[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 25

Feb 10, 2010 15:58

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Jun/Aiba, and Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

“I’m sorry, Tanaka-san…” Nino broke the silence in the room. “… I should’ve told you we were dating… it was inconsiderate of me to just barge in to your office like this…” he was now holding Riena hand on his lap.

“Please, daddy…” Riena just go along with him. “We never mention this before because Kazu was afraid of a day like this would come…” she looked timidly at her father. “Matsumoto-san is just-” Tanaka showed no signed to respond whatsoever.

“… but it’s too late, I’m afraid…” Nino let go of her hand and stood up. “I’m sorry Riena; but I can’t keep my promise to you…”

“What promise?” Tanaka suddenly interfered. He looked at his daughter before fixing his gaze on Nino. Nino just froze in his place without making any signal to answer so Riena took this as a que for her.

“Nino doesn’t wanna quit, daddy… I force him to…” Riena faked her tears. She went to her father side and clung on his shoulder. “I told him to since I don’t wana be apart from him…”

“Is that true, Ninomiya?”

Nino turned facing Tanaka and nodded. “I understand if you don’t want me to be with your daughter…” he bowed before continued “… I’m really sorry for troubling you.” Instead of went on his way; Nino lingered there as if waiting for something to happen.

“Wait!” Tanaka said suddenly. Nino took his word as a sign to look up. He wore a sad look on his face as he looked at Tanaka. “Stay. I need to confirm something with you…” he continued. “Riena, leave us. I need to give a word to my future son in law.”

And with that Nino knew the first part of his plan was a success. Riena stood from her place and smiled at Nino without her father noticing it before went out. I’ll do everything to make you pay, Matsumoto Yukihiro, Nino thought. Everything!


“Jun-kun, what happen to you?” Yuri was shocked when she got a call from Jun. He somehow managed to call her to come and get him at the parking lot beside the bar they usually go sometimes. He was leaning on a phone booth when she arrived. His face was covered with bruises and his shirt was stained from traces of blood. “Were you in a fight?”

“I’m sorry… for troubling you… this late… Yuri…” he said as she pulled him into her car “… but… I don’t… have anyone else… to call…”

“It’s ok… I don’t have anything plan anyway…” she said as soon as she took her placed beside him “… but what-” she looked over to Jun but he was already past out; due to his injuries or drink, she can’t be sure. She let out a small signed before drove off to his apartment.


Sho stepped hard on the accelerator causing the car to shift forward in high-speed. He’d been driving for hours now since he left the bar. He didn’t care if he was too drunk to drive. His mind was too occupied with things now. Several things were fighting in his head at that very moment. He can’t even set his priority right. Family? Love? He loved his family but he also loved Aiba. Does he really have to choose between these two? Why can’t just he choose both?

Sho recalled his arguement with his father when he decided to stay away from him for a while. His father should blame himself if he was to reject his relationship with Aiba since he was the reason Sho ended up in this town in the first place. If his father wasn’t to tell Sho to marry Tanaka’s only daughter, his mother wouldn’t have suggested Sho to stay in this town, and he wouldn’t have met Aiba. Then all this wouldn’t have happen.

But then, there’s Matsumoto Jun. at first he was positive that Jun was using Aiba to get to him but now he wasn’t so sure.

“… I rape him… I fucking rape him…” Jun voice sounded in his head. That bastard just confessed he rape Aiba. These explained all the bruises on Aiba’s body. He’ll never forgive him but Aiba was the one in mysery and he decided to lose his memory in this time of crisis. If that wasn’t the case, Jun would probably on his way to jail. The thought of another man touching Aiba really got into him. He felt so hopeless and useless since he can’t help the one he loved. Then again, it’ll be weird for one who just raped someone thinking about his victim so much. Unless… but he wasn’t going to think about that.

“I’m sorry, Aiba…” Again Jun’s voice played in his head. He felt something from the sound of his voice, the pleading voice.
Sho knew Sakurai and Matsumoto would never get along, never in this life at least. His presence in Aiba’s live somehow causing him to suffer. Now, he can’t help but to think that Aiba maybe better of without meeting him.

Sho stepped on the break so sudden that causing the car to stop abruptly. He hit the wheel several times to show his frustration. Finally he reached for his cellphone on the seat beside him and started dialing. “I’ll be home soon…” he said before he hung up.


Aiba sat on his bed looking outside the window. His body wasn’t fully recovered yet but he had been given permission to check out from the hospital today since he had promise the doctor never to overdo anything while he was recovering. He can’t wait to step outside this boring place. He wondered where his cellphone whereabout when he needed to call Sho to pick him up.

Sho didn’t come back ever since he took that call. He wondered who called him last night. He leaned back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. His mind recalled the kissing scene with Sho. He was perfectly fine when he was on top but as Sho started straddling him down, his body reacted negatively as it started pushing him away. Is it some kind of illness? He shook his head to clear his mind and instinctively turned towards the door when it suddenly opened.

“Aiba-chan, are you alright?” Ohno made his way through the room and grasped Aiba’s shoulders looking directly in his eyes.

“I’m fine, Oh-chan…” he giggled as the older man kept shaking his body. “Stop it…”

“Where’s Sho?” Ohno asked as he released Aiba.

“I don’t know… my phone’s missing and I didn’t know how to reach him…” Aiba pouted.

“He told me you’re in a hospital and to come to visit you sometime…” Ohno took out his phone and showed it to Aiba.

“Wow~ you brought a cellphone… it’s about time you have one Oh-chan…” Aiba said teasing him “… but I get to check out today… does he say he’s coming?”

“No, I don’t think so… don’t worry, Aiba-chan. I’ll help you out… we’ll just text him saying to meet you at home…”

“Ok… thank you Oh-chan…” Aiba said and pulled Ohno into a bear hug. “you know I love you so much…” Ohno just smiled to the words. The words he wished coming from a certain someone.

As soon as they rached home, Aiba disappeared into his bedroom and curled on his bed to catch some sleep. He was complaining how the bed in the hospital was too hard and hurting his back but in reality he can’t sleep the whole night, thinking about everything. Ohno decided to take a walk when he realized he will get boring alone in the house with no one to talk to.


He was awakened by a voice calling him. He barely managed to open his eyes as he found himself in Yuri’s car.

“Jun-kun, wake up… we’re here…” he heard her voice. He tried to move his body but failed. “Jun-kun…” he called again. Now he felt hands shaking his shoulders gently. He let out a small grunt but still unable to open his eyes.

“You gotta be kidding me…” it was the last words he heard from her as he felt somebody lifted his body before he was lost from the world again. The next thing he remembered, he was lying on his bed in his own room.

Jun never felt this comfortable since he was just a little boy. “Nee-san…” he said as he opened his eyes. He saw Yuri’s face looking down to him. “Yuri?”

Yuri smiled and kept fanning him. “It’s just me… go back to sleep…”

Jun closed his eyes back and took a deep breath. “I thought you were my sister…”

“I don’t know I have a sister, Jun-kun…” she said softly.

“I had a sister…” he corrected her.

“What happen?” she asked quietly. “Its ok if you didn’t wanna talk about it…”

“When I was little I always got into fighting… and my sister will watch over me like you’re doing now despite her age only a few years older than I am…” he said weakly, still suffering from the wounds “… but then she died in an accident…”

“I’m sorry…” Yuri looked at him sadly as she held his hand. “Just go to sleep. You’ll feel better once you get up…”

Jun yawned and unconciusly tightened his hand with hers. “Don’t go… until I… fall asleep” and then he slowly drifted to sleep. And as she promised him, Yuri didn’t leave the house until he was deeply asleep.


They were kissing and gasping for the lack of air. He felt the air blowing softly on them. Sho was kissing him passionately as he leaned down on to the soft grass. His hand clutching in Sho’s hair, bringing his head up, moaning on his lips.


He shuddered as Sho made his way down his brief.

“Masaki, wake up…”

“Um, Sho-chan, don’t talk to much… just do it…” he muttered. Aiba opened his eyes and took a few seconds to register that he wasn’t in the middle of the field but in a very dark room. “Sho-chan?” he sat abruptly on the bed and upon seeing Sho looking down at him in confusion.

“Do what, Masaki?” Sho smirked as playfully pressed Aiba down in the bed. Aiba struggled to free himself from Sho causing him to fall from the bed. “Masaki!!”

“Uh, I’m fine…” Aiba sat up on the floor and rubbed his ass.

“I’m sorry, baby…” Sho said as he kneeled in front of Aiba and leaned forward to kiss his lips but only to be disappointed when Aiba avoided him.

“I didn’t brush my teeth yet, Sho-chan…” Aiba said as he run to the bathroom. Sho hid his disappointment as he smiles when the younger stepped out from the bathroom. He climbed back to the bed, pushing Sho together on his way. Aiba was now on top of Sho.
“I’ve got the feeling you wanna be on top all the time, Masaki…” Sho frowned and looked intensely at the man on top of him. Aiba just giggled and started kissing him.

“I wanna… take you… somewhere…” Sho said between the kisses.

“Where?” Aiba murmured as he stopped. “I’m tired, Sho-chan. Can’t we just stay at home?”

“Tired are we?” Sho said as he leaned forward to deepen their kiss. Aiba had to pull himself backward when Sho started to bit his lower lips and Sho used this chance to straddle him.

“Fine, I’ll go…” he pouted and tried to free himself. Sho just laughed at his lover’s action.


As both settled in the car, Sho started the engine and drove forward.

“You didn’t say where we’re going, Sho-chan…” Aiba said between his yawn.

“It’s a surprise…” Sho smiled, eyes fixed on the road when he saw Aiba’s pouting face from the rearview mirror. “You can go to sleep…

I’ll wake you up when we arrive…”

“It’s ok… I’ll stay with you…” despite that, Aiba fell asleep a few minutes later. Sho smile disappeared as soon as he was sure Aiba was lost in his dream.

“I’m sorry, Masaki… I have to do this…” he said sadly as he caressed as Aiba’s peaceful face. “It’s for our own good…” he continued before looking back to the street.


“Masaki, baby… wake up…” Sho whispered softly to Aiba’s ear. Aiba moaned but only shifted slightly to his voice. “Ma… sa… ki…” he blew on his ear making him giggled.

“It tickles, Sho-chan…” Aiba complained. He rubbed his eyes to see Sho clearly.

“I knew you’re awake… now, come on…”

Aiba was too sleepy to hear anything but now he was out of Sho’s car he can see it clearly. Sho

“Ocean!?” he shouted. “Sho-chan… you should’ve told me we’re coming here… I didn’t even bring my swimming trunk…”

“You don’t have to worry about that…I’ve taken care of everything…” Sho grasped Aiba’s shoulders and turned him facing a small cabin located not far from where they parked. Aiba turned his head facing Sho who was standing behind him. Upon looking at his unreadable expression, Sho pulled him toward the cabin. Aiba followed obediently as Sho placed him right in front if the cabin and watched as Sho stepped inside and said “welcome home, Masaki…”

“I don’t…” Aiba started “… understand…” he looked at Sho in confused as the other pulled him inside.

“We’re gonna spend a few days together in here…” Sho said and cupped Aiba’s face. “… just the two of us…” and he kissed him, deeply. Aiba decided that was the right time for him to stop talking as he answered the kiss as intense.


“That Son of a B****!!!” he cursed. As soon as Matsumoto Yukihiro entered his office, he scatterd the files on his table and yelled to everyone who was unlucky enough to be in front of his face.

After satisfied with the damanged done in his office, he finally calm down. He sat on his chair and called his secretary.

“Call in an emergency meeting for the board of director…” he told her and hung up. “This call for some drastic measure…” he said to himself.



chapter 25 everybody...
its closer to the end but not that close (what am i talking about??)...O_o
and i have a slightly bad news...
from now on the PG-17 rated will be friend-lock due to several reasons (well I'm sure you all know the main reason)....
but you guys are free to add me anytime to read it...
just leave a comment anywhere in my journal and add me first so that i can add u back...
<3 fara

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, title: only love, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
