[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 29

Feb 25, 2010 01:46

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Jun/Aiba, and Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

A loud cough woke him up. Jun raised his head and blinked several times to register his surrounding. The ray of sunlight made its way throught the narrow opening of the curtain, able him to fully observed his surrounding. Remember that he had finally made his way to the cabin last night; he focused to the bed to see Aiba was coughing out loud, frowning. His eyes were still close so Jun can’t tell whether he was awake or not. A small towel that was previously on his forehead fell crumpling beside his pillow due to his abrupt movement. Jun stroked Aiba’s chest to try to lessen it.

A few minutes had passed but Aiba didn’t show any sign of stopping causing Jun to feel anxious. Jun’s eyes wondered around the room before fell on the small table beside the bed to see what’d seemed like Aiba’s medicine, standing neatly beside a glass of water. He quickly grabbed the bottle of pills, discharged one of its contents onto his hand before lifting Aiba up so that his back was resting on the headrest of the bed. He shoved the pill in Aiba’s mouth and helped him gulpped down some water to swallow it.

After that he tucked Aiba back gently under his blanket and watched as Aiba drifted back to sleep as soon as his head touch the pillow. He took the towel and went to the kitchen to run it under cool water before going back to the bedroom. Gently, he placed the towel back on Aiba’s forehead before sitting back on the chair beside the bed.

Jun let out a small sign of relieved when Aiba’s coughs finally subsided. The watch on his wrist showed 4 AM. His body was still tired from the long drive. Slowly, he took Aiba’s hand in his before resting his head back on the bed, eyes closed. He thightened the grip on Aiba’s hand as sleep slowly took over his body.


The environment in the dining room was far from comfortable. Matsumoto Yukihiro ate his breakfast without uttering a single word. His wife sat obediently beside him holding a fork, playing with the omelet on her plate. Both of them focusing on their own thoughts, ignoring the existence of the other until Matsumoto finally spoke.

“So, he’s not home last night?” his words were more like stating the fact rather than asking. His wife shook her head while continued with her doing. “Would you stop that already?” he placed his utensils on the table and glared at his wife.

Slowly she placed her fork down and signed heavily. “I’m worried…” she suddenly spoke.

“On what?” he asked, shoving a piece of bread in his mouth.

She managed a glare at her husband while continuing “.. Jun of course…”


“He’s not home last night and youre asking why… Yuki, what’ll we do if something happen to him…”

“Since when is that boy ever listens to my order?” Matsumoto smirked as he lifted his cup of coffee to his mouth and took a sip. He placed down the cup before continuing “… I only asked my secretary to tell him I need him at home so that he’ll be a little careless on what’s he doing… I have one of my men on his track since yesterday…”

“So you do know where he is?” his wife asked impatiently. Matsumoto only smiled to respond.


The newspaper’s title caught his attention as he pass through a book store that morning. Ohno stepped in the store to look closely afraid that his eyes were playing trick on him. He dropped a few coins on the casher’s counter before stepping outside with one copy. As soon as he arrived at the bakery, he spread out the paper on the kitchen table for clearer view.

-Highlight: Tanaka’s million dollar project to be hand over to son in law-
Ohno looked at the picture below the title. Nino was smiling happily to a woman who was clinging to him. Ohno would think that they’ll make a lovely couple if he didn’t despite it so much. He stared at the picture for a few second before reading its caption.

-Ninomiya Kazunari and Tanaka Riena to be wed-
Ohno closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before reading again what’s written on the paper. Hoping that when he opened his eyes, the writing would disappear and it was only his imagination; but of course that won’t do. He threw the newspaper away causing it to scatter around the kitchen and didn’t even bother to pick it up before turning to take out the ingredients he needed for the day. The newspaper laid untouched for the rest of the day.


“Goodbye, Masaki…”

Sho leaned forward and planted a kiss on his forehead. Aiba can see the tears forming in the Sho’s eyes as he withdrew from his side. He tried to move his body to stop Sho from leaving but failed. He tried to yell but only managed to let out a small squeal.

Then Aiba found himself staring at the ceiling, panting heavily. So it was only a dream, he thought. It took him a minute to realize that someone was sitting beside his bed, holding his hand which he assumed was Sho. Aiba gently stroked his hair with his free hand and thankful that he was only having a bad dream. The guy in front of him stirred to his touch before lifting his head.

Aiba stopped breathing and his heart pumped faster as he saw the guy’s face. NO, he thought. It can’t be happening. He was there alone with Sho. What in hell is this guy doing here? He didn’t realize that his eyes were widened as he saw Jun lifted his head. He froze on the bed realizing that he was alone with him. He snatched his hand from Jun, jumped from the bed and dashed toward the door.

Jun quickly grabbed his arm and intentionally threw him back on the bed. “A… Aiba!?” Jun looked worried as the poor man winced painfully. “I’m sorry, I-”

“Don’t touch me!” Aiba exclaimed as he withdrew to the corner of the room. Jun tried to hide his hurtful feeling as he made his way to Aiba. “No, don’t come near me...” Jun stopped to Aiba’s slightly trembling voice.

“I’m not gonna hurt you, Aiba…” Jun said softly, froze on his spot. Aiba looked at him frowning. He can see mixture of emotion from Aiba’s eyes; hurt, lost, anger but mostly fear. Despite that he walked slowly to Aiba who was now hugging his leg to his chest, trembling badly. “Aiba-”

“No… no… no…” Aiba said repeatedly. He placed hiis face between his knees and kept repeating the words over and over again. Jun squatted in front of him, touched his shoulders gently and felt his body stiffened under his hands.

“Aiba, just stop… I’m not gonna hurt you…” Jun tried to reason his way with Aiba but Aiba didn’t show any sign of listening to him or even stopping his action. “Aiba!” Jun shook Aiba’s shoulders to snap him out of his thoughts. He watched as Aiba slowly raised up his head looking back at him. His eyes filled with tears and he was staring back with hatred to him. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to yell… Aiba, I’m-” he was cut short as he heard Aiba’s teary voice.

“Just… stay away from me…” Aiba said between his tears, looking back down.

Jun closed his eyes, thinking of his next step. He inhaled deeply as he let go of Aiba’s shoulders. “Fine, I’ll wait outside until you can calm yourself… then we’re gonna have a long talk…” Jun said as he made his way out of the room. Nothing good will happen if he kept pushing Aiba. He closed the door behind him and slumped down on to the couch. He closed his eyes and let his mind brought him back to yesterday.

Is that Sakurai? Jun asked himself as he looked at the car through his rear-view mirror. What is he doing here anyway? Is he the one sending me the fax? Jun stopped his car abruptly as the thoughts circling in his mind. But as he thought of turning back, the car had moved too far. He thought seeing Aiba was more important than chasing after who he thought was Sakurai, so he continued in his search of the cabin.

And now, after last night, he was positive that the guy was Sakurai and he was the one sending him the fax. But for what he didn’t quite figure it out. He fixed his eyes to the bedroom door and let out a small sign.


“Why!?” Nino threw the newspaper on the table in front of her.

Riena was looking through some paperwork when Nino barged in her office. Not a slight shook coming from her as she lifted the paper to her face and read it. Smiling she looked up to Nino. “What?”

“Why did you do it?”

“What’s wrong with it?” she smirked.

“You’re practically telling the whole world that we’re engaged!” he said with slightly higher tone. “… and you’re asking ‘what’s wrong’?”

“I don’t see it concern you if I’m gonna tell anyone that I’m engaged…” she said calmly.

“Oh, let see… because I’m that poor guy who got engage with you…” Nino answered sarcastically “… and that we’re not truly engaged…”

Riena chuckled as she stood up and walked to him. “… Relax, Kazu… I’ll make sure that you’ll be happy with me…”

Nino gave a disbelieved look. “What are you talking about? We’re just pretending for goodness sake…”

“… Not me…” she said to herself but loud enough to let Nino heard her.

Nino looked at the woman who looking back at him with determination. It kind of freaked him out to know that this woman had an interest in him. He saw what she’d done with Jun over the years. So he decided to settle the issue some other time. “Whatever, I’m out of here…”


“Sho honey, please… eat some…”

Sho was sitting on a bench in front of the window, looking outside. The bruise on his cheeck ached as his mother gently touched it. He refused to touch his foods before his parent let him out of the room. A little childish, yes but what his parent did to him also what should’ve been done to a kid. Not a grown up man.

He was unconscious when he was brought to his room last night and when he woke up that morning; he found out that the window of his room was grilled from the outside. Even the bathroom’s window was grilled. The door was also locked from the outside plus a guard. To thought that his father was serious when he said he’s not going anywhere really got to him. He tried kicking it, pulling and pushing but nothind succeeded so he went for another plan.

When his breakfast was brought to him by one of the maids that morning, he tried his luck to escape only to be stopped by the guard earning him bruises all over his body. After all methods of escaping didn’t work out, he decided to go with hunger strike. His breakfast was left untouched on the table when his mother come later that afternoon.

“Sho…” his mother called sadly “… don’t be like this… you know your father only think what’s best for you…” Sho glanced over to his mother before looking at the door. As if knowing what was on Sho’s mind, his mother continued “… you know I can’t defy your father…”
“He’s not gonna die if he doesn’t eat for a day…” a voice came from outside. The door was pushed open to reveal his father.

Sho glanced over to his father before turning back facing outside. He was angry with his father however he couldn’t show it, not without being rude. He saw his father made his way through and sat on the couch with the corner of his eyes.

“Wait outside Sumiko. I have something important to discuss with him…” Sho watched as her mother smiled sadly at him as she walked toward the door. As soon as the door was closed, Sakurai Shuji stood up and walked closer to his son. “Have you cleared your mind yet?” he decided to talk his son out of whatever he currently doing with that Aiba boy.

Sho ignored his father as he kept staring outside. His stomach hurt from hunger but he refused to eat anything to show how determined he was to his parent.

“What’ll you get from disobeying me? Haven’t I given you enough? What possibly do you want more, son?” for the first time since he discover the picture of him and Aiba, his father talked gently.

“How bout love, father?” Sho dared himself to ask his father. He was now standing in front of him face to face.

“Love?” his father snorted. “Haven’t we given you enough?”

“You know what I mean…”

“That’s why I told you to get married in the first place!”

“I’m not just gonna married some women because you ask me too… I love Aiba and I want him… only him!” the last sentence caused him to receive a slap on his face. Sho held his burning cheeck as his father held his chest. Apparently that was not the answer he thought he’s going to received from his son. He didn’t know that his son was this bold.

“Father!” Sho tried to hold up his father only to be slapped away by him.

His father said as he made his way to the door. “You’re gonna stay in here until you can think properly…” his father managed before disappearing behind the door. Sho let out a small sign as he heard the door was locked.


Jun glanced to the watch on his wrist. It was almost 2 PM and his stomach started to growl. He didn’t eat since yesterday afternoon. Has Aiba done freaking out yet? Jun thought as he slowly made his way to the door. He turned the doorknob as it was unlocked. The room was exactly as he left it and he didn’t surprise to see Aiba also didn’t move. Slowly, he walked to Aiba, kneeled in front of him and touched his shoulders lightly. To his shock, Aiba’s body slipped from his hand as he fell head first into his lap. And he could feel the strong heat radiating from Aiba’s body.




sorry for the delay...\
blame my internet connection...T_T
argh! why are you so slow???
chapter 29....enjoy...
*off to download Tokujo Kabachi!!*
<3 fara

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, title: only love, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
