[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 46

May 17, 2010 00:26

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Junba (one-sided), Ohmiya and Junma
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

Aiba walked slowly following Sho to his house. He stared at Sho’s back as they walked through the night. Sho didn’t even look back behind him but Aiba knew he was looking at him through the reflection on the glasses of stores they walked by. He tried not to react each time he notice Sho’s eyes were on him.

Half of him was relieved that Sho decided to move out but another felt empty as if didn’t want him to go. He tried to ignore the feeling as he watched Sho unlocked the door to his house.

“I guess I won’t need this anymore…” Sho said sadly as he handed over the key to Aiba as soon as they entered the house. Aiba reached out his hand to take the key without looking at him. He locked his gaze down but looked back up when he felt sho’s hand on his.

“Ma- sorry… Aiba…” Sho said softly while looking into Aiba’s eyes. He held Aiba’s hand tightly afraid that the other would retreat immediately from him. “I’m really sorry for causing all this and I’ll keep my promise…” Sho looked down before continuing “… not to appear in front of you again…”

Aiba felt like crying his heart out. He regretted doing and saying such things to Sho but he felt that he couldn’t accept anything that will broke his heart or he’ll definitely be broken for real this time. “Sho-ch-” Aiba stopped as he felt finger on his lips.

“That’s ok, Aiba…” Sho gave his sad smile again. “I understand perfectly. You don’t have to pretend anymore…” Sho let go of Aiba’s hand and went to the bedroom to get his stuffs. He stopped in front of the door for a while and looked back to Aiba for the last time. “Goodbye…” he said simply before turning reaching for the doorknob.

“Sho, wait…” Aiba found himself calling Sho with his hand clutching on Sho’s shirt. Sho’s hand froze in the doorknob but he didn’t turn to Aiba instead he stayed still waiting for what will come next. “I- um- I- you…” Aiba stuttered while playing with his hands.

Sho slowly turned to face Aiba when Aiba didn’t give a sign to continue. Aiba was looking down with his hand still clinging on Sho’s shirt. Sho took the hand off him and held it in front of his chest causing Aiba to look up into his eyes. To his surprise Aiba didn’t pull his hand but kept staring into his eyes. He then advanced closer to him causing Aiba to back instinctively against the wall. “Masaki…” he whispered softly as if afraid that Aiba would ran away upon hearing his voice. He found himself staring to Aiba’s lips while Aiba was doing the same to his.

“Sho-chan…” Aiba whispered back as soft answering his call.

Sh leaned forward slowly and cautiously to catch Aiba’s lips with his when a sudden sound causing him to stop his action. “Aiba-chan, I’m back~!!” the two turned abruptly toward the open door. Ohno came in smiling widely before giving them guilty eyes.

“Move away, Toshi…” Nino pushed Ohno aside and made his way in the house. He smirked as he saw the two in a very suspicious position but shocked when Ohno hurriedly pushing him out of the house again. “What?” he asked with a frown.

As if Ohmiya arrival giving him a reality checked, Aiba instinctively pushed Sho away from him while holding his lips. He ran toward his bedroom before locking it from the inside. He leaned against the door with his fingers still caressing his lips, where it nearly met its twin.


The three were left dumfounded as they watched Aiba disappeared into his bedroom. Nino nudged his boyfriend to talk to the man who was clearly left heartbroken. Ohno stepped forward hesitantly before touching the man’s shoulder. “Um, Sho-san, I’m very sorry …” Ohno apologized, breaking the silence. “I didn’t know-”

“That’s ok, we were doing nothing. In fact I’m just about to leave…” Sho fake a smile as he reached for his abandone laugage beside the door and grasped the doorknob. The couple looked at each other as if trying to read the other mind before turning to the door.

“Sho-” Ohno called but stopped upon seeing Sho was already left the house. Nino whispered something to him and after receiving his nod, gave him a peak on his lips before running after Sho. Ohno sighed heavily before closing the door behind his back before lifting his bag and went to his own room.


What was that about? Did Sho just nearly kiss me? Why is my heart beating so rapidly to that? Am I still waiting for that to happen? NO!! Aiba shook his head trying to get the thoughts out of it. I swear that I’ll never do anything that will cause my heart to ache again. I won’t fall for him for the second time. I’ve suffer enough these few monts while he was having the time of his life as I can see.

Aiba snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Ohno knocking on his door. he forgot that Ohno was still his housemate after all. Slowly and hesitantly he opened the door expecting to see three pair of eyes looking back at him but found himself sighed in frustration when he didn’t see him.

“Where’s- um- Nino?” he asked but in reality he wanted to ask where Sho was.

“They went back to Nino’s place…” Ohno answered with a smile, realizing that Aiba wasn’t really interested in knowing where Nino went. “Or at least that what he told me… anyway long time no see Aiba-chan…” he pulled Aiba in a hug and smile as Aiba returned his affection. “I miss you…”

“I miss you too, Oh-chan…” Aiba giggled a little upon seeing his roommate acting all lovey-dovey on him. “You can let me go now…”

“So, how you’ve been?” Ohno asked with a smile as they took their seat on the couch.

“Fine, it’s just-” Aiba hesitated a little. Did Ohno know? He didn’t want to risk telling him if he didn’t so he decided to keep it to himself.


“Nothing…” Aiba fake his smile to Ohno. “How are you and Nino doing?” he asked back trying to change the subject.

“Aiba-chan, I know about you and Sho…” Aiba looked at Ohno who was clearly getting right on the thing he tried to hide.


“Hey, wait up!”

Sho turned to the voice calling him and see Nino was running toward him while carrying an overly size bag on his shoulder. He stopped on his pace and frowned as the other reached him. “What?”

“Where are you going?” Nino asked as soon as he regained his breath. He put the bag down and his hands on his hips.

“Somewhere… I don’t know yet…” Sho said as he turned to walk away but stopped when Nino grabbed his elbow.

“Come on, I’ll let you crash at my house…” Nino bended down to take his bag with the free hand and pulled Sho with the other. “Ohno’s gonna stay at Aiba’s anyway…”

“That’s ok. I’ll manage-”

“No, I insist. Come on…” Nino cut him short and started to wave for a taxi.

“But I- fine…” Sho finally gave up as he was being pushed into the taxi and headed for Nino’s house.


The couple was lying on the couch in the karaoke room to catch their breath after a very heated love making session. The light in the room was dim as it was only lighted by a blinking disco light ball and nothing else. The only sound in the room was coming from the TV in front of them, reviewing the latest songs for customer attraction. Toma had his head on Jun’s chest, listening to his calm heart beats between the noisy songs.

“Jun…” Toma suddenly called. Jun leaned down and kissed Toma’s hair before answering him with a hum. “I feel bad for Aiba-chan…” Toma looked up into Jun’s eyes.

“Yeah, me too…” Jun gave him a faint smile.

“Is there anything we can do for him?” Toma asked as he played with Jun’s fingers before linking their hands together.

“We’ve done enough. Now it’s up to him to decide…” Jun said looking up to the blinking disco light. “But there’s one thing YOU can do for him though…” he smirked as he looked down back to his lover.

“What?” Toma asked attentively.

“Share me with- Ittai!!” Jun couldn’t even finisheh his words when Toma punched his stomach before getting up and reached for his clothes and started wearing them. “Toma-chan~ I’m just kidding… come back…” he whined holding his aching stomach.

“Tell that to Aiba!” Toma shouted as he close the door behind him with a loud bang. Jun cursed himself while mentally hit his head as he reached for his clothes before running after Toma.


“NO!!” Sho sat up and panted hard. He looked around to find himself in an unfamiliar room. He closed his eyes trying to recall how he ended up in the room. He opened his eyes as he heard the door open abruptly.

“Sho, what’s wrong?” Nino came barging in when he heard Sho’s screaming.

Upon seeing Nino, he remembered that he had been invited by Nino to stay at his house for the time being. He smiled weakly before answering him. “It’s just a nightmare…”

“Your… family?” Nino asked reluctantly afraid of hurting Sho’s feeling but sighed in realived when he received a nod from Sho. Nino looked at the man that was sweating frantically on the bed with pitiful eyes.

“Stop looking at me like that… I’m fine…”

“I- I’m sorry…” Nino said. “Sho, if you need someone to talk to, I’m here…” he continued as he turned to the door.

“Thanks but I’m fine…”



it's chap 46~ 
ohmiya finally arrived~ 
oh~ i wonder what happen to Sho's family, dont u too?
mm~ guess we'll see what actually happen in next chap, then~

as always comments are love~
<3 fara

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, ! fanfiction, title: only love, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho, p: ikuta toma/matsumoto jun
