?”

“Yeah, busy playing your videogame,” Jun said, rolling his eyes. He took out his phone to call Aiba. “Hey brat, did Masaki change his phone number?”

“Don’t know, don’t care,” Nino took his cellphone and threw it into Jun’s arms before back grabbing on the controller. “Search for yourself and leave me alone.”

Jun snorted as he went through the numbers in Nino’s phone before smiling upon seeing the name he was searching for. He pressed the call button and waiting for a few second before the other end picked up the line. “Hel-”

“Nino, sorry. I can’t talk right now. I’m late.”

“Wait, where-” click. “How dare he hang up on me,” Jun said as he called the number again.


“Where are you going?” Jun asked without waiting for Aiba to finish.

“Ah, Sho-chan told me to meet him at the cafe down the street. Nino, your voice sounds strange, are you-” click. Jun let a smug crept on his face as he hung up on Aiba. A few minutes later, he found himself heading towards the cafe Aiba mention earlier.


Sho gripped tight the box in his jacket as he walked out of the store. This is it, he thought. This is the moment if truth. Everything will change after this. Everything will never be the same again. The end will either be happy or sad for him. He had thought of everything before making up this decision. He looked at his watch and realized he had 15 more minutes before Aiba would come so he decided to walk around to pass the time.


Jun stood in the middle of the walking lane, avoiding from being bumped into by passerby, to look around the place. He mentally hit himself to forget to ask Aiba the name of the cafe. There got to be almost a dozen cafes around that area and he had the slightest idea on which cafe Aiba would be heading. As he fidgeted, he accidently bumped into a man causing him to fall down.

“Ah, my bad. Are you, ok?” Jun asked as he helped the man up to his feet. Then he saw a small box not far from where they were standing and walked over to get it.

“I’m fine, thank you,” the man answered politely. He wiped the dirt of his jacket and fixed it slightly.

“This must be yours,” Jun said as he returned the box back to its owner.

“Ah, thank you,” the man took the box and shoved it into his jacket hastily. He looked at the watch on his wrist before bowing slightly to Jun and turned to leave.

“Good luck,” Jun shouted to overcome the noises around them. He watched the man made his way to his partner, probably didn’t hear him, before focusing back on the search. He was about to walked away when he heard a very familiar voice calling an unfamiliar name.



Sho turned to the voice and waved back as he saw his lover across the street. He chuckled upon seeing Aiba hesitated on crossing the busy road before running happily towards him.

“Have you waited long?” Aiba asked as soon as he reached his lover.

“Yes, I was about to go home right now,” Sho said and laughed when Aiba pouted. “You look cute when you pout,” he said as he pinched Aiba’s cheeks.

Aiba grinned upon hearing Sho. “So, where are we going today, Sho-chan?” he asked as he clung onto his lover’s arm.

“Lets have a seat, I have something to ask you,” Sho said as he led the way to the nearest unoccupied bench. They sat down in quiet for a few minutes before Sho turned properly to his lover. “Masaki,” he started but then he went silent for another minute before Aiba broke it.

“What is it, Sho-chan?” Aiba asked with worried. “If it’s about breaking up, I-”

“No, NO!” Sho said quickly. He didn’t want Aiba to feel uneasy right at the moment he was about to pro- pro- damn he can’t even thought the damn word.

“What is it then?” Aiba asked impatiently.

“Would- would you-” Sho inhaled deeply before continuing. “I wanna ask you- would- would you- I-” he couldn’t finish his words as someone suddenly appeared in front of them smiling. He frowned while Aiba’s eyes widened upon seeing the man.

“Jun-chan!” Aiba shouted with excitement. He stood up and hugged the other man without hesitation causing Sho’s eyes to widen in disbelieve.

“Who are you?” Sho asked as soon as he secured Aiba from the other’s arms.

“Jun-chan’s my friend,” Aiba answered from behind Sho’s shoulder earning a smirk from Jun. Sho’s eyes squinted as he looked the man from up to bottom. This man was too suspicious to be Aiba’s friend; but then again, Aiba was in fact friends with that Ninomiya.

“And you are-?” Jun asked as he crossed his hands in front of his chest.

“Masaki’s fiancée,” Sho answered earning a gasp from Aiba.

“Really?” Jun asked sarcastically. “I don’t see any ring on his finger.”

Sho pulled Aiba to the front and took out a silver ring from his pocket. He put the ring on his lover’s finger before showing it in front of Jun’s face. “There is now,” he said before pulling Aiba away.

Aiba was too surprised with Sho’s sudden action can only let himself being dragged by Sho. He barely noticed Jun, grinning and waving farewell to them.


“I’m sorry.”

“Jun’s my childhood friend, just like Nino and Oh-chan.”

“You never mention about him before. How should I kn-” Sho stopped upon feeling Aiba’s fierce gaze on him. “I’m sorry, Masaki. I really am. At least you’ve got the ring,” he smiled hesitantly before looking back down.

“That was the worst proposal anyone could ever received,” Aiba said as he looked at the ring once again. Sho noticed that he kept touching the ring ever since he wore it.

“I know, I’m sorry,” Sho said sadly he stood up, ready to give up upon hearing Aiba’s cold tone towards him. “You can return the ring if you want to, I don’t mind.”

“I’ll keep it,” Aiba said without taking his eyes off the ring on his finger.

“Does that mean, you accept my proposal?”

“No,” Aiba said as he played with the ring on his fingers. “That means I’m thinking about it.”

Sho smiled as he looked at the stubborn man in front of him. “You can return that first while you make up your mind,” he said as he tried to take the ring off Aiba’s finger.

“No way I’m gonna return this,” Aiba said as he hid his hand behind his back. He was about to defend the ring with his life when he realized Sho was only teasing him. “I hate you,” he said as he turned around giving Sho his back. He gasped when a pair of hands snaked around his body and Sho’s chin rested on his shoulder.

“Masaki,” Sho whispered to Aiba’s ear. “I didn't really give much thought to the future before I met you and now that I have you, I never want to let go, because I don't want to lose you. I can't afford to buy you anything expensive yet. For now, I’ll give you everything I had; I’ll do what I can.” He stopped to turn Aiba to face him before continuing.

“When the nights are cold, I’ll hold you close. When the days are hot I’ll be your umbrella. When you're crying, I’ll wipe away all your tears. When life is hard, I’ll go through it with you. When you need someone, I’ll be the one. Would you marry me?”

Aiba tried his hardest not to bawl right that instance. He nodded timidly before looking down to hide his tears. He looked up only when Sho cupped his chin and closed his eyes as he felt Sho’s lips moving softly against his. Sho smiled as they broke the kiss and wiped away Aiba’s tears. He slipped his fingers into Aiba’s hand and pulled him closer to walk back home.


it's been a while, ne~ >.<"
jun made his appearance here...
no more angst coz my brain is tired from reading too much angst~ XP
anyways, one more song to go and we're done...
comments are love~♥

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, title: the tale of ten songs, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
