[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 41

Apr 21, 2010 03:32

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Jun/Aiba (one-sided), Ohmiya and Junma
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

“Jun, wait up… Jun-chan…” Toma grasped Jun’s hand to stop him from getting away.

“Stop calling me Jun-chan, we’re not that close!” Jun exclaimed.

“Wait…” Toma tightened his grasp on Jun’s wrist “… did I do something wrong? if you didn’t tell me how am I suppose to know?”

“this is all your fault. If you didn’t go to that boy’s house, the accident wouldn’t’ve happen…”

“I’m gald you’re ok, Jun-chan”

“why are you so stubburn? Did your father tell you not to get close to that boy? If only yoy did what he told you, nothing would’ve happen to your sister…”

“I’m gald you’re ok, Jun-chan”

“Stop it…” Jun said weakly.

“What?” Toma asked in confusion.

“Just stop all this… I just… don’t wanna see you right now…” Jun said as he tried to free himself.

“no, Jun… we need to settle this today…”

“I said NO!” Jun shouted earning glares from nearby nurses and patients. Jun took the chance by pulling his hand free and run toward the exit. He didn’t know why he chose to climbed up instead of down the stair. The only thing in his mind was to run away from Toma as soon as possible. Toma bowed apologically to everyone before continuing his mission on pursuing Jun.


Nino sat at the chair outside the café as his eyes travelled around the place. Nice, he thought, well, he is the famous baker to start with so there’s nothing to be surprise that he managed to get a job there. As Nino was too occupied with his thought a hand grasped his shoulder.

“sorry, Kazu… too many customers today…”

“That’s ok… I just got here…” Nino smiled back. “So, ready to go?”

“Wait a sec; I get my things at the back…” Ohno said as he leaned forward and kissed Nino’s lips. “Be right back, hun…”

“I’m not your honey…” Nino mocked anger, hiding his smile.

Ohno took only seconds to get his things and they were already on their way to Nino’s sister’s home. She invited them to dinner with her new family to introduce her brother and his friend out of formality while showing them her new home. Nino agreed since that will make his sister happy. Their hands never parted from each other as they walked toward the wealthy neighborhood.

“Wow, my sister sure is something…” Nino said as they stepped out of the taxi. After paying the driver, Ohno went to Kazu who was admiring the huge and luxurious building in front of them.

“Yeah, she pretty just like her brother…” Ohno said as he hugged Nino from behind. Nino giggled to the touch before pushing him away.

“Not now… we have more important business to take care of…” Nino advanced to the gate to press the doorbell but Ohno was fast to grasped his wrist and pulled him aside against the gate.

“What could be more important than to satisfy your lover’s need…?” Ohno whispered making Nino’s body shivered.

“Toshi, please not here… I promise to do anything you want when we get back… just please not now…” Nino pleaded when he felt Ohno’s lips started to move against his neck, downward. “please, stop…”

“I’ll take your promise then, Kazu… don’t you dare back from your words…” Ohno whispered mischievously.

“I promise… now get off me…” Nino said as he pushed Ohno off of him earning a loud laugh from him.

“you’re so cute… I love teasing you…” Ohno said as he pinched Nino’s cheek. Blushing a little, Nino turned away from Ohno to hide his face when something caught his attention. A very familiar man came out from a car just across the street.

“Toshi, isn’t that Sakurai Sho?” Nino pointed to the man. Ohno turned towards the direction and squinted. “What is he doing here?”

“I don’t know… he’s supposed to be with Aiba-chan now…” Ohno said curiously “… but what is he- wait I’ll call him…” with that he yelled. “hey, Sho-san~!!!”

Sakurai Sho turned to the voice calling him to see Ohno and Ninomiya coming towards him. He looked down cursing himself for being discovered by people who reminded him of Aiba.


Aiba looked at the door where the two previously disappeared to. He let out a small sigh as he leaned back down on the bed. He realized that by talking with that boy, he can feel Toma’s feeling towards Jun was strong. He saw the look Toma gave him, the hatred he showed him. It really took him a while to explain his relationship with Jun to Toma so that he can be around him with ease. The kid sure gave out an aura that he’s not easy to deal with.

At first Toma didn’t show any sign of talking to him. He just sat there looking down to his coffee while Aiba babbling about from his first met with Jun until currently. After hearing that Jun was only Aiba’s previous employer, Toma started to look at him. And until he heard that Aiba love someone else he practically shifted so that he was facing him. Aiba glad that Toma wasn’t an arrogant kid he thought he would be.

Aiba told Toma about what he knew about Jun in details and in exchange for Toma’s history with him. He can’t help but notice how Toma’s eyes sparkled as he started to talk about Jun. This somehow made him thought of his own relationship. Is he making the right decision for deciding not to look for Sho anymore? But if he does what is this feeling in his heart? The aching sensation that appeared everytime he ever thought of Sho. Did Sho miss him too? he wonder.

Aiba stood up and went to the window and looked up to the clear sky above. He traveled his fingers at the surgery mark on his chest as he felt it his heart aching. The pain that wasn’t due to the surgery that he knew.

Sho-chan, where are you now? Don’t you know that I miss you so…? Don’t you care for me anymore? Don’t you love me anymore? Aiba leaned against the window, loking up to prevent his tears from falling. He had to be stronger if he wanted to continue living. He had to when he knew that Sho wouldn’t be there with him.

Aiba can’t hold back his tears any longer just by the thought of Sho didn’t love him anymore. He just realized how much he missed him and how much he needed him. the tears fell down to his cheeks as he slumped down under the window, sobbing. He would’ve died if it this was the truth he had to face.


Toma panted hard as he reached the top but didn’t stop for air instead looking around for the figure


“What are you doing here? I thought I told you I don’t wanna see you…” Jun said as he abruptly stood from his previous position and heading back to the door.

“Jun… please… just listen to me for once…” Toma managed to take hold of Jun’s elbow before he could reach for the door.

“No, I don’t wanna talk to you!!” Jun protested. He struggled to free himself from Toma’s grip while Toma strengthened his. “Let go~…”

Toma had to let go of Jun since he was struggling so hard. Instead of backing off from Jun, he raised his hand and hit him on the face to calm him down. Jun who was surprised by Toma’s sudden movement froze on his place holding his burning cheek.

“Now will you listen to me for a damn second…?”

Jun looked down from Toma’s eyes as he felt it something burning inside of him. Hand still on his check, he turned to the fench and leaned there waiting to hear whatever Toma had to say to him while toma took his place beside him.

“I didn’t know…”

“What?” Jun looked at him annoyingly.


“Stop…” Jun cut him. He frowned to the words as it brought the memory back in his head. “Is that all you wanna say? Ok I get it… you didn’t know… end of story and now back to our own life…”

“I’m not finish yet, Jun… just listen, damn it…”

“Whatever…” Jun said as stubborn as ever.

“As I was saying, I didn’t know… if I know, I wouldn’t have let you suffer alone, Jun…”

“Too late to say that isn’t it…”

“For goodness sake Jun, what do you want me to do so that you’ll talk to me…” Toma asked frustrated.

Jun looked at him and at that moment idea came. “Jump off this building, and I’ll see if I if you survive I’ll talk to you…” assuming that Toma would have enough with his nonsensicality request; Jun smirked and waited for him to walk away in annoyance.

“Fine, if that will make you listen…” Toma said as he started to climb the fence to go to the other side.

“Wa- wait, are- are you doing it for… real?” Jun stuttered

“Yeah, you ask me to right? You promise to talk if I jump?”

“Wait… you gotta be kidding me…”

“No, I’m not… I’ll jump if you want me to… I’ll even go to hell if you ask me to…” he said as he let his hand perpendicular

“No, Toma, I was kidding… just- just get back in here…”

“Before I jump know something Jun…” Toma looked back to Jun from his position. “I always remember you… not a single second went without me forgetting you… I’m sorry for what happen to your family… I really am…”

“I know… just… just get in here… Toma… I’m sorry, I’m only kidding…” Jun was desperate now. Toma looked really determined to jump off the building. He is crazier than I thought; Jun cursed himself for daring him. “It’s not your fault… I just need someone to blame for…”

Toma just smiled sadly back at him before looking back down, maybe imagining what he will be when he fell on the hard concrit below. “Good bye, Jun-chan…”

“Seriously, Toma, get in here right now!!” Jun shouted. He was practically climbing the fence to get to the other side. But not a good climber as Toma, he only succeeded only half way before falling back down. With his third try ended badly, Toma choose that time to jump. Jun froze before turning his body and closed his eyes not wanting to see the most probably worst scene he’ll ever see in his life. After what he thought a few minutes pass and still no scream, yelling or even a single suspicious sound, he opened his eyes.

“Miss me?”

Jun instinctively withdrew so that his back was againt the fence. Toma was grinning his way with hands on both Jun’s shoulders and faces dangerously close to each other. Jun frowned after for a while realizing that he had been fooled by Toma.

“WHAT THE HE-” Jun was silenced by lips on his. His eyes widened to the familiar feeling that he missed so much. After a few long second, Toma pulled away from the kiss, blushing like crazy.

“I- I’m sorry… I- you wont listen unless I did that…” Toma let go of his grip on Jun’s shoulder and led him to sit down.



yup, that's 41...
sorry for the long wait...hehe
poor Aibaby~ he really misses his Sho-chan...
and rapid development of Junma...heh
well enjoy ^__^
comments are love...
<3 fara

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, ! fanfiction, title: only love, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho, p: ikuta toma/matsumoto jun
