[one-shot] My new teacher

Mar 19, 2010 00:09

Title: my new teacher
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Ohno X ohnia , Nino X OC
Rating: G
Genre: AU, School, romance, fluff
Summary: new teacher? new lover? (what am i talking about?) 
Disclaimer: not mine… huh~ (-_-“)

“So, who’s the ‘lucky’ teacher this time?”

“Huh?” Naya looked up to her friend. She managed and shoved the noodle inside her mouth and wiped the stained with the hem of her shirt. Then she looked at Hana and asked “… you were saying?”

“Mari-sensei’s going to quit after she get that mysterious accident in the lab… and before her, Tsuyoshi-sensei… I still wonder how you managed to make him believe that the library was haunted…” Hana touched her chin and rubbed it as she was thinking hard. “So I’m asking you, do you know who the ‘lucky’ teacher is this time?”

“How should I know?” Naya frowned at Hana. “I have nothing to do with those incidents…” she raised her hand, swore telling the truth.

“Well, don’t think that I don’t know what you’re doing…” Hana said annoyingly. “You’re responsible for everything… and don’t pretend that you don’t…”

“No, I don’t…” Naya denied “… seriously… why can’t you trust your own friend?” and faking a pout.

The school they attended was a school that was well-known for its outstanding achievements in academic and sports. But lately, something weird was happening in the school and Hana knew by all mean that Naya was behind every single one of it even though she kept denying it.

“Yeah, right…” Hana said sarcastically “… and the poor teachers just decided to quit on their own…”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Naya said as she stood up and walked away from the scene.

“You know what I’m talking about!!” Hana called out loud so that Naya would hear her.


“Shit, I’m late!” she exclaimed as she jumped out of the bus and started running. From afar she heard the school bell rang. “No!! That gorilla must’ve waiting in front of the gate already… I’m doom…” she whined to herself. The discipline teacher, who’s nicknamed Gorilla by the students would waited in front of the school gate every morning for student’s who’d came in late and punished them. Realizing that she was already late, she abruptly stopped, causing someone behind her to bump onto her. Naya looked back and saw a boy.

The boy, who was carrying a rather huge bag, lost his balanced and fell backward. Judging from the direction he was running to, Naya assumed that the boy was going to her school since the school was located exactly around the corner. He wasn’t wearing her school uniform so she thought that he must be a new student. Either way, he’s her only hope for not getting caught coming late to school that she’s desperately in need.

She pulled him up to his feet and wiped off any visible dirt on his cloth. “Are you going to that school?” she asked, pointing to the building and when the boy nodded, she grinned. Help where you needed, she thought. Then she started to drag him away from it.

“Wait!” he called and tried to get free from Naya’s grip. He knew that Naya was the student of that school from the uniform she’s wearing. “Aren’t we going over there? The main gate is over there, right?”
“Um, the gate’s lock is broken…” she lied “… and we must go through the back…”

“But no one told-” the boy frowned.

“Enough talking… you don’t want to be late, do you?” Naya took his hand and started to pull him again.

“… But…” the boy hesitated before agreeing “… if you say so… ah~ my bag…”

“I got it…” Naya swung the boy’s bag to her left shoulder and hers on the right. “Now come on…” she pulled him toward the back gate.


To his surprise, the back gate was locked. He looked at the girl who was pulling him there and waited for an explanation but nothing came. She was busy looking around and jumping to see over the tall wall. He stood there dumbfounded as she started to throw their bags over the wall, inside.

“Come here…” she called him. “Get on your knees…”

“What!?” he looked at her in disbelieve.

“Hurry… we don’t have much time…” she grasped his shoulders and pushed him down so that he was in crawl position. “Now stay still…” He obediently froze as she pressed his back for stability before stepping up.

“Wait!” he called causing her to imbalance her body and nearly fell. Lucky her she was holding the wall the whole time. “Are you seriously gonna jump over the wall?”

“Yeah, I thought you’ve noticed minutes ago… now stay still...” she swung her right foot over the wall and stayed on the wall. “Now your turn… come on…” she offered him a hand to pull him up but he stood up, walked away from the wall and jumped over it without help. Naya was slightly impressed before realization hit her. “Show off…” she mumbled as she jumped down inside.

“So, what’d we do now?” the boy asked.

“‘I’ go to my class and ‘you’ go to wherever you want to go…” she said simply as she took her bag “… uh, and thanks for your help…” she winked and flashed her best smiled before started walking to her class “… better get going if you don’t want to be late…” she managed before disappearing around the corner.

The boy looked at Naya until she vanished from his parameter before leaned down to get his bag. His eyes caught something lying next to his bag, a student ID. He picked it up, looked at it and smiled before walking toward the school’s office.


“Safe~!” Naya exclaimed as she threw her bag on the table and slumped on her chair. She was sitting at the last row so no one actually noticed her arrival except for students who sat in her row.

“So, do you know who the new teacher is?” Nino who was sitting in front of her turned so that he was facing her. He was her one and only partner in crime. If she knew something, he knew and vice versa. The two of them, including Hana were friends since middle school. The two always get in trouble together since Hana will always stay away from the two when she sense trouble.

“Nope… I overslept this morning… games…”

“Uh, too bad…” he said sadly “… and I thought we gonna have some fun today…”

“Don’t worry; the show will still go on… I’ll try to find out at break…” she said with a sly smile. “Just get ready on my call…”

“Roger that…” he said smiling back as slyly before turning back in front to greet the teacher.


“Why must I get involve in this stupid plan? I thought you tell me that you got nothing to do with those creepy accidents…” Hana complained. As soon as the bell rang Naya was waiting in front of her class and pulling her behind the building. Now, they’re squatting under the window of the office to eardrop on the teachers.

“You wanted to know so badly yesterday so now I’m showing you… stop whining…” Naya hushed her friend.

“But don’t you usually do this alone? Why bring me now… I might get in trouble…” Hana continued to whine.

“I need you to stay on guard; Nino has to settle something… I usually do this in the morning but I’m late… its recess now and someone might notice us…” she explained. “Now shush… I’m trying to listen…”

As soon as she got the main point they’re out of the place. Hana got back to her class with heart pumping unstably in her chest while Naya returned to her class with a smile.

“He’s a he and an art teacher…” Naya whispered to Nino. “So, I’m guessing the art room…” she continued with the wicked smile.

“Consider it done…” Nino whispered proudly “… we’ll initiate right after school…”


Ohno Satoshi made his way to the principal’s office as soon as he arrived at the main office. It’s his first day and he’s already late. As soon as he heard a voice telling him to come in, he grasped the doorknob and peeked inside. He smiled as he saw his old friend; Nakamaru was already inside with the principle so that he won’t be feeling nervous.

“Ohno-san, please come in…” the principle greeted him with a smile. She was going through some paper while Nakamaru sat comfortably in front of her.

“Satoshi-kun… long time no see…” Nakamaru stood up and offered him, his hand. Ohno accepted it with a smile and before taking his place beside him.

“Nakamaru-sensei here was just telling me how dedicated you are on teaching art to student…”

“That’s all I can do…” Ohno said humbly.

“Our school might’ve been in trouble if you decided to quit as well…”

“As well?”

“You’ll understand sooner or later…” the principal cut. They’d gone through the contract and details on what Ohno’s work for the first week.

“… now, Nakamaru-sensei, please show Ohno-sensei to his room…” The guys bowed before getting out of the office.

“Ohno-sensei… I like the sound of it…” Ohno joked.

“Too soon, my friend… tell me back when you decided to teach here for sure…”

Ohno tilted his head in confusion but decided not to ask about it anymore. The art room was located at the other end of the corridor of the office so the surrounding was quiet and gloomy. The room was left unused for many years since the school itself not interested in making it alive. Rumors also had spread that the room was haunted. Every night if someone walked outside the room, they’ll feel like someone was painting something inside the room while humming creepy songs. Not that Nakamaru actually believed it. Well, he wouldn’t if not for Tsuyoshi-sensei that came crying at him after seeing something in the library a few nights before. No, he didn’t believe it.

But of course it wasn’t problem for an artist like Ohno. He liked how the room feels. Nakamaru eyes were going wild while they settled in the room. But Ohno knew that his friend like to make a big deal out of everything so he decided to ignore anything his friend told him.

“Just be careful now…” Nakamaru said as he closed the door behind him.

“Yeah, I will…” Ohno called back as he placed his art supplies on the dusty table. He didn’t bother to clean it up since he’ll make use of any student coming for the lesson. “Now, what should I do?” he said quietly while looking around the room.

Something caught his attention at the corner of the room as he slowly made his way to it. What he saw was seemed to be a painting board covered under a white sheet at the corner of the room. He pulled off the cover and surprise to see a beautiful oil painting of a young girl staring back at him.

“uwah~ who ever painted this is sure is skillful…” he said to himself as he traced his fingers along the painting, admiring its beauty. But then realization hit him. “but-”

The teachers said that the art room was unoccupied for years but from the looks of it, the painting seemed new and well taken care of. “Well I guess that person must secretly paint this masterpiece to give to someone…”


“Oi, you’re late!” Naya exclaimed as soon as Nino arrived.

“Ah~ sorry… our math teacher wanna see me…”

“Of course she wanted to see you… always playing with those cards during math period… no wonder you’re failing her class…” Hana rolled her eyes.

“How’d you know? You’re not even in our class…” Nino denied.

“Stop it you two… someone might’ve heard us…” Naya cut in and frowned to see both glaring at each other. “Nino, have you placed the ‘thing’ inside?”

“Sure do… we’ve to wait and see…”

“Great, that’s why I love you…” Naya said instinctively without noticing the look Hana gave to her. Nino on the other hand smiled slyly. “Now, stay down you two… I’m going in… tell my mother I love her if I’m not back in 30 min…” she managed as she pulled her friends squatting under the window of the art room before running inside the building.

“Wait, Naya” Nino called but Naya was further away to hear “… you didn’t ask what-.. she’s so gonna kill me…” he said as he looked back to Hana as if asking her to back him up if something went wrong later.

“Serves you right…” Hana said as she folded her hands to her chest ignoring him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Nino took his place beside her.

“Nothing…” she said without looking at him.

“Are you… jealous?... of Naya?” he tried his luck as he kneeled in front of her taking her face in his palms.

“Eh!? For what?” she blushed to his action.

“Aw~ Hana, I told you we should tell her about this…” Nino whined “… so that you won’t get jealous when Naya said that she loves me…”

“I- I’m not jealous!” Hana denied and pushed his hands away before stood up and ran from the scene as Nino hurriedly after her.


Naya was hiding behind the door holding a mop while peeking inside the room when she realized that Nino hasn’t told her what the item is this time. As she saw no one was inside the room, she placed the ‘trap’ to its place and quickly made her way inside before the new teacher came back in. she opened the window to her friends’ hiding place and called for him.

“Nino… hey, Nino!!” she called but no one answered. Damn it, when I told them to stay put, she cursed. They better be in place when I get out there or they’re dead meat when I get my hands on them. Her thought was interrupted when someone tapping her shoulder.

“What are you doing here?” she turned and ready all the excuses in her head as she turned to face the teacher. But it’s only the boy she met that morning looking back at her. “Ah~ you…” the boy said.

“What are you doing here?” she asked instead.

“Well, I’m here to-”

“Ah! I know… that new teacher must’ve you to clean this room for him right? They always do that…”

“Ye- yeah…” the boy hesitated. “So, what are you doing here?”

“Nothing… just looking around… well, I better get going to find my friend now…” she walked to the door and gasped the doorknob to push it open but the door won’t move. Then she remembered her trap, the mop. “hey, when you come in do you see any suspicious looking mop? Naya called.

The boy turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “yeah, why?”

“… and you don’t do anything to put it aside before entering?”

“No…why?” he asked again.

“We’re lock inside, damn it, that’s why!” she shouted as she kicked the door furiously.



“Ok, that’s creepy…”

“What?” Naya asked annoyingly. They’ve been trapped in for hours now. The sunset almost visible but still her two so-called best friend were no where to be found. To add the disaster, she forgot to check the lighting in the room so now they’re sitting in the dark. The boy sat at the teacher’s table looking inside a bag filled with art supplied while she sat closer to the door.

“… Her hair’s growing…” the boy pointed to the oil painting located at the corner of the room. Naya sat up and walked to the painting to see clearer as the boy followed closer. They stared at the painting long enough until the boy shoved his hand to touch the extra growing hair.

“Stop… don’t do that…” she said as she pulled his hand away from it. “You never know what’ll happen…”

“What?” he chuckled. “What, you’re afraid that I might get suck in or something?”

“No…” she frowned looking at him.

“… or have you heard that this art room’s haunted? I bet this picture was one of it…”

“Stop… that’s enough…” she went o her place near the door and clasped her ears with her hands “… I’m not gonna listen to you anymore…”

So much for tough image she’s been showing him until now, he smiled to the thought.


“I’m hungry…” the boy whined. “When do you think we’re gonna get out of here?” he continued “… I’m gonna eat all the food I can when I get out of here… what do you like to-”

“Would you stop whining already?” Naya suddenly snapped. The boy has been talking none stop. Every time Naya snapped he would stop for a few minutes but continued as if nothing ever happen. “I don’t know when we’re gonna get out and I don’t wanna eat anything ok? I just-” she stopped when she heard a loud noise coming from outside the door. “What’s that?” she stood abruptly from her chair and retreated closer to the boy. She stood beside the boy who was leaning leisurely on the teacher’s seat.

“What’s what?” he asked after they went into silent but didn’t hear anything. Naya signed and the sound appeared again. This time the boy heard it too judging by his face.

“That!” she gripped the boy’s arm as soon as he stood properly in front of her.

“It’s probably just the wind…” he assured her. But then the door moved as if someone was shaking it from the outside.

“Can the wind do that!?” she exclaimed. She’s been controlling herself from screaming her lung out when she heard any suspicious noise but this time it’s getting louder.

“Ok, my bad… its not the wind… it must-” he stopped as his eyes fell on the oil painting. There’s a weird light coming from unknown sources shone to the painting causing it to be the only bright thing in the room. The hair started growing back as it was stopped when the room turned to dark.

He would’ve gone and check the source of the light if wasn’t for the girl clinging onto him. They’re now squeezing to each other at the other corner across the painting. She squeezed her eyes shut and hid her face onto his shoulder as he stood in front of her as if guarding her from any upcoming danger. But nothing happen after that, as the door stopped shaking and the light slowly dim away leaving the room darker as previous.

“Naya, its ok now… nothing happen…” he said as he tried to take her hand and free himself from her grip. She shook her head that was still buried to his shoulder and refused to let go of him or move away. His heart was beating unstably now that he can clearly feel all the curves and heat from her body. “Ok, I guess we can stay like this for a moment…” he said giving up.


Naya shifted as she felt the heat and the light shone directly to her face. She felt uncomfortable like sleeping on a hard floor but yet warm at the same time. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw the boy’s sleeping face greeted her. His hand was over her waist, one leg over hers and face inches apart. Slowly she leaned forward and when their lips only a breath away from each other, she stopped. What am I doing, she thought. I can’t take advantage of a sleeping man. She froze on her position and enjoyed the warmth before the boy started to shift closer, pulling her to him.

She was alarmed by the action and pushed the weight off her before sitting up. “What do you think you’re doing!?” she yelled.

The boy who was awakened by force blinked several times to register his surrounding. It took him a few minutes to realize his situation. “You’re the one refuse to let me go last night~” he said with a yawn.

“I- what- you’re lying…” she flushed.

He just raised his shoulders and went to the door. “Anybody out there!? Hello~…” he called while grasping the doorknob. And to their surprise, the door was opened. He looked back to Naya and smiled knowingly as he walked back to her. “you should’ve just said that you wanna be alone with me… no need to pretend that the door was locked…” he said between the smile.

“NO! Are you accusing me for something? If it’s me, how’d you explain the things happening last night? I was with you all the time…” she defended herself.

“That’s yours to think about…”

“Wha- Whatever… I’m out of here…” Naya hid her blushing face as she stormed out of the room and went to her class.


“Where’ve you guys been yesterday?” Naya said as he pulled Nino’s hand to the back as he struggled to free himself. Despite Nino being a boy, Naya was slightly stronger than him so she managed to hold him down. “Do you know how I felt all night?”

“I know and I’m sorry!” Nino exclaimed as he winced painfully. “I told them to go all out since he was a male teacher… they didn’t know that you’re trap inside with him…”

“We didn’t do it on purpose Naya, please…” Hana said sadly.

“Excuses…” she said as she let him go. He slumped beside Hana who was kneeling in front of Naya.

“Do you know what I’ve to face last night… with that weird boy…”

“I’m sorry Naya… we both are…”

“Yeah, yeah…” Naya was now calming down as she started to think rationally “… but I’m curious though… I thought that the teacher gonna be get back to the room since his stuff still inside… but he didn’t come back until morning…”

“Really? But the guys tell me that they saw the teacher went out from the room this morning… right after you left…” Nino said as he stayed still letting Hana to do his tie.

“Eh? But-” Naya frowned to the fact. “Whatever… now tell me, where’ve you guys gone yesterday?”

“Eh!?” Nino and Hana said in unison.

“Don’t think that I don’t know you guys little secret…. I saw how you guys look at each other… and I was purposely saying those words to make Hana jealous…” she smiled.


“It’s him…”

Naya looked up to the voice in front of her. Nino pointed to the front door as their homeroom teacher went inside with a man. She looked at his direction and saw a man wearing a red cap, a huge glasses and what seemed like a white hospital gown introducing himself.

“Hi, I’m Ohno Satoshi, your new teacher and I’ll be teaching art… lets work together this year ok?” and he received claps from the class. The first period was art so their homeroom teacher went out after receiving the attendance from the monitor. It’s the first class so they’ll have it in their class room instead of the art room.

Naya cant help but to think that the new teacher resembled someone he knew so she kept staring at him without her even realizing it. She was too occupied until she doesn’t even that he was standing right beside her.

“Where’s your pencil and paper, Naya?” she jumped to the voice and frowned to how familiar it sounded. Except that this voice was too fiercely used.

“Ah~ sorry… I was just-”

“Enough talking… get to work…” he cut her.

She winced at him as he walked back to the front before realizing something. He just called her Naya. The class never introduced themselves to him yet and she was positive that she never introduced herself to him privately. And Nino seemed to notice when he suddenly turned back to face her.

“I thought you said you didn’t know who he is…” Nino whispered. “How’d he know your name?”

“I don’t-”

“YOU at the back!” both turned in surprise to Ohno-sensei “… the girl… see me after school… now get to work!”

“Sorry~” Nino managed before he turned to face in front. Naya let out a sign and started doodling on her paper.


“Ah~ back to this place again…” Naya signed as she walked around the art room. After being explained by Nino about the oil painting trick, she felt slightly relieved to be in the room alone. “Where is he anyway?”

“Sorry I’m late, teacher’s meeting…” Naya turned and saw the boy at the door. She titled her head in confusion.

“I’m not here to see you…” she said folded her arm to her chest. Even though I wanted too, she continued in her heart. “I’m here for the art teacher… where is he anyway…”

“Wow~ you seriously didn’t recognize me until now?” he said as he searched for something in his bag and took out a red cap, a glasses and a white gown.

“What are- OMG!!!” she clasped her hand to her mouth. “You’re Ohno-sensei…” suddenly her memories from the first day she met him until last night replaying in her head. She squatted and brought her head between her knees. “NO!!”

“What’s wrong?” he went to her and pulled her up.

“I might’ve made a fool of myself in front of you… several times...” Naya said as she went for the door. “Excuse me…”

“No you don’t… you still owe me this morning kiss…”

“What?” she blushed. “Are you awake all that time?”

“Yeah~” he said proudly as he pulled her closer.

“Are you for real?” she asked keeping a distance between their faces.

“Like hell I am…” he said determinedly while bringing their face together.

“But- How do you know my name anyway?” she asked again, stopping his action.

“Ah~ I forgot to give this back to you…” he pulled out a small ID card from his bag and shoved it to her. “You drop it when we climb the wall…”

“My student ID… I’ve been searching for it… thanks…” she smiled. “Well now what?” she asked awkwardly.

“Now we kiss…” he said and leaned forward to kiss her.



especially to my imotou ohnia ...
hope u like it...T_T
thanks for ur lovely fic here...
enjoy the fluffiness...^__^
<3 fara

p: ohno satoshi/oc, r: g, title: my new teacher, p: ninomiya kazunari/oc, ! fanfiction, # one-shot
