[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 3

Dec 07, 2009 23:57


It’s been a week since he came to this town. He managed to survive this town somehow. Everyday, Sho would go to work early in the morning and come home at midnight. Not that there’s a lot of work to do there, but he prefer to stay until closing time than alone at home.

The owner, Ogura-san managed the store alone. Since his wife died a couple of years ago, he left with his only daughter, who currently studying in the city. Sho already knew Ogura-san since he’d worked there last time he went here. He’s in fact, Sho’s mother long-time friend.

Then one night, he had to go home early since Ogura-san had to attend some business. Unlike any other night, his surrounding was still alive. Streetlight as his guide, he walked home while his mind created a bridge to the past.

As the first born of Sakurai family, Sho were burdened with a lot of expectations of his family. His live as he knew had been set before he learned how to walk. He had to take over the company his father built single-handedly someday, thus his parent especially his father expected nothing but perfection from him.

He’s all until he was forced to marry. The girl was the daughter of one of his father acquaintance. Not that he dislikes the girl but this is a lifetime commitment he’d to deal with. Isn’t it too soon? He wasn’t ready for such commitment. Beside he doesn’t want to waste anybody life for his selfishness.

“You’re never gonna be ready, son. Not like I just know you yesterday. Just go on with it”

“I have to live forever with her, father. At least let me married someone I love.” He stopped. “All this time I’ve been following every order, every request. I’m asking you just this one father. Please-”

“Son, this is one in a lifetime chance. You can do something useful for this company, for our family. You know how much this company meant to me. We can merge with Tanaka Co. if you agree to marry his daughter. This is our dream”

Yours father, not mine, he thought quietly. “But I only think of Riena as my sister. Not more.” He stopped to think. “Father, there’s another way to expand the company… ”

“You already have a sister. Marry that girl or get don’t ever consider using Sakurai as your family name” his father showing authorities. Apparently he’s too tired to argue anymore. A day filled with meetings and now this. He really thought that this was a golden opportunity. Not that he didn’t love his son, but sacrifices are essential. He sacrificed countless time for this company and he expected his son to do the same.

“I’m sorry father but this one I cannot agree” like father like son. This is maybe the one time his father regretted teaching him to be as persistent as he is. Sho turned around to end the heated discussion.

“Fine, we’ll see how you’ll survive without this family” he heard his father threat as he walked out from the office.

Back at home, his mother’d been waiting for him. She already heard the talk between his husband and son from his husband’s secretary. She always does. Knowing the stubbornness of those two, she already planned something for his son since she already sense storm’s coming.

“How can he do this to me, his own flesh and blood. I’m not asking for anything mother, just freedom to love” Sho reported everything to his mother as he always does. “What’s with that girl anyway? Doesn’t she have a boyfriend or something?” he stopped when he realized something. “Am I going somewhere?”

“Ogura-san will be expecting you tomorrow morning and I already gave him your phone number”


“You just have to be there for a few months only, dear” his mother said. “Just as soon as your father comes down, I’ll call you home”. His mother had already packed his bag.

Huh, me and my big mouth, he thought, coming back to reality. Looking down to his shadow as he continued walking, he realized something. That’s weird, why’s my shadow growing? It’s already too late when he heard someone shouting something.


First thing Sho saw when he opened his eyes was a very large funny looking frog staring down at him. Closing his eyes, he opened again only to found that the thing was actually a very large picture on the wall. Slowly he sat and looked around the room. It’s a small room equipped with a small table and a futon he was sitting on. The wall filled with picture of funny and cute animal. He felt the pain on his head - now covered with white cloth - as he looked at his reflection in the mirror next to the door.

“Are you ok?” he didn’t hear anyone coming since his head hurts so much. He just winced to the sudden question. The person kneeled down beside him and touched his head softly to inspect the injury. Too focused, the person didn’t realize their faces coming too close together.

“Too close…” he leaned back a little.

“Ah, sorry”

“What happen?” he asked as he massaged his head ignoring the apologized.

“You don’t remember? Oh My God… you’ve lost your memories. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you forever…” now the person was hugging him tightly. Trying desperately to free himself, Sho tumbled back pulling together his partner. Now in an awkward position, they stared at each other eyes for a few minute before Sho breaking the silent.

“You can let go of me now…” he can see that the person’s cheek was slightly blushed as he raised from him. “Who are you anyway?”

“Ah, I’m Aiba Masaki. Nice to meet you” he said with a smile. If not that Sho saw the sun was shining from outside the window, he might think that the bright light was coming from Aiba’s smile.



chap 3 is up...
sakuraiba finally met.....a little short but its there...so enjoy
working hard on chap 4 now...
should i continue with sakuraiba or jun/aiba...?? (*_*)
comment and suggestion are welcomed and appreciated...
<3 fara

title: only love, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
