[multi-chapter] Vampire Heart - Chapter 4

Apr 13, 2010 14:29

Title: Vampire Heart
Authors:  ixlovexsho and  faradakiut 
Pairings: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy, AU
Summary: Sho is a vampire prince and he finds himself the perfect snack when he meets up Aiba. The things get strange when he starts to have feelings for him...
Disclaimer: We only own Arashi in our dreams and fantasies XDD
Banner by  ixlovexsho

Chapter 4

The room went silent as both men were occupied with their own thoughts. Aiba was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling while Ohno sat at the couch across the room, going through some old newspapers and magazines that were scattering on top of the coffee table in front of him.

Aiba studied the pattern on the ceiling and wondered how many years have the house been built since spider webs were almost covering every corner of it. Everything but the bed he was lying on showed sign of aging. The bed looked new, as if it was placed here just yesterday. Suddenly he felt his stomach growling, he just remembered that he didn’t eat since the breakfast he had with his parent yesterday. Slowly he turned his gaze towards Ohno who was squatting behind the couch. Then something came into his head. Chance! He stood up from the bed and went to him quietly.

Sho sure didn’t know how to keep his room in order, as Ohno had to arrange everything back to its places every time he entered the room. Not that he always in that room but his presence was somehow essential to both Sho and Nino. Not to his liking, Sho sometimes do drink blood from him since no one yet to satisfy his thirst. Nino would quietly stand outside when Sho summoned him to this room. For all he knew, this room was Sho’s personal dining room.
He was neatly arranging the papers under the table when Aiba slowly approached him.

“ano, Ohno-san…” Aiba called timidly.


“Do- do you have something to eat?”

“Why, are you hungry?”

“ye- yes…” Aiba said “… haven’t eaten since yesterday…”

Ohno looked at him with a little surprise. No wonder this boy is too skinny, he thought, not enough food being consumed. “Fine… let’s go to the kitchen… I’ll fix something for you…”

Aiba followed Ohno’s lead to the kitchen and while at that his eyes wondered around the house. Each time they went through a room, he felt this unexplainable chilled feeling running through his veins. They climbed down a few stories before reaching a very dark and long hallway.

The rumors about this house sure were true apart from where he was told that the house was the nastiest and smelliest place in the world. It looked like it had been taken care of by someone, even though not that good, but Aiba didn’t know who. He bet Ohno and Nino wasn’t the one responsible, let alone Sho, so there’s got to be someone else living in this huge mansion. They passed another room, what Aiba thought used to be maids’ room judging by its location to reach the end of the hallway that lead to the kitchen. Ohno directed Aiba to sit at the empty chair by the window and he got busied with the food.

Aiba looked outside the window and found that it was facing the backyard where he was caught by the guards as he recognized the huge rock he was hiding at before the guards found him. The kitchen was located at the second floor as he looked down to find another floor below. He stretched his neck to take a clear view outside as he made his escape plan in his head.

“Shit…” Ohno suddenly cursed. Aiba looked at him slightly surprised but relieved when he saw Ohno was busied with the stuff in the refrigerator. He turned and looked at Aiba, giving him a warning look. “I’ll be right back… and don’t ever think of doing anything funny while I’m gone…”

Aiba just nodded as he watched Ohno exited the kitchen. He was mumbling something anout how Nino will be mad at him if he found out that he forgot to do the task given. Aiba took a deep breath as he heard Ohno closed the door behind him. Now or never, he thought as he clicked opened the window’s locked. He was already at the verge of the window when the door suddenly opened.

“Hey, get away from there!” he heard Ohno’s voice from behind. He closed his eyes and convinced himself to jump by thinking the worst that could happen was death and not being in this horrible place. To his disappointment, he found himself on Ohno’s lap as Ohno managed to pull him away from the window just in time.

“Are you crazy!?” Ohno yelled as he pushed Aiba off of him and pulled him on his feet. “I should’ve known not to leave you alone…” He dragged Aiba upstairs back to the room and pinned him on the bed.


“Let me go, Ohno-san … please…” Aiba struggled as Ohno trying hard to reach something behind the headrest “… I- I can’t stay here…”

“You have to; he’ll kill us all other wise…” Ohno said with firm tone. Nothing can change his stand now, not even a crying 18 years old boy who was begging him to the fullest. “Enough…” Ohno said as he pulled out a chain.

“What- what’s that for?”

“You’ve asked for it…” Ohno said as he chained Aiba’s right leg “… I’ve warned you before…”

Aiba gasped to the touch of the cold metal at his leg. “NO!! Oh- Ohno-san, please let me go… you can’t do this to me…” Aiba pleaded.

“I have too…” Ohno pulled himself up from the bed and walked to the door.

“I thought you’re a human… but you’re no far from him!!!” Aiba cried out.

“I haven’t been acting like a human for the last 5 years…” Ohno said as closed the door behind him leaving Aiba crying his heart out.



this is it from me....
short, i know, well i'll try to make up for it in my next chappy...
back to you Jen-chan ( ixlovexsho )....
if u didn't notice, we have a new banner...
since she know i adore Aiba very much, she went all the trouble to do this banner just for me...
<3 fara

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, title: vampire heart, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
