[multi-chapter] Vampire Heart - Chapter 6

Apr 16, 2010 19:06

Title: Vampire Heart
Authors:  ixlovexsho and  faradakiut 
Pairings: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy, AU
Summary: Sho is a vampire prince and he finds himself the perfect snack when he meets up Aiba. The things get strange when he starts to have feelings for him...
Disclaimer: We only own Arashi in our dreams and fantasies XDD
Banner by  ixlovexsho

Chapter 6

Aiba felt something in his chest as Jun took him into his embraced however he chose to stay silent. He stayed still and closed his eyes feeling Jun’s hand moved up and down at his back to comfort and relaxing him. His eyes fluttered opened however when a sound being heard coming from his stomach.

“Hungry are you?” Jun asked. Aiba just nodded and let himself being taken to the couch and sat there. Jun himself settled at a single couch across from where he was sitting. He felt comfortable with this man unlike with Sho. This man was everything Sho’s not. Gentle, kind and not without a smile on his face. “Sho…!”

Sho who was too occupied with his thought without looking away from Aiba snapped from his thought and quickly made his way to Jun, kneeling beside him. “Yes, master…”

“How come you let him without food?”Jun said firmly. Aiba looked at Sho who wasn’t daring to look directly toward Jun. Now that he thought about it, Sho the brutal and somewhat evil vampire was being so nervous around this man, must mean something and a sudden chill went through his veins. Was this man really trustworthy when he said he’ll protect him? Aiba didn’t feel so sure about it now.

“I’m sorry, mas-” Sho only managed to say those few words before he felt his body fying back to the wall. He hit the wall hard and before fell on the floor with a loud thump.

Aiba eyes widened to the view in front of him. He was aware of Sho’s strength for he was being assaulted by him several times now and yet this Matsumoto guy can make Sho went flying across the room with just a movement of his hand, without moving or turning to him. Yet Sho just get up and obediently went to his previous position without wiping off the blood from check or complaining on anything.

Aiba shifted uncomfortably on his seat as Matsumoto turned his gaze on him once again. He looked down avoiding that sharp eyes and stiffened as he saw Matsumoto stood from his seat and went to him. He took his seat beside Aiba and touched his shoulders. He smiled as he felt the boy’s body stressed under his hands. “Relax, I’m not gonna do anything to you…” he assured “… what’s your name, boy?”

“Aiba- Aiba Masaki, sir…” Aiba answered still trying not to look the man straight into his eyes.

“Aiba Masaki… its Masaki then? I’m Matsumoto Jun…” Matsumoto said. Aiba nodded still looking down. “You may raise your head. I’m not gonna turn you into stone that need you to keep your eyes off me…” he said and when he was satisfied that Aiba looked up to face him, Matsumoto called for Sho. “Bring the food here… I’ll accompany him to eat…”

“Yes, master…”

Both looked at Sho as he disappeared behind the door. Jun stood up from the couch and when to sit on the bed. Aiba run his eyes away from him as he realized that Jun was looking intensely at him. “So, has he done it?”


Sho stomped along the corridor coursing Jun in his heart. That damn master. If wasn’t for his damn connection with him, Jun would be long dead for interfering with his feast. He really hated it when someone interrupted his feast despite who the person is. But as he was afraid of he couldn’t do anything but to obey his master’s order.


Sho stopped and turned to the voice to see Nino looking at him with worried eyes. “What?” he asked annoyingly.

“Is he Lord Matsumoto for real?” Nino asked. He was fascinated by the fact that he got to meet the real Lord Matsumoto himself. As Nino’s vampire-maker, Sho didn’t tell anything to him apart from a vampire must follow all his master’s order or suffer the consequences. Nino had no choice but to obey every single one of it as he was afraid of this. But he couldn’t hide the fact that he wanted to meet the vampire that can make Sho bowed his head lower than ever possible.

“The one and only…” Sho said as he continued on his way.

Nino followed suit behind as he wanted to ask further. “Is he really gonna stay here?”

“I suppose… now quit with the question and called Satoshi here…” Sho said exasperatingly. “How in hell am I supposed to make human food when I haven’t eaten it for almost hundred years…?”

“Right away, master…”


“Eh?” Aiba looked at him puzzled.

Jun smiled as he turned to face one confused boy. “The purification…”

“What’s that?” Aiba titled his head trying to understand the meaning behind those words. He raised his eyebrows as Jun made his way back beside him.

“I guess it’s a no then…” Jun said as he grasped Aiba’s shoulders and leaned forward to inhale his scent. “Nice smell you have here, Masaki…” he said while hugging Aiba.

“What- mm~” Aiba let out a moan as he suddenly felt something at his lips, licking him.

“Just close your eyes, Masaki…”

“Ah~… no, sir…” Aiba tried to push Jun away but he can’t outdo the strength of a vampire as he was merely a human. And Jun pulled away to get a better look at Aiba’s face.

“Don’t you trust me?”Aiba don’t know why but he does trust him so he chose to just close his eyes. Jun tilted his head to get the better position for the kiss as have his hands at Aiba’s neck and back making him to moan a little louder to the kiss.


Jun was devouring Aiba’s mouth when Sho decided to come in. Too occupied with the task in hand, Jun didn’t hear someone had entered the room. He was about to deepen the kiss when suddenly a voice stopped him.

“Ma- Master, what are you doing?”

“Ah~ Sho, you’re back…” Jun said as he pulled away from Aiba and licked his lips. “I thought of tasting this boy if you don’t mind…” he said as he sat straight. “You don’t mind, right?”

Oh, the feeling he felt that moment really can’t be describe by words. He felt like biting his head off his body, tearing it apart, and threw it to the wolf to be eaten. But he knew he couldn’t say anything. Not without causing harm to himself. “N- No, master…” he stressed the words grasped harder at the tray he was holding.

Aiba had moved from his previous lying position and now sitting at the end of the couch making distance between him and ‘the master’. His face was as red as a tomato to the thought that he was kissing him back.

Jun smiled to the reaction he got from Sho. He kept inside the fact that he had heard that Sho was coming from far away. He shifted closer to Aiba and swung his hand across his and pulled him closer. “Let’s eat…”



thats from me...
Sho get jealous over Jun but can do nothing~~
we'll see how  ixlovexsho continue from here...
and Jen, that's your que ..^__^
<3 fara

a little something to make your imagination gone wild~~ >___<

p/s: i just realized that i don't answer any of u guys comment from the last part...
so much things going on... gomen ne~ m(_ _)m

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, title: vampire heart, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
