[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 43

May 01, 2010 23:14

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Jun/Aiba (one-sided), Ohmiya and Junma
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

It had been a week since Aiba heard from the Ohmiya couple. He knew now why Jun didn’t manage to find Sho even though he had been searching this country upside down. He was abroad this whole time and mentioned nothing to noone. Aiba felt his heart aching to the thought that Sho purposely didn’t want anyone to find him, not even Aiba himself.

Aiba stepped inside, arranged his shoes next to two pairs of the others before locking back the door behind him. He glanced over to the clock as he saw his current housemates were still watching TV. Its half after midnight, what are those two still doing up? He thought.

“Guys, what are you still doing up?” Aiba called as he past through the living room to go to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, took out a can of juice and drank all in one glup.

Jun who was too occupied on watching the TV snapped and turned towards the kitchen. Toma had long gone to sleep while resting his head on Jun’s shoulder. “I need to talk to you, Aiba-chan…” Jun said quietly trying not to disturb his lover while indicating Aiba to take his place across them.

“ok~… what do you wanna talk about?” Aiba asked as soon as he was comfortable in place.

“We want to ask you for a favor…” Jun started as he gently placed Toma’s head on his lap when Toma stirred uncomfortably due to his body’s vibration. “Toma’s friend is coming from NY and he was searching for a place to stay here in Japan… and since you’re living alone right now, I suggested you, if you don’t mind…”

“Eh? But what about you guys?” Aiba asked looking at Toma who was comfortably suggling his face to Jun’s body.

“We’re only bunch of freeloaders here and you know it…” Jun chuckled while playing with Toma’s hair. “Besides we still have Toma’s place and wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to share your bills before you get a job?”

Now you’re talking, Aiba said mentally. “But its Ohno’s room and I can’t just move all his stuff away…

“Ah~ about that…” Jun grinned “… I’ve already told Ohno and he’s fine with it. He said feel free to let the new guy use his stuff…”

“Really?” Aiba mumbled “… he called me today but didn’t mention anything about it…”

“What?” Jun asked but Aiba responded only by shaking his head. “Ah~ and also before I forgot, the new guy will be here tomorrow… can you fetch him at the airport? We already has plan for tomorrow…”

“Eh~ but I need to go to an interview…” Aiba whined. “Can’t you just give him my address or something?”

“This is his first time here. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to him or even get lost, right?” Jun reasoned. Seeing that Aiba was still reluctant to agree he continued. “Come on~ it only takes you a couple of hours… then you can get back to whatever you are doing…”

“Fine~…” Aiba finally gave up.


“Are we doing the right thing, Jun?” Toma asked as finally zipped the beg containing their clothes. The two had decided to clear their things from Aiba’s house while Aiba went to get ‘the friend’.

“I hope so…” Jun said while placing a box of Toma’s useless stuffs beside the door. He sighed heavily before coming back to the room, resuming with his work while wondering how in earth did Toma managed to get all those junk there.

“What if it didn’t work?”

“It will… he just needs a little push that’s all…”

“But Jun, what if things went wrong?”

“Let’s wait for it to happen first before assuming anything, ok?”

“I’m worried about Aiba-chan. What if he doesn’t accept it? He’ll hate us forever…” Toma said worriedly as he watched Jun lifted Aiba’s photo from the rack.

“he’ll never hate us, he’s not that kinda guy…” he stared intendly at the fram in his hand and studied the genuine smile Aiba gave to the camera and mentally calculated how many times the guy smiled like that after Sho left.

“And since when did you know everything about him?” Toma folded his hands on his chest while faking a pout.

“Since always…” Jun said played along causing Toma to scoff and turned to get out of the room. But Jun managed to grip Toma’s wrist and pulled him in his embrace. “Jealous?”

“Am not!” Toma said looking down hiding his blushing face.

“Really? Coz it seems to me like you’re jealous…” Jun whispered seductively to Toma ear causing his body to shiver slightly.

“I said, I’m not…” Toma looked up to Jun while trying to push Jun away only to be brought closer to him. “Let me go…” he said firmly.

“You sure you want me to let go? We still have time before they get home…” Jun said as he smiled mischievously. He then pulled one giggling Toma towards the bed while making a mental note to not to forget to change the bed sheets later.


He leaned back to the chair and turned it so that he was facing the window. He sighed in relieve as his work for the day finally finish. Even though he was used to work at his father’s company back in Japan still he felt that managing an international company was no easy business. He was in the company for only two months and yet everyone expected him to know everything. He had to work twice hard to prove his worthiness and at the same time to compete with his co-workers.

He would be lying if he gone around telling everyone that he was fine and happy at the moment. Except for addiction to work, all he felt was emptiness. And to cover his emptiness he started to become workaholic person thus managed to prove his worthiness to the board of directors and became one of most trusted employee in the company. He was even being offered to be one of the partners but he declined politely as he was too new in the company.

He was just finished with a meeting when he came across Ohmiya couple a few days. He heard them calling but he decided not to respond and quickly told his driver to drive off from the scene. He didn’t want those two to know that he was there as he wasn’t ready to face his current condition. He realized that he lives in denial for the past 6 months but he can’t do anything about that as he was a too scared to face the possible future.

A ‘bip’ sound on his table caught his attention so he turned his chair back to the table and pressed the blinking button.


“Mr. Sakurai…there’s someone here to see you…”

Sho blinked to recall if he had made any appointment as he thought he was finished for today. “Did they make an appointment?”

“No, but-”

“Then tell them to make one and I’ll see them later…” Sho cut with firm tone. What’s with all these people who didn’t know how to follow the procedure?

“Yes, sir…” the secretary answered before Sho heard she shouted “… wait, you can’t…” before the door to his room was opened wide revealing Ohno and Ninomiya.

Sho stood up from his chair, eyes widened to the couple. “What are you doing here?” he asked with mixed of surprise and anger. Surprise that he didn’t think that those two would find him there while angry that he was being disturb after working hours.

“Sir, should I call security?”

“Wait… wait… we need to talk to you…” Ohno reasoned making the secretary who didn’t understand Japanese exchanged look from Sho to him “… a minute is fine…”

“Sir?” the secretary called.

“Leave us…” knowing that Sho was talking to her, the secretary walked towards the door and closed it.

“What do you wanna talk about?” Sho asked as he sat back on his chair turning to the window.

“About you…” Ohno stopped before continuing “… and Aiba…”

Despite being mentioned with the name that he didn’t even that he would hear again, Sho asked coldly to Ohno “What about us?”

“Damn it, Sakurai… don’t play fool with us…” Nino said as he went in front of Sho. He leaned forward, gripping the chair’s handle, making their faces only inches away. He gave Sho his best death glare as he could but Sho only responded with a cold stare.


“What are you doing here in NY? Why aren’t you in Japan with Aiba? What the fuck happen between you guys? What…” sho was showered with various questions coming from Nino yet he stayed frozen in his chair looking as cold as ever. Nino shook the chair as hard as he could with every question he uttered and yet got no respond from Sho.

“Kazu, stop it…”

“Why should I? I’ve already told you that I’ll kill him if I ever land my hands on him…” Nino exclaimed as he being pulled by Ohno away from Sho.

“Just stop it…” Ohno said as he thightened his grip on Nino’s shoulders to keep him in place. “Nothing good is gonna happen if you get to kill Sho anyway…”

Sho leaned back to his chair took in a deep breath. The couple had to wait for a few minutes before Sho started talking. “If you had finished with the talking, feel free to let yourself out…”

Hearing Sho yet cold tone, Ohno let out a heavy sigh. “Stop lying to yourself Sho… I know how you sacrifies your love for Aiba’s life…”

Sho looked up to face Ohno with eyes full of surprise. “I- I don’t know what- what you’re talking about…”

“Jun told me everything…” Ohno said calmly as he knew Sho was nearly eating his bait “… and he also told me you ask him to look after Aiba for you…”

“I think that’s the best for him…” Sho said.

“Who are you to decide what’s best for him?” Nino cut in.

“He is still missing you… he is still waiting for you…” Ohno said softly as he approached the table. He let out an envelope and placed it on the table right in front Sho’s face. “Take your time thinking about… If you think that Aiba wasn’t worth your love anymore, just forget that we ever came… but if you still have a little love for him, open this envelope…”

“Mr. Sakurai?” Sho snapped from his thoughts upon being called. “We’re here…” Sho waited for his driver to get out from the car and opened the door for him before stepping outside the car. “Here’s your bag, sir…”

“Thanks…” Sho said as he accepted his luggage from the driver.

“My pleasure, sir…” the driver smiled. “Don’t worry about anything, sir. I’ll make sure to give good excuses to Mr. Davidson…”

“Thanks Carl…”


Aiba looked around the airport waiting for the so-called friend of Toma to arrive. He held up a sign saying ‘I’m Aiba Masaki… Welcome to Japan…’ written in English as high as he can to ensure all new arrival can see it. He cursed Toma for making him showing the stupid sign.

The waiting lounge was not as crowded as always. Aiba was grateful for that bacause he can easily scanned for the person he was looking for when that person went through the security check-in. Everytime a male foreigner appeared; Aiba would raise the sign a little higher and waved frantically only to be disappointed again and again.

He was thinking that maybe that Jun had given him the wrong information when the people slowly subsided and yet no one came to him. He decided to take a rest and wait for another flight from NY to land. As soon as the announcement another flight’s arrival, Aiba got on his feet and continued with his mission. His eyes twirled searching for a lost looking foreigner when a man in black coat caught his attention.

Aiba didn’t realize that he was watching the man every move until their gazed connected. Surprise with the sudden eye contact, Aiba place the sign he was holding in front of his face while closing his eyes, hoping that the man didn’t see him. He peeked behind the paper only to see that the man was coming to his direction. He then turned backward, starting to walk away before a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Masaki…” the man called softly.



thats chap 43 everyone...
i'm sorry for the delay~ hehe
coz as u all know i'm doing another 2 fic with diff genre so i need to clear my mind from one before i can start typing for the other (or vampire!sho might appear in Only Love~)... hehe >__<
so~ i thnk u can guess who's the man right? whoever get to call Aiba by his first name other that ....? haha
anyway, do enjoy~
comments are like food to me...and now i'm really hungry~ hehe
<3 fara

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, ! fanfiction, title: only love, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho, p: ikuta toma/matsumoto jun
