[one-shot] Just My Luck

Feb 20, 2010 02:17

Title: just my luck
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Aiba/Toma, very slight Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, romance
Summary: Sho was troubled due to Aiba confession to him but at the same time flirting with someone else…Disclaimer: again? Do I have to? Fine… Arashi is not mine, nor my friends… they belong to… whoever they belong to… huh~ (-_-“)

The green room was a little quiet from its usual environment. The air-conditioner was put at its highest temperature since its still cold outside. Two guys were already settled in the room; one lying on a couch and the other sitting at the table, typing something on his laptop. Both seemed comfortable with the silence thus neither tried to start a conversation.

A sign. It was like the nth time he heard that since he arrived at the room this morning. Ohno looked up from his fishing magazine to find the source. Except from him and Sho, there’s nobody else in the room so the sign must definitely come from Sho, since he’s not the one doing it. Unless he’d done it unconsciously, which he thought possible since he was always spacing out, but now that he’s not spacing out, he was positive that Sho’s the one doing it. Ohno frowned at his thoughts.

Okay, back to the problem. Ohno decided stay and look with his own eyes whether or not Sho was the one making the sound, and to his expectation, Sho signed again. “What’s wrong, Sho?” Ohno asked as he stood up and went to Sho. He patted his shoulder gently to assure him to tell him, his problem.

“Ah~ Ohno… am I bothering you?” Sho touched Ohno’s hand on his shoulder to tell him that he’s fine.

“No… I wasn’t doing anything anyway…” Ohno pulled a chair beside Sho and sat facing him. “I know it’s not nothing… now tell me…” he said slowly.

Sho closed his laptop and took a deep breath. “Actually it’s not my problem… it’s my friend’s…” Sho started and when Ohno nodded, he continued. “He told me received a text from someone on valentine…” he hesitated “… saying he loves him…”

“So?” Ohno asked as if he didn’t even bother that both were the same gender. And when Sho showed no sign to continue he asked again “He doesn’t like him?”

“Not that…” Sho stopped and make a face when he thought of something serious. “The guy asked me- I mean my friend” he prayed that Ohno didn’t notice “… to answer a month later…” he inhaled deeply “… but I- he… I mean he… he wasn’t so sure that this guy truly loves him…”

“Oh, why is that?”

“He… found out that guy is cheating on him…”

“Eh?” Ohno placed his fingers on his chin. “Aiba-chan wouldn't do that to you…”

“But he did…” Sho said sadly before realizing something. “Wait I didn’t say Aiba… did I?” he looked at Ohno in surprise. Sho swear he just saw Ohno smirked.

“I was there when he texted you…” Ohno said as he stood up and walked back to the couch. “Relax, Sho… you know how Aiba is… he’s must be up to something…” he said leisurely.

“That’s what I’m afraid of…” he turned to face Ohno “… that he’s up to no good…”

“By the way, he’s not consider cheating if you guys not dating yet…”

True but didn’t he had to wait for answer from the one he confess to before accepting other’s feeling?

Yesterday after recording

“Good job for today, everyone” the director greeted as the work for that day completed. Everyone exchanged their gratitude and Arashi went on their way to their green room.

“Ah~ I’m tired…” Aiba slumped down on the couch, the whole body on it. He closed his eyes to catch his breath but grunted when someone pushed his leg down. He opened his eyes to see Jun towering in front of him.

“Move!” Jun said as he took his placed at the other end.

“Hey, that’s Sho-chan place…” Aiba said as he tried to push Jun away from the couch. “I wanna snuggle with him…” Sho who was just walked in felt his cheek blushed when he heard Aiba.

“It’s okay… I’m fine…” Sho felt a little awkward being around Aiba ever since he received that text. Aiba however, acting like nothing going on between them.

“But Sho-chan, we always sit here together…” Aiba whined.

“Quiet Aiba… he said he’s fine…” Nino said without taking his eyes off his DS, he was lying on Ohno’s lap and annoyed with Aiba’s whining that almost cause him to lose a life. Aiba pouted but didn’t say anything afterward. Sho ended up sitting at the table. Not that it bothered him since he can finish his report comfortably on the table.

Finally its time to go home.

“i’m going first guys… got appointment on my new drama…” Jun said as he stood up and walked to the door.

“We’re going… somewhere…” Nino responded and dragged Ohno to the door. Ohno managed to wave goodbye to everyone before disappeared behind the door.

“ZERO…” Sho said since he was alone with Aiba He managed to steal a glance at Aiba as he gathered his things on the table. Aiba was looking outside the window, lost in his own world. He didn’t notice when Aiba moved there. “Aiba-chan?” he called when he received no responds.

Aiba turned his head and Sho can see his sad eyes looking back at him. “Ah~ sorry, Sho-chan, I didn’t hear you …”

“Aren’t you going home?” Sho asked as he looked at the watch on his wrist.

“No, you can go on first…”

“Well, I’m going… bye”

“Bye…” Aiba waved happily, sending him off.

On his way out, Sho bumped into Ikuta Toma. He looked like he was in a hurry since he only managed to bow apologizing before taking off again.

“Geez, he didn’t bother to help me…” Sho complained as he squatted to pick his stuffs back into the bag. Then he realized he left his organizer in the green room. He was grateful that he was still in the building since the book was important for the meeting at the end of the day.

He turned back to Arashi’s green room to get his organizer. When he reached the room, he smiled when he saw the room was still bright. So Aiba’s not home yet, he thought as he opened the door. Inside, he saw Aiba and Toma hugging and he was too shocked to move.

“I love you, Masaki”

“I love you-”

Both broke up as soon as they heard the door. Aiba wore a fear expression on his face while Toma looked annoyed.

“What are you guys doing?” Sho managed as he walked inside and placed his organizer into his bag.

“No… nothing…” Aiba wavered. Toma choose to stay quiet until Sho left the room. As soon as he’s outside, Sho heard both laughing. He noticed that Toma had been wondering around here lately. And there’s no mistake that he came to see Aiba since Arashi’s green room was the only one located on this floor. Not that he was jealous or anything but Aiba shouldn’t send the text to him if he’s going to flirt around with somebody else.

“That’s definitely not nothing to me…” Sho whispered to himself ignoring his aching heart. He signed before continued on his way.

Back to present

Sho opened his mouth to argue but closed back in when three figures showed at the door.

“Morning Sho-chan, Riida” Aiba greeted happily as he took his placed beside Sho, Riida’s previous place. Sho shifted uncomfortably when Aiba choose to stare at him while he was doing his work. He didn’t like being stared at most definitely not by a man who just confessed his love to him. He swallowed hard as he looked up facing Aiba. “Yes?”

“Mn?” Aiba raised his eyebrows. Ah~ the cuteness, Sho thought as he held his chest.

“When you watch me like that you definitely want something…” Sho reasoned.

“Not this time…” Aiba just smiled without leaving his eyes from Sho. Sho frowned as he tried his best not to look disturbed by Aiba.

“Cut it out, Aiba…” Nino smacked Aiba’s head. “It gives me a creep…”

“What? I didn’t do anything…” Aiba rubbed his head. “Sho-chan…” he looked at Sho with his puppy eyes asking for help.

Sho didn’t know how to respond without being obvious. As he opened his mouth, the assistant director came into the room to tell them to get ready. He smiled at Aiba who was pouting back at him.

Sho didn’t realize he was staring at Aiba the whole recording session until Ohno nudged him awaked.

“Sho, you’re being obvious…”

After that the recording went as schedule not without mistake that is. After a few minutes, Arashi were back in their room. Jun, Nino and Ohno quickly disappeared from going anywhere they want to go leaving Aiba and Sho alone in the room. Aiba was once again sat near the window. His eyes locked outside as if he knew something interesting was going to happen in front of him soon.

Sho walked closer and stood behind him. “Aiba-chan?”

“Yes?” Aiba answered without taking his eyes off the scenery in front of him.

Now that Sho’s standing behind Aiba, he can see what Aiba has been looking at. Ikuta Toma was just getting out of his car walking into the building. Sho felt something twisting in his stomach. “Is he here to see you?” he asked not even bother trying to hide the irritation in his voice.

“Yes and No…” Aiba answered simple.

“What do you mean by that?” Seeing Aiba won’t give any respond he walked to the table and grabbed his bag. “Whatever… I’m going…”

“Bye Sho-chan…” Aiba send him but Sho was too far to hear him.

Sho stood up in front of the lift while cursing both men in his heart. Then he cursed the lift for being late. The lift arrived with the person he hated the most at that time. Toma smiled and greeted him cheerfully as he walked out the metal box.

“Good evening, Sakurai-san…”

Without responding Toma’s greeting, Sho made his way into the lift, intentionally bumped onto Toma so that he was backed against the wall outside. And as soon and the door moved to close Sho managed the nastiest glare and shoot it at Toma.
“What’s his problem?” Toma said as he made his way to Arashi’s green room.


Sho fidgeted in the lift causing it to swift every time he hit his feet hard on its ground.

“Do I look I care? No I don’t… giving me that text but then go and flirt with other guy… I don’t give a damn about a guy like that…”

He stopped for a while imagining what Toma might’ve done to Aiba right that instance. Despite his perverted personality, Aiba was naïve when it came to the real thins. Does he kissing him until he panted to catch his breath? Does he touching his body? Does he-
He hit his head to get the thoughts of Aiba out of his head. “I don’t care about him!” he shouted. And at the same time the door opened revealing him to the whole lobby. Minutes later he found himself sneaking to get to his own green room. He managed to push the close button and went up to his floor.

Walking very slowly he peeked inside the room and as he feared the two shameless men were facing each other on the couch, chatting and giggling. He tried to listen to their conversation but the couch and the door were to far away. He tried his luck to push the door opened and seemed like luck is in his side today. Thanks to Nino, the room was unorganized so it’s easier for him to move. He sneaked in and squatted behind the clothes then stop to hear. He can hear both clearly now.

“ok, here goes… Ehem, Aiba-c-” he heard Toma.


“uh, sorry… ok, Masaki, thanks for being honest with me, even if its just a text… it meant a lot to me…”

Did he just hear what he thought he heard? Aiba gave Toma a text too? I bet its just ‘send to many’, he thought as he fisted his hands. That Aiba surely will have a piece of his mind later.

“but I love you first before you said you love me…”

Sho peeked in between the clothes and saw Toma was holding Aiba’s hand now. he stood up instinctively and lucky him not to knocked down the whole clothes hiding him. As he said, luck is definitely with him today.

“I love you too…”

Sho snapped when he heard Aiba’s voice. He pushed his way out of the hanging clothes and went to Aiba. He grasped his collar, lifting Aiba facing him.

“Sh- Sho-chan?” Aiba gasped. His face was inches from Sho.

“what are you doing?” Sho asked. He looked Aiba right into his eyes.

Aiba was beginning to scare. Sho was never like this. Sure he had arguments before, but he avoided talking to that person, instead of attacking them like this. Now Aiba wondered what he done to make Sho very angry? “Ah~ em… we’re just… rehearsing?”

“Sounds real to me…”

Aiba tried to free himself but Sho’s grip tightened. Not too tight to choke but not too loose to let Aiba free. “Ah~ Toma-kun, help me…” Aiba whined as he reached for Toma’s hand.

“Sorry, Aiba-chan your on your own…” and with that, Toma disappeared from the room leaving only Aiba with Sho. Toma didn’t want to be in the parameter when one Sakurai Sho got mad. He heard rumors when in Jr. and those weren’t pretty.

“Masaki…” Sho whispered in anger.

“You’ve said it…” Aiba said cheerfully.

“Eh?” Sho’s angry mode lessened a little upon hearing his cherry voice.

“You’ve said it Sho-chan… that’s mean you love me too…”

The situation was now reversed. If Sho was holding Aiba’s collar previously, now Aiba was clinging onto his neck. His grip loosened itself as he felt soft lips on his. He was lost in his world for a moment in the kiss before Aiba broke it. Sho couldn’t picture how he looked like at the moment.

“Wait… wait!” he exclaimed as he freed himself from Aiba. “What are you talking about?”

“Eh? Didn’t you read the whole message?”

“I did but… ah~ I kinda skip the last sentence…” Sho smiled timidly while Aiba pouted. “That’s not the point… didn’t you just said you love Toma too?”

“No…” Aiba said annoyingly. “I told you, we’re just rehearsing…”

“For what?”

“… For your confession…” Aiba said with a smile.

“…” Sho was speechless.


“Doesn’t it take the real person to rehearse the scene he’ll do?”

“…” now Aiba was speechless. He looked up to Sho with his puppy eyes and withdrew step by step.

“You’re not going away….” Sho grabbed Aiba’s wrist and pulled him closer “… Masaki…” he said seductively. He was sure that lady luck was smiling down at him right that moment.

Aiba looked up to Sho and widened his eyes upon hearing his name from Sho’s mouth. Sho smiled as he leaned in for another kiss but frowned when Aiba withdrew.

“Does this mean the first kiss doesn’t count? But I’ve kissed you al-” and he was silence by eager lips on his for a long time.

“Just to let u know, White Day is not for another 3 weeks…” they heard Toma shouted from outside.


Aiba's text message:

To: Sho-chan
Do you get my chocolate box?
I’ve been thinking…
When u left to Vancouver, I felt something missing…T_T
I know that I love u…^_^
And I know u’re shy to say ‘I love u’…
So as a reply, a month from now, u can just whispered ‘Masaki’ in my ears and I’ll get the message... 
and i wanna lots of chocolate with that... ^0^
From: Aiba-chan (or is it Masaki?)

"Sho-chan, where's my chocolate?"

-end for real-


is this fluff??
i really don't know that stuff...
however its another one-shot from me...
dedicated to my dear friend  masakichi 
enjoy... comments are loves...
<3 fara

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, r: pg-13, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho, title: just my luck, # one-shot
