[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 45

May 12, 2010 10:47

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Junba (one-sided), Ohmiya and Junma
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

“I miss you so much…” Aiba heard the voice he least expected to hear in his ear. His body jerked back a little due to the sudden embrace Sho gave him. They stayed in that position for a few minuted before Aiba came to his conscience. He pushed Sho off him and took a step back, keeping the distance.

“Wha- what are you doing here?” Aiba tried to hide his nervousness by sounding fierce but Sho knew better than to believe that. He looked down to his feet avoiding Sho’s gaze on him. He kept his hands firm on his sides so that Sho didn’t notice how he was trembling with mixed emotions.

“I live here…” he smiled while answering him upon looking at Aiba’s confused look. He stepped aside allowing both men to come inside before closing back the door. Still processing the new information he just received, Aiba let himself being dragged by Jun to the living room.

“What are you talking-” Aiba meant to ask Sho what he meant when realization struck him. It took him a few minutes to read the whole situation before turning his gaze to Jun. He tried his best to fight tears that had been threatening to come out. “Matsujun, are you on this too?”

Jun looked down to think of any excuse but failed. He looked up to face one very angry Aiba. “I’m sorry, I-” he tried to explain but Aiba refused to listen.

“I can’t believe this…” Aiba gave Jun a disbelieve look before disappearing into his room. He managed to intentionally pushed Sho aside on his way and closed the door with a loud bang to make Jun feel guilty about deciving him and let him know that he was angry at the same time.

“Aiba-” Jun tried to call him but being cut off by Sho.

“That’s ok, Jun. I’ll talk to him…” Sho assured him.


“This is about me afterall…” Sho said as he went to the door and opened it indicating Jun to leave. Jun gave him a small nod and managed to steal a glance to Aiba’s bedroom door before the door being close in front of him. He let out a small sighed before went on his way out of there.


Aiba slammed the door hard before taking his place at the corner of the room. He slumped down on the floor, briging his knees together and buried his face in between. He cried his heart out of frustration and anger. He still can’t accept the fact that Jun had been dealing with Sho behind his back and yet he trusted that man. He knew that Jun meant no harm but still, he should know how he suffered since Sho left to just agree on helping that good-for-nothing-son-of-a-…. Aiba can’t get himself to say it even this was only his thoughts as he sniffled his way onto the bed.

Aiba threw himself on the bed while sighing heavily. He realized that now the worst had happened. The man he wanted to avoid was going to life in this house with him. He cursed Toma and Jun for causing him all this trouble. He closed his eyes to clear his mind to think of a way out.

So, I’ll give him back his money and ask him to get out, he thought. Or should I just keep the money and kick him out of this house? But where can he goes considering what Jun and Toma had told him. Stupid conscience, stop thinking about anyone and think about yourself just this once, he sighed. After considering a few options, he decided to get out from the house and find himself somewhere else to stay for a while. He got up from the bed, took his traveling bag outside of the cupboard and started to stuff his clothing inside.


The Ohmiya couple was sitting on a bench at a park enjoying the evening’s sunset. “Toshi…” Nino called breaking the silence as he landed his head against Ohno’s shoulder. They watched a girl played happily with the swing in front of them.

“Um?” Ohno placed his hand against Nino’s shoulder, bringing him closer to his body.

“Is everything gonna be alright over there?” Nino asked. “I want everything to go well between them…” he looked up to face Ohno.

“Me too. I’m sure they’re gonna be fine, Kazu…”

“But I’m still worried…” Nino whined looking back to the swing watched as the mother dragged the little girl away to go home. “What if they didn’t get together as we plan?”

“Jun will give us an update anytime soon, so let’s just wait, ok…” he said as he plant a kiss on Nino’s head.

Even though he was still not satisfied, Nino can’t do anything other than nodding. “Ok…” he said placing his head back on Ohno’s chest.


Jun decided to walk from Aiba’s house to Toma’s. He already knew the direction so there won’t be any problem to walk there on his own. His mind wondered back to the couple inside the house. Why is Aiba acting like that to Sho? And most importantly why am I feeling this way? he thought. He sighed and as he continued on his way, he heard an upcoming message. He flipped opened the phone to read it.

To: Jun-chan

Not home tonight.
Don’t forget to lock the door.
Luv u <3

From: Toma-chan

Jun frowned as he didn’t remember Toma mentioning anything about going out tonight to him. But seeing that there was nothing he could do about it he typed something to reply before continuing on his way.


To: Toma-chan


From: Jun-chan

“That’s it!?” Toma shouted. “He didn’t even ask where I’m going…” he threw his phone aside in irritation and went back to the karaoke booth where he’s previously were. He slumped down on the couch, turning on whatever song on the box before leaned his head back looking up. His eyes widened as he saw a guy looking down to him. “Whoa~” he stood up abruptly in shock.

“Are you alone?” the man asked and chuckled a little upon seeing Toma’s surprise reaction. He took his place in front of Toma even without invitation.

“No, there about ten people around me, cant you see them?” Toma answered sarcastically. He rolled his eyes when the man seemed amused with his ‘joke’. “What do you want anyway?”

“To give you some company…” the man said as he took out his cigarette and started to light it. Toma frowned trying to recall whether or not he had asked for a company. “As you can see all the people in this club is either a couple or come in group. But you’re sitting here all alone. Looks like you could use one to me…”

“Well I don’t… so you can go now…” Toma said coldly. He had issues to settle with Jun and he didn’t want any other problem to rise before that as he knew what the man’s intention at the first place was. Looked at the man who refused to move, Toma stood up and tried to get out of the booth but being stopped with hand on his wrist. “What-”

“Come on, don’t be such a-”

“Toma-chan?” Both men looked at the direction where the voice came from.

“Jun, what are you doing here?” Toma was surprised to see Jun as he wasn’t expecting him to be there. He had totally forgotten about the man who was standing beside him, holding his wrist. He only realized it after seeing Jun frowning at him in a weird way. He turned to face the man who was puzzled to see Jun’s sudden appearance. “Do you mind?” he said and pulled his hand free.

“Well, I see that your partner has decided to show up. So if you’ll excuse me I’ll be on my way now…” the man said timidly. The couple watched as the man disappeared behind the door before turning to face each other.

“Who’s that?” Jun asked.

“No idea…” Toma said simply as he took his seat on the couch. He folded his hands in front of his chest and looked straight refusing to look at Jun.

“Hey, whats wrong baby?” Jun asked as he took his place beside his lover.

“Nothing. How’s Aiba anyway?” Toma asked sarcastically yet concern.

“I took him home and Sho was there. I expect you to be there too, you know…”

“Oh, really? Wouldn’t want to spoil your date, so I left…” again there’s a trace of sarcastism in Toma’s tone. He pushed Jun’s hand away as the lad tried to touch him and then frowned when he heard Jun’s laughter.

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous, you know that?” Jun said as he pinched Toma’s cheek playfully causing him to blush.

“I- I’m not jealous…”

“Really? So the feeling I’m feeling when I see you with that man isn’t jealousy is it? So I wonder what it’s called…” Toma tried his best to hide his smile after hearing Jun’s words but failed miserably as Jun started to pull him into his embrace.

“Jun…” he hid his face into Jun’s shoulder. “How do you know I’m here anyway?”

Jun smiled. “I remember you always babbling about going at this newly open karaoke place, so-”

“You’ve search for me?”

“Yeah, I went from room to room, booth to booth… this place is quiet big don’t you think?” Jun stopped before continuing. “I’m sorry baby, I just can’t let Aiba go through this alone, you know. He’s been through enough…” he then pulled Toma to have him look into his eyes. “Now that he’s with Sho, I promise that you don’t have to share my love with him any longer, ok baby?” he said playfully and started kissing him.

“Mm…” Toma managed between the kisses “… stop calling me baby…”


“Masaki…” Sho knocked the door while calling Aiba’s name. He grasped the doorknob but sighed to find it locked. He leaned against the door sighing softly. “Masaki…” he called again “… come out from there… I’ve made us-” he didn’t get to finish his words as he stumbled backward to the sudden open door. Sho found himself looking up to one angry Aiba before he got on his feet again. “Masa-”

“It’s Aiba for you…” Aiba cut him short. He pushed Sho aside and dragged his huge luggage out of his room.

“What are you doing?” Sho asked as soon as he regained his balance after being shoved aside by Aiba. He grasped Aiba’s shoulder tightly sensing something was off. “Masaki, I ask you, what are you doing?” he asked and looked at the bags on the floor “… and whats this?” he pointed to the laugage.

Aiba stopped and looked at him. “I’m moving out…” Aiba said simply.

“What? But where are you going?” Sho asked again still refused to let go of Aiba’s shoulder.

“None of your business. Now let me go!” Aiba pulled himself off Sho before continuing to drag his bag outside.

“Masa-” Sho stopped after receiving a death glare from Aiba before continued. “Aiba, please don’t do this…” Sho pleaded as he tried to block Aiba’s way.

“Out off my way, Sakurai…” Aiba said threateningly but Sho still refused to move an inche. Aiba lifted a huge and heavy bag of his and came closer to Sho. “Move or else…” he said siftly.

“No!” Sho responded firmly.

“Fine…” Aiba lifted the bag higher while sho looked obliviously at him. He let the bag fell directly on top and hit Sho’s feet. Sho scrunched down holding his legs fighting the pain growing at his feet and Aiba took the chance to slip out of the house.

“Aiba…” Sho whinced watched as Aiba’s silhouette disappeared in front of his eyes.


Aiba swung his backpack on his back and started to walk aimlessly throughout the city. He only managed to bring a backpack with nothing but clothes in it. As he walked through a small stall, he felt his stomach growling. He just remembered that he didn’t touch a single food today and yet he used all his energy to the fullest. When he shoved his hand on his back pocket, he found nothing but a few coins. He cursed himself for forgetting to grab his wallet on his way out. He even left his cellphone back home. He took a glance at a fried chicken and gulped down his saliva. Sighing heavily he decided to crash at the park to think what to do next.

“I’m hungry…” he whined. Then a brilliant idea came into his head. He could call Jun and crash a few days at his place, he thought. Then, with a few coins in hand, he went to the nearest public phone and started dialing. Damn, he cursed himself. He didn’t even remember Jun’s phone or anyone else for that matter as he only speed dial for everyone. Not that he knew that many people. He closed his eyes to gather pieces of memory he hope he had on Jun’s number before starting to push the button according it. And as if Lady Luck was on his side, he managed to get Jun on his third try.

“Hello, Jun?”


“Uh…” Jun moaned into the kiss as he heard his cellphone rang. He pulled himself up from his previous positoon which was straddling Toma on the couch and took his cell out of his pocket and answered it. “Aiba-chan?” he said as he turned back to Toma.

“Not again…” Toma whined.

“Just this once, please…” Jun begged quietly away from the phone. “It might be important…”

“What could be more important that this?” Toma asked indicating his hardness. If Jun going to leave him like this again, he swear he will do something that will make him sorry for the rest of his life.

“Please, baby…”


“Aiba-chan, whats wrong?” Jun asked to the phone and at the same time hearing Toma’s whined. “You what? Where are you now?” his eyes looking back at Toma while asking the question.

“Don’t you dare!” Toma warned in low tone and as soon as Jun hung up he gripped Jun’s hand to hold him from going.

“I’m not going anywhere…” Jun said as he freed himself from Toma and started dialing. “Hello, Sho…”

“Who am I getting myself for a boyfriend anyway? A cupid?” Toma asked himself as he watched Jun talking on the phone. He sighed heavily indicating his disagreement against Jun’s action.

“One more call…” Jun smiled timidly at his angry lover. He then dialed the number and cut the conversation short before pinning Toma back on the couch. “Now we continue…” he said as he leaned down catching Toma’s lips.


Sho run to the park Jun said Aiba was at. He had searched two the parks near to the house before getting on this one. His body was all sweaty and sticky from the running but he ignored it as he was worried about Aiba. He was about to leave this one when he saw a figure on the swing. “Masaki!” he shouted.

Aiba turned his head to see Sho running towards him. Damn Jun, he should’ve known to tell him not to tell Sho where he is. He stood up and started to walk away only to be held back by Sho.

“Please, Masaki. Come home…” Sho begged him. Aiba froze on his place as if ignoring Sho’s existence. He didn’t even turn to face him. “Please, don’t do this to yourself…” seeing that Aiba refused to respond, Sho looked down in defeat and let go of his hold on Aiba. “I’ll move out of the house, so please go back home…” he said before looking back to Aiba. “I promise to leave you alone after this if you just come home…”

Aiba looked at Sho upon hearing his words. He was waiting for this but why was it hurting deep inside.


“What?” Ohno exclaimed. “Are you sure? Ok we’ll think of something…” Ohno hung up and turned to Nino. “That was Jun… and he gave bad news…”

“They’re all hopeless…” Nino sighed knowing what Ohno meant. “I guess its time for us to interfere, Toshi…”

“Yeah~ and we better be fast…”



yay~ chap 45~
more junma goodness coz i cant seems to get enough of them~ hehe~
oh~ sakuraiba in trouble again but not to worry, ohmiya on the move~
so enjoy~
comments are love~ ^^
<3 fara

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, ! fanfiction, title: only love, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho, p: ikuta toma/matsumoto jun
