[multi-chapter] The Tale of Ten Songs - Secret Eyes (1/10)

Jan 19, 2011 10:31

Title: the tale of ten songs
Author:  faradakiut 
Paring: Sakuraiba
Rating: pg-13 (will change accordingly)
Summary: ten different SONGs tell a story of LOVE...
Disclaimer: don’t own them.
A/N: I’m weak against time frame, thus I’m changing the rules a bit… XP
and also unbeta-ed...

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.
3. List down the title of the first 10 songs you’ve heard.
4. Write a sequence of one-shot/drabble based on that 10 songs (you can arrange them to your liking), then post it.

Songs chosen:
✔Secret eyes
I want somebody
Cry for you
Beautiful days
Be with you
Silver ring
One love

Secret Eyes

His eyes darted around the place as soon as he stepped inside. He frowned to the situation and sound of slow music in that huge place as he closed the door behind him. The sound of people chatting and laughing quietly kind of annoyed him. He walked slowly across the room and nodded as he came across a few people he knew.

Every year, despite being well-known to most of the staffs (because he actively involved with most of the company’s project), Sho managed to escape the annual gathering of his company. But this year, it was different. As if noticing that he never once come, his supervisor personally invited him and there was no where he could decline that old man’s invitation.

Sho intentionally arrived later than everyone else to that party to avoid having to greet every single person in the room. He thought that he could come, greet his supervisor and a few companies’ director before disappeared from there without anyone noticing. Not that he was anti-social type of person, but he wished to rest after hours working his butt off.

As he finally managed to greet his supervisor (and being dragged around by that old man to be introduce to his colleges), Sho settled on a couch at the corner of the huge hall. He looked around once again to make sure his plan worked. Just when he thought about sighing, he heard someone beside him. He turned to see a man around his age looking back at him. They stared into each other eyes for a good few minutes. Sho tried to smile back as he saw the man beaming at him brightly despite the dim light.

“Hey,” the man greeted him which he responded kindly. “Bad day?” he asked.

“What about you?” Sho asked back without answering. He watched as the man looked around before started talking in quiet voice.

“This is not my thing,” the man said. “This kind of quiet party doesn’t suit me,” he continued. “I like parties with loud music; where we can talk loudly and not whispering like this.”

“Me too,” Sho responded back. “Kinda.”

Sho swore he saw that man beaming a little brighter than before as he shifted closer to him. “Really?” the man asked. “I thought this is totally your thing when I saw you. I mean, you look like that kind of person that loves slow and quiet music. And I-” he stopped upon seeing Sho didn’t even look at him. He smiled sadly as he shifted back to his current position.

Sho was about to move a little when someone else decided to sit at his other side. He turned to greet the woman sitting next to him. “Sorry. You were saying?” Sho asked as he realized that the man wasn’t talking anymore.

“Nothing important,” the man said as he looked at the woman beside Sho. “Please, don’t mind me. You can pretend that I’m not here,” he tried to smile but Sho realized it wasn’t as bright as before.

Sho smirked when he saw the man sulking. He was about to say something when the music suddenly turned loud. His head turned to the stage instinctively and heard the MC announcing that the VIP was already left and it will be informal party onwards. Everyone around them started to move closer to the stage, leaving him and the man beside him all alone. “Wanna get out from here?” he smiled as he saw the man nodded vigorously.


They walked aimlessly around the town feeling the calming night breeze. Sho couldn’t believe that he had missed this sensation even though he was always home late. Maybe all this had to do with the cute guy he was with, who was currently bouncing with joy from one store to another.
They decided to stop to eat at a ramen shop (as both being busy sulking at the party that they forget to eat anything) before settling at a bar for a drink.

“Are you new? Haven’t seen you around at the office,” the man asked as he chewed on his snack. Sho took a sip from his glass before focusing to the man.

“Well, not really. I-” Sho stopped to think of appropriate words to describe himself being so reclusive. “I’m that sort of people who didn’t like to mingle around, I guess.”

“Me too,” the man exclaimed. “I didn’t know how to interact with those people in the office. I know I’m new there but every time I try talk to them, they-” Sho blinked when he thought he saw that man shining. He closed his eyes for a while only to see that man shining brighter than before. Sho snapped from his thought when he heard the man asking him. “Hey, are you listening to me?”

“Ah, yes,” Sho looked back to his glass to avoid looking right into the man’s eyes.

“So?” the man asked.

“So?” Sho repeated with confusion.

“Shouldn’t we go back now?”

“Yeah, we should,” he said hastily. “Where do you live? I’ll-” he stopped as he remembered he went to the there by taxi.

“You can send me off at the station,” the man chuckled as if he knew what Sho was thinking. Sho nodded and walked him to the train station.

The last train was waiting when they reached that place and they had to say goodbye to each other quickly. When Sho turned to leave the station he turned back and watched as the train disappeared slowly. After the times they spent together, he forgot to ask him something important. I forgot to ask his name, he thought.



this can be consider as multi-chapter right~? XD
so i am back again, with multi-chap..hehe
every chapter will basically based on the lyric of the songs...
i will try my best to interpret what the lyrics are saying (on my own way of course XD)...
and will try to update as soon as possible... ><
comments are love~<3

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, title: the tale of ten songs, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
