[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 38

Apr 02, 2010 23:33

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Junba (one-sided), Ohmiya and Junma
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

Jun had brought Aiba back to his room the moment he managed to pull Aiba to his feet. Aiba was still crying when they reached the room and Jun had to shove him forcefully to bed to stop him from doing too much crying. After what Jun thought a very long minutes, he was relieved that Aiba finally asleep.

He sat on the chair watching over a figure lying motionlessly on the bed, sniffling from his previous heavy cries. He sat silently and watched at how pale Aiba’s face had become and the movement of his chest; up and down with every breath he took. He took Aiba’s hand in his and brought it to his mouth and kissed it softly.

“Aiba, why can’t you see me when I’m right before your eyes?” he said sadly. He leaned forward to close the distance between their lips but stop in the middle of it as his thought flew back to when he first saw Aiba

Jun peeked inside and opened the door carefully to avoid causing any discomfort to the person inside before entering the room.

“Aiba…?” he called softly as he approached the bed.

Aiba who was lying on the bed with eyes closed, opened his eyes slowly upon hearing his name. He shifted his right hand indicating Jun to hold it since he wasn’t strong enough to move it. Needlessly to be told twice, Jun sat on the chair beside the bed and took aiba’s hand on his, holding it tightly. Aiba opened his mouth and frowned when he felt his chest was in pain. “Th- thank you, Ju-Jun…” he managed with all his might.

“No… no, Aiba… It’s me who should say thank you…” Jun held back his tears not wanting to look weak in front of Aiba “… and I’m sorry… for being a jerk…” Aiba smiled weakly to the words and tried to talk again only this time no word came out. He frowned and Jun looked worriedly at him. “Aiba, are you ok? I’m calling the doctor…”

“No, Jun… I’m fine…” Aiba lied as he tried to hide his pain. “I… forgive you, Jun… I’ve already forgiven you…” he stopped and took a deep breath before continuing “…you’ve tried… to save me… and I’m… grateful for that… ”

“No, that’s nothing compare to what I’ve done to you…” Jun buried his face to their linked hands. “I’m really sorry, Aiba…”

“I-” Aiba couldn’t finish the sentence as he started to cough badly.

“Stop, Aiba… just-”

“No, I want to say this before I fall asleep again… or I’ll never say it… please…”

“What is it?” Jun asked gently.

“I’m sorry, Jun… for causing all the trouble… for causing you… to go running around… just to save me… who’s not worthy of saving…” Aiba stopped when he felt something in his eyes “…heh, I’m a crybaby… aren’t I?” he said as he sniffled.

“No, you’re not…” Jun said softly, bringing Aiba’s hand to his mouth, kissing it. “I wanna do it… no one force me into it…”

“…Jun… I’m… you…” The drug was showing its effect as Aiba’s words become incoherent. “… and you… call me… Aiba-chan…” Aiba managed as he slowly drifted to sleep.

“I’ll be here when you need me… I won’t leave you… Aiba-chan” Jun whispered softly to Aiba’s ear. He set Aiba’s hand back on the bed, and left the room as without a sound. As he closed the door behind him, he leaned and wiped the tears that’s been pooling in his eyes.

Jun’s thought when back to present as he felt hand in his moved. He looked down to see Aiba had freed himself from his grip. He stood abruptly and went to the door. Jun jumped from his seat to chase after him.

“Aiba, where are you going?” he called as he grab Aiba’s arm and swung him around to face him.

“Sho-chan… he’s… I…” Aiba mumbled a sentence that was inaudibly to Jun.

“What!?” Jun’s voice was slightly high.

Aiba looked up to Jun with eyes pleading to be let go. “I need to see him… Sho-chan… I want to apologize to him… he must be mad at me for something… he-”

“Don’t you think that’s enough?” Jun asked sternly as Aiba showed no sign to stop anytime soon. “Don’t you hear what he said back then?”

“But… I- he-”

“Enough!” Jun finally snapped “… he’s gone and he’s not coming back!”

“What do you know!?” Aiba shouted. “You know nothing!” he slumped down, placed his face between his knees and started sobbing “… he said he loves me… Sho-chan… he-” Aiba started to cry “… he said it to me… that he-”

“Aiba, that’s enough…” Jun said softly and pulled him up into his embraced. “Stop crying…”

“I- I can’t… I wanna see him, Jun…” Aiba managed between his sob.

“Stop crying and I’ll promise to take you to him…” Jun tried.

Aiba looked at Jun doubtfully before wiping of his tears. “O- Ok…” he tried to smile.


Jun sighed in relieved as he watched Aiba’s breathing getting even indicating that he had fallen asleep. He was thinking how on earth he was going to let Aiba meet Sakurai. He heard every single word coming from that guy when he walked away from Aiba. If anyone asked him whether or not he’s willing to let the two meet, he will definitely going to say that he wouldn’t let that Sakurai go near his Aiba.

He stood up and walked to the window, watching the raindrops hitting the glass window. He let out another sighed, this time for regret, regretted that he made a fake promise; a promise he knew he couldn’t keep.

As his mind thinking of a way out for Aiba’s matter, his cellphone rang. Jun took out the cell and answered it half heartedly.



“wh-?” surprised with the sudden outburst from the caller, he brought the cell from his ear to his face and looked at the caller ID. “Yoshida-san~…” he greeted the caller.

“Stop ‘Yoshida-san’ me… where are you?” the caller said. “Didn’t I tell you to be here early to clear the stock?”

Yoshida-san was Jun’s boss. Jun was working at a convient store, now that the bakery wasn’t his anymore. He needed money and somehow, the only thing he managed to find was a job there. The convenient store was located across the hospital and he was more than grateful to be able to work at a place where he was able to be close to Aiba. He just started working there two days ago.

“Ah~ I totally forgot about that…” Jun said to himself, unintentionally telling his boss as well.

“You forgot!? What the-”

“I’m sorry Yoshida-san…” Jun cut him “… I’ll be there in a flash…”

“You better… or else…” he managed before hanging up.

Jun knew that the treat was nothing more than just words. He knew that Yoshida-san was a kindhearted man who’s willing to give him chance to show that he was capable to do any kind of job that he needed to. Jun sighed to the phone and went on his way to the store.


“Up there!” Yoshida shouted as Jun awkwardly tried to reach a package on top of the locker “… and careful with-” with the last word came a loud bang.


“What’s going on in there?” Yoshida rushed into the storeroom to see Jun got buried in a pile of boxes. “I thought I’ve told you to be careful!?” he said with a slight concerned.

“I’m fine, thanks for asking anyway…” Jun said sarcastically as he pushed the boxes aside and sat up. His eyes widened when he saw an envelope with its content scattering outside and looked up to his boss. “What’s this?”

“That’s my nephew’s…” Yoshida said “I won’t touch anything if I were you…” he said as he went back to the front.

“How old is he anyway?” Jun mumbled to himself as he started to go through the paper one by one.

“What are you doing?” Jun turned to the shouting voice and let go the papers in his hand causing them to drop and scattered around the room. A guy at about his age was standing against the door looking intensely at him. “Now look what you have done…” the man complained and started to pick up the papers.

Jun’s heart stopped when he looked at the familiar feature on the man’s face. No, that can’t be him, he thought. He was gone years ago with his sister. He was too occupied looking at the boy without realizing that the papers fell from his hands. “Ah~ I’m sorry… I-” Jun mumbled his apology as he bent down to help the man.

“Don’t touch my stuff…” the man said as he snatched the papers from Jun’s hands. “Just get outta here…”

“Sor- sorry…” Jun managed before walking out from the storeroom.

“Yoshida-san, you should’ve told me earlier that he’s coming…” Jun whined.

“I’ve told you not to touch his stuff, didn’t I?” he smirked.

Jun was about to complain again when the man walked out of the storeroom. “Uncle, didn’t I tell you not to let some stranger into my room when I’m not in?” he said eyes locking at Jun.

“Sorry, but our new worker here really is interested with your stuff…” Yoshida said with a serious tone.

“Wait, I’m not-” Jun stopped when the man suddenly went to him and pulled him back into what he thought was a storeroom but turned out to be the man’s room.

“So, what are you looking for?” the man asked while his eyes stared right into Jun’s eyes.

Jun shifted backward as he was uncomfortable with the distance between their faces. “Nothing… I was just-”

“Enough… just get out of here…” the man suddenly said as if he didn’t find what he was searching for in Jun’s eyes.

“What?” Jun looked puzzled to him.

“I said get… out… of… here…” the boy repeated himself slowly assuming that Jun was dumb to understand his previous words.

“Huh!? You gotta be kidding me…” Jun let out a laugh. “You’re the one pulling me in and now you’re asking me to get out?”

“Yeah…” the man answered simply.

“Whatever, you’re crazy, man…” Jun continued to laugh as he turned to the door.

“Toma, go easy on him…” they heard Yoshida from the outside.

Jun’s body stiffened upon hearing the name. “To- Toma?” he repeated, turning to face the man and at the same time his eyes fell on a frame at the corner of the room; two little boys and a girl smiling brightly to the camera.



yay~ chapter 38...
toma appearance (like what i mention to  mm_nani   before, i can't imagine Jun being with anyone but Toma)...hehe well then, enjoy...

ah~ before i forgot, i might not be able to update until 10 Apr since i have an important exam coming (exam to work in gov. sector)...
so bare with this until then, kay...
wish me luck...
again, comment = love, and i need love...
<3 fara

r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, ! fanfiction, title: only love, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho, p: ikuta toma/matsumoto jun
