[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 4

Dec 12, 2009 18:41


As he walked home from work last night, Aiba saw a signboard fell on a guy as he walking passed an old building. The signboard had been hanging loose for sometime. Maybe he had something important on his mind to notice so Aiba shouted too warned him but it’s already too late. After checking, he thought that the injury is not too bad so Aiba decided to take the man home and treat him, himself. He’d been bringing home injured animal and he thought he had the basic to treat minor injury. Besides, the only clinic that might open was too far from there and the doctor in charge at night was all grumpy. He never admitted even to himself that the main reason was he found this guy cute. He doesn’t remember how, but somehow he managed to take the injured man home with him.

After barely managed to unlock his apartment door, they tumbled in. Aiba spread out a futon for his guess and started treating his injury. After that he poked his patient’s cheek several time and after realizing that he’ll never woke up in this few hours, he decided to take a shower. When he brought animal home, he always washed them. Should I give bath to him too? He thought, as he scrubbed his whole body. What am I thinking? He’s not even awake, and he’s not an animal. He let the water flowed down his head to clear his perverted mind.

After the refreshing bath, Aiba hit the futon, lying on his stomach. Decided to wait for him to wake up, Aiba crawled closer to him and studied his face. His relaxed face seems unaffected by the injury on his head. His eye closed and the tip of his full lips curved as he was smiling in his dream. He wondered what those lips would taste like. Shaking his head lightly, Aiba opened the wallet he took from his back pocket for identification. Sakurai Sho, what a lovely name, he thought as his eyes drift closed. Aiba ended up curling close and sharing the same futon with Sho for the rest of the night.

“Where’s the toilet?” Sho said and tried to stand up. Aiba snapped out of his thought and approached him, slung Sho’s right arm against his shoulder and tried to lift him.

“My leg not the one that got hurt you know…”

“Hehe… thought you need some help” Aiba smiled shyly as he rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry... It’s on your right. Call me if you need anything”

“Do you smell something?” Sho said, walking into the bathroom.

The smile on Aiba’s face faded as he frowned remembering something. Oh no, my porridge, he thought as he ran toward the kitchen.

In the bathroom, Sho stared at his reflection in the mirror and studied the white bandage on his head and signed. Suddenly he saw two reflection of him in the mirror. He closed his eyes for clear view but failed. As he stepped out of the bathroom, his head suddenly felt heavy and he tumbled forward. He reached for the wall for support but Aiba caught him into his arms just in time before he lost his balanced and fall flat on Aiba. Then everything went black.

When Aiba felt something on his lips, his eyes fluttered opened. Winced from the pain, Sho lost control of his mouth, trying to breath. Trying not to enjoy the sudden sensation, Aiba grabbed Sho’s shoulders and pulled both of them upward. Sho had already lost his consciousness.

“Are you ok…?” he said worriedly. Not getting respond from Sho, he became panic. “No…No…what should I do….?” he mumbled to himself. Sho’s now breathing heavily in his arm. “Clinic… I gotta get you to clinic…” he said pulling Sho to the front door.


“Aiba-san” he heard his name and stood up frantically.

“How’s he? Is…is he alright? Is…is he gonna die…ple..please save him sensei…” he’s about to cry when the doctor touched his shoulder lightly to calm him.

“He’s gonna be just fine. It’s just a minor concussion. He can go after he wakes up” his heart steadied as the doctor explained.

“Now I need you to fill this form and follow me to the counter” The wiped his teary eyes before following the nurse in charge.


This was the second time he woke up in unfamiliar place. This time the room’s all white. He’s about to sat up when the white curtain on his left swung open.

“You’re awake! I thought y-” Aiba appeared before him and hugging him fiercely.

“I’m fine…” he said in between breath. “Now let me go…!” he said angrily. How many time this guy want to hug me. Doesn’t this guy know what personal space? Aiba pouted a little before letting him go.

“Are you really ok?” he asked closing the distance between them. His eyes stared intensely on Sho’s as if searching for something. His eyes are pretty. Sho thought again. Coming back to reality he realized that he’d never introduce himself to this man. “I’m Sakurai Sho, by the way”.

Aiba just smile at the sudden introduction. “I know. I check your wallet last night. Don’t worry I don’t take anything. Not there’s any to take anyway. Ah, sorry, I shouldn’t said that” Aiba bubbling all the way to the door. “They say you can go now. Come on, I’ll send you home.”

“That’s ok….i’ll-” he never got to finish his sentence when he bumped to Aiba in front the clinic. His face showed that he forgot something. Something important.

“Ah, Sho-chan, sorry… but I gotta go. You can manage home alone right…” he said looking at his watch. “If you need anything just give me a call. I’ve already send my email to your phone” He said towing his bike away. “See ya…” he yelled back, cycling away.

Doesn’t this guy know what privacy is? … I rest my case. He thought as he remembered his various question. He turned but stops abruptly. Wait a second, Sho-chan? As in me, Sho-chan? That Aiba Masaki guy really is something.


Parking his bike on the other side of the road with an envelope in his hand, Aiba ran towards the bakery in full speed. “Ah~, Matsumoto-san will scold me again….” He mumbled breathless. He was supposed to report to Matsumoto-san this morning. Now it’s nearly noon. From afar, he saw Matsumoto-san talking to a young lady in front the store. A customer? He thought. As he approached them, he was pulled by Matsumoto-san into his arms. His eyes widen at the feeling of a lips on his.



huh finally...chapter 4...sorry for the delay...a lot of things going on lately...
sakuraiba on the loose....and a bit aiba/jun for jumpislove...
next chapter gonna be all about jun/aiba...so stay tune...
more comment and suggestion please...
<3 fara

title: only love, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
