[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 21

Jan 29, 2010 17:44

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Jun/Aiba, and Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

Sho just stood still as his father continued hitting him with anything he got; his hands, pillow, and when he was about to threw him a vase, his mother and sister decided to enter the room.

“OMG, Shuji, stop…” his mother said as she stood in between her son and husband. “He’s hurt enough…”

His sister squatted to pick the picture scattered around the room and her eyes widened as she saw the picture of his brother kissing a boy intimately. She looked up to her bother before taking her place beside the bed while holding the pictures in hands.

“This is all, your fault. Is this how you’d teach him?” his father turned to his mother. She just looked down as she held onto him. Tears were running down her cheeks but she didn’t bother to wipe it. “I’ve given you everything and this’s how you repay me, boy!?” his father shouted. He grabbed the pictures from his daugther’s hand and threw it on Sho’s face again “What’s the meaning of this? Tell me!”

Sho leaned down to collect the scattered pictures. “I love him…” he said quietly.

“What!?” his father yelled.

“I said I love him, father!” Sho exclaimed and received another slap from his father.

“Get his things from that place and get him home this instance” he heard his father said to his mother.

“No” Sho said determinedly. “What’s wrong with us being in love?”

“Sho, please… just follow what your father says…” his mother said sadly.

“No mother. I wanna stay with him… I love him…”

“You… you…” he held his chest and winched painfully. Sho moved closer to him instinctively but only to be pushed away. “Get out…” his father managed to push him toward the door. “Get out!!!”

“Shuji…” his wife said softly as she held onto him. “Not again… please…”

“Now!!” he exclaimed. “I don’t want to see your face again…”

“I’m sorry…” he said as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.



Aiba turned to the person calling him and saw Jun’s secretary, Yuri walking towards him. He was preparing the ingredient for Ohno to bake while waiting for him.

“Ohno-san called earlier to say he couldn’t make it today and he told me to tell you to resume whatever youre doing last week…” she said.

“Eh, what’s that supposed to mean?” Aiba asked as he scratched his head. Ohno never asked me to do anything before, he thought.

Yuri just raised her eyebrows upon hearing Aiba.

“Nothing…” he smiled at her before she turned to leave to her place. “Eh, what am I suppose to do?” he said to himself as he looked around the kitchen. “Oh well, I better do something than not doing anything…” he said as he started to pour a huge amount of flour into a bowl. He hummed happily while doing his work, unaware of a sound of a person walking towards the kitchen.


Matsumoto Yukihiro looked down to the street from his office. There’s a lot you can observe when you’re at the 20th floor. He found doing this calming sometimes but not today. Bored with the scenery before him, he moved to his desk and sat cross-legged as his mind recalled the incident almost 40 years ago.

“I’m sorry Yuki-kun…”

He watched as the man besides her holding her hand under the table as she spoke. He then turned his eyes to her face “But, why?”

“I’m sorry… I just can’t…”

“You promise to try…”

“I’ve try…It’s just…” she stopped as she thought her next words would hurt him more. “I’m getting married...” she stopped and raised her hand that linked to the man beside her as if he couldn’t see clearer before and said “… to Shuji-kun.”

He looked at both of them in disbelieved. Although he knew something like this will come out from her mouth when he saw their linked hands, he never thought that it’ll be this painful. At the end, Shuji, his bestfriend betrayed their friendship and Sumiko, his girlfriend ended up betraying his love.

“Yuki, it’s-” Shuji stopped when he suddenly cut in.

“Stop, I don’t wanna hear anything from you…” he said with “from today onwards, I never know anyone by the name Sakurai Shuji and Takahata Sumiko…”

“Yuki-kun…” she called weakly as he turned his back to the both of them.

“Sumiko, you’ll be sorry you leave me someday…” he said determinedly. “… and you for betraying me, Sakurai… I’ll make sure of it…”

His memory faded when his secretary called him. “Your car’s ready, Matsumoto-san…”

“I’ll be right there…”


On his way out the entrance of the hospital, Sho bumped onto someone.

“Ohno-san?” he was surprised to see him there.

“Ah~ Sho-san…”

“I haven’t seen you since…” he stopped as recalled the event connected to Ohno.

“Since the party, yeah…” Ohno continued. “What were you doing here?” he asked.

“My fath… relatives was transferred in…” he tried not to involve anyone to his family matter. “I’m here to visit him…”

“Oh, ok…” Ohno knew something but decided to keep it to himself. “So, how were you guys doing?” he asked with a smirked.

“Eh!?” he was shocked to the question. Did Ohno know what’s going on with him and his father? Sho tought as he looked at Ohno peculiarly.

“You and Aiba…” Ohno said as if he knew what was going on Sho’s mind.

“Ah~ that…” he inhaled deeply. “We’re good…” he blushed and smiled as he recalled his date with Aiba.

“Everything went perfectly, I guess…” Ohno said to himself as he saw Sho smiled.

“What?” Sho asked. Ohno just shook his head and smiled at him. “I need to get going…” Sho said as he walked through the door. The fight with his father just now really got into him. He needed something to get that off his mind.

“Ah wait…” Ohno intended to catch a ride from Sho but he was way ahead of him. He signed as he placed his hand in his pocket. “I guess I’ll have to walk to the bakery then…”


Jun peeked from behind the door and saw Aiba humming happily while doing something behind the oven. No sign of Ohno. It’s now or never, he thought. He entered the kitchen slowly and coughed to catch Aiba’s attention but Aiba didn’t turn to him.

“Aiba…” he called. No respond. Is he deaf or what? “Aiba Masaki!” he called louder. Again, no respond. He moved closer and tapped Aiba’s shoulder. “Are you deaf?” he said angrily.

“Ah, what-” Aiba turned his head. The content of the bowl spilled on the floor as he turned facing Jun.

“Shit!” he cursed. Jun can see that there were traces of flour all over his face and he was wearing an earphone. No wonder he can’t hear me, Jun thought as he pulled the earphone out of Aiba’s ear.

“Ah~ Matsujun. Sorry, sorry…” he said repeatedly.

Jun cleared his throat before saying “see me at my office…” he stopped as he eyed the mess on the floor. “… as soon as you clean this up.”

“Eh, why?” he looked at Jun in question.

“Do you have to ask why?” Jun said slightly annoyed. “I’m your boss, surely I’ve something to discuss with you…”

“Eh~… but I’ve got a lot to do since Ohno-san’s not here…” Aiba whined. “Why don’t you say it now?” he said after thinking deeply.
Jun frowned. “My office… now!” he said before he exited the kitchen.

“Why can’t he just talk to me in here…?” Aiba thought out loud. “Oh well…” he washed his hands and headed to Jun’s office.


Nino arrived at the said restaurant and parked his car slightly far away from the place. He saw a girl wearing a huge sunglasses sitting at the corner. He can see the annoyed look behind those sunglasses. This isn’t a place for her, as expected from a rich girl.

“Tanaka-san…” Nino called. When the girl looked up to him, he smirked. “Why’d you arranged our meeting here if you’re gonna be this uncomfortable?”

“Please, Ninomiya-san. Stop with the polite tone… and I doubt that you’ll go to my sort of place…” she said stood up to greet him.

Nino took his seat in front of her. “What do you wanna talk about, Riena?” Nino asked uninterestedly.

“Are you always like this when a girl ask you out?” she asked, sarcastically. “We haven’t seen each other since we’ve graduated…”

“Yeah right. It’s not like we’re friend or anything…” Nino remembered that Riena was one of the girls that were madly in love with Jun while they were in college despite his ignorance attitude. She was the most daring since she was the richest of them all. She’s also the one who’s brave enough to tell Jun her feelings and followed him around even though he would say pretty nasty things to her each time. Sometimes he wondered what she saw in Jun. “… if it wasn’t for Jun, we’re never cross each other’s path…” he continued.

“How cruel…” she faked her cry. “To think I’ve gone through all the trouble to reach you…”

He knew that she was being sarcastic when she said that. All she needed to do was snap her fingers and there’s someone to follow her every request. She had what every woman wants; money and looks. And besides it wasn’t even hard to find Nino. He was working at Matsumoto Co., the biggest company in Japan for goodness sake. He would leave her like that if he wasn’t feeling uncomfortable attracting unwanted attraction. “Cut the crap... everyone's looking...”

“Fine, sorry… so, what’ve you been doing lately?” she started.

He looked at her before saying “seriously, why do you ask me out, Riena?”

“Oh, I’m dead serious here…” she said swiftly shifting in her seat to find comfort.

“Nothing much… just same old business to take care off…”

“Well, what’s with you involving in our company’s the new project then?”

“I thought you’re not interested in your company business” he asked back.

She smirked to the statement. “I am, if it doesn’t concern me….

“I don’t think that concern you for that matter…”

“Well how bout this…” she stopped and looked right to his eyes. “I have sources saying you are approaching all shareholders of Matsumoto Co. lately… I wonder what Matsumoto Yukihiro would do if he finds out?”

She’s good, Nino thought. But not well enough to give him a threat. “That doest mean anything…”

“Really? Don’t you wanna know where the 30% of the share has disappeared to?” she smiled when she saw Nino eyes widened.


Aiba climbed upstairs to Jun’s office. He smiled to Yuri as he passed through her.

“He’s inside…” she said before continuing with her work. Aiba approached the door and knocked the door. He peeked inside and saw Jun looked up to him before entering the room.

“So, what do you wanna tell me?” Aiba asked as he took his sear in front of Jun.

“Dinner on me, tonight…” Jun said. Do I have to be this bold? He smacked his head in his mind. He regretted as soon as those words came out of his mouth.

“Eh?” Aiba frowned. He remembered what Sho’d told him. Stay away from Matsumoto Jun. He looked at Jun before saying “but I already have a date… tonight…”

“Its work related… and…” Jun stopped to think “… since Ohno’s not here, you must go in his place…” he lied.

“Ah, is that it? I thought-” Aiba smiled. He thought Jun was going to ask him out. But if it’s for work, it’s no problem. “Ok, it’s a date then…”


Nino eyes widened as he heard what Riena just said. He’d been searching for the mystery buyer that was a step forward of him in buying the 30% share and this concerned his plan. “What do know about the missing 30%?” Nino asked desperatedly.

“Down boy… you don’t want to scare me do you?”

He inhaled deeply and looked rigth into her eyes. “Tell me…”

“What do I get in return?” she asked.

He started to doubt the fact that she really knew. “I don’t think you know anything… I’m wasting my time here…” he said as he pushed his chair backward to stand up.

“Well then, care to explain how do I know that you’ve got your hand on the 20%...” she leaned forward before continue “… Mizushima-san…”

Nino’s body took over itself as he sat down instinctively upon hearing the name. The name he was using to require Matsumoto’s share without being traced. “What- how-” he wavered “… and I’m guessing, it’s you…” he said indicating the missing 30%.

“I’m glad we’re finally speaking the same language here…” she smiled. “If we combine our shares, it’s enough to get us into the board of director.”

“What do you want?”

“Same as you I guess… Revenge…” she said. “You want Matsumoto’s head, and I want his son’s…”


It’s almost closing time. Aiba had been trying to reach Sho but no one answer. Where could he be? Aiba thought as he hung up on the unanswered called. Maybe he’s busy, he reasoned. Well I’ll leave him a message then.

To: Sho-chan
I’m going with Matsujun for a dinner meeting tonight (-_-“)
I’ll go straight home after that…
So u don’t have to come and get me…
Love u (^_^)
From: Masaki

“Let’s go…” he looked up to Jun as he called. “Drink this first… you must be hungry…” Jun said handing him a half filled mineral water.

“I am…” he smiled. “Thanks…” Aiba accept the bottle and shoved it to his mouth. “Is it ok for me to wear like this?” Aiba asked as soon as he got comfortable in his seat. He was wearing a t-shirt with faded jeans.

“Its fine” Jun said without looking at him. He was determined to make Aiba’s his tonight.

Aiba felt sleepy suddenly. “Ah~ I’m… tired…” Aiba said as he tried to hide his yawned. He can barely keep his eyes opened. “Sorry, Matsu-”

Jun watched as Aiba drifted to sleep beside him. “No, I’m sorry” he said quietly as he fixed his position and drove off.



where's Jun taking him...
its chap 21 everyone...
leave me your loves...
<3 fara

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, title: only love, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
