[multi-chapter] Only Love - Chapter 20

Jan 27, 2010 14:00

Title: Only Love
Author: faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Jun/Aiba, and Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Family
Summary: Are they meant to be together or just to be broken?
Disclaimer: I won’t be doing this if I own them …I’ll be busy playing tag with them all day…duh…
Note: italic for past event…

Jun looked down from his window and saw a happy couple kissing in front of his bakery. Sakurai and Aiba. Showing off your lovey-dovey early in the morning aren’t you? Enjoy while you still can Sakurai. Aiba will be mine soon enough, he thought. He watched as Aiba’s face blushed when the two broke their kiss and waved happily at Sho before disappearing into the bakery. Sho was left standing in front of the building.

Jun was shocked when Sho suddenly looked up to him. Sho looked viciously at him as if saying ‘don’t ever touch him. Aiba’s mine’. Jun looked as fiercely at him answering ‘as if I care’. They stared at each other from distance for a few minutes until Sho broke the eye contact when he felt his pocket vibrated. He took out his phone, shot a warning glare at Jun for the last time before walking away to answer it.

“Hello, honey. Miss me?” he heard a woman voice.

“Mother? Why’d you call?”

“Why? You don’t seem happy to hear from me. Having fun there?”

“You can say that… but why?”

“Well, your father misses you already.”

“Yeah, right. I bet he needs me at the office.”

“Don’t talk about your father like that, dear.”

“I’m sorry, mother. It’s just… never mind…” Sho decided not to whine to his mother anymore.

“So when should I pick you?”

“Eh!?” he was obviously surprised by thequestion. “What?”

“when should I pick you up?” she repeated. “You might need time to say goodbye to your friends there since you probably wasn’t gonna come back.” His heart stopped to the words. “.. and Ogura-san too. Sho, honey, are you there?”

“I’m here…” he felt his heart stopped. He knew this would come sooner or later but not this soon.

“So?” he heard his mother.

“I’ll have to call you back, mother…” he said weakly.

“Ok then… but don’t take too much time. Your father needs you.”

“I understand. Goodbye mother.”

“Goodbye, honey. Love you…” and she hung up.

Sho placed his cell back in his pocket and went home. Ogura-san told him earlier that he didn’t have to come to work anymore since he was going to consider on accepting his daughter’s offer to live with her. He didn’t even bother find another job since he thought he’d only be staying temporarily in this town. But that was before he met Aiba. Now, it’s a different story, he realized.


Ohno and Nino were asked to leave the room as the doctor and nurses arrived. They started to get busy with the patient while both men stood outside the room, waiting.

As the nurses arrived, Nino grasped the hand of one of them. “Is she gonna be fine?” he asked impatiently.

“We’re trying the best we can. Please be patient…” she said as she tried to free herself from Nino.

“Nino, just let them do their job. I’m sure your sister gonna be fine…” Ohno said as he took Nino hands off the nurse. She nodded thankfully to him before disappearing into the room.

Nino was about to argue back when the doctor choose the time to step out of the room. Nino listened carefully when the doctor explained her sister’s condition. “She’s in a coma now. We don’t know when she’ll wake up…”

“So there’s possibility that she won’t wake up forever?” his voice seemed calm but not if you stared directly into his eyes.
“I’m afraid that’s possible…” the doctor said sadly.

“What!?” he started to shout. “Why can’t you save her? And you call yourself a doctor?” Ohno grasped his shoulders to prevent him from attacking the innocent doctor.

“Nino, stop this” Ohno held Nino closed to him and signaled the doctor to move away from the scene.

“Let me go, Ohno!” Nino struggled.

“Not until you calm yourself…” Ohno said thightening his hold.

“Fine…” and with that he stopped struggling and stayed still on Ohno’s embrace. Ohno let him go slowly and watched Nino as he hesitated for a few minutes before deciding not to enter the room. “I’m sorry Nee-san, I’ll avenge you, if it’s the last thing I do…” he said quietly but not without unheard by Ohno.

“What do you mean, Ni-” he grasped Nino’s shoulder to turn him around but only to be hit by Nino on his stomach. “Sorry, I have other things to take care of…” he whispered to Ohno as he fell into his arm. He placed Ohno on the chair nearby walked out of the hospital without turning back.


“Don’t worry, dear. I’ve talk to him…” his wife said while adjusting his necktie. Sakurai Shuji stood was getting ready for work when his wife approached him.

“So, when is he coming home?” he asked looking at his wife who was now handing him a pair of socks.

“I’m not sure. He seemed reluctant when I ask him home.”

He sat on the couch to wear his socks. “That boy must be up to something no good…” he said.

“Dear, can you please trust our son just for once? What was the reason for him going away anyway?” she looked at her husband slightly frustrated.

“It’s a man’s instinct. You women’ll never understand”

“That’s what you’ve always said…”

“It’s complicated… I’m going now…” Sakurai Shuji reached for his briefcase and leaned forward and brushed his lips to his wife’s cheek. “Tell him to come home a.s.a.p. there’s a huge project waiting for him…” His wife just signed in disappointment in return.


Nino dialed a number in his recent contact as soon he reached his car. “It’s me… I want that thing…” Nino said to the phone as he entered his car. “Yes, I don’t care how much it’ll cost, just win me that tender… fine, I’ll get to you later…” he threw the cell on the passanger seat and started the engine. When he was about to drive away, his phone rang.

“Yes... Of course…” he stopped to listen. “I’ll be right there…” he changed his course as he was heading to the said destination.


His driver stopped the car in front of the building of the office to drop him at the usual place. He reached for his files before climbing off. He glanced at his son’s empty parking space before walking straight to the elevator. He sign as the elevator moved him to his office. His son will always accompany him to the office every morning and now he felt the office was somehow gloomy without him.

After receiving a bow from his secretary, Sakurai Shuji entered his office and sat behind his table. The table was untidy from yesterday but he preferred it this way. His secretary knew never to touch anything on his table without his present. He was lost in his thoughts before he heard buzzing on his table. The telephone on his table blinking indicating his secretary was calling him.


“Sakurai-san, Tanaka-san’s on the line” his secretary informed him.

“I’ll take it…” he said. “Hello Tanaka-san, what a pleasant surprise hearing your voice early in the morning… of course I’ll love to have dinner with you… tonight? Ok see you then.”

He hung up and prepared for tonight’s meeting. In his thought, even though the client asked for an informal meeting, it’s always business, and he should always be prepared. As he went over the files on the table, a yellow envelope caught his eyes. He raised the envelope and examined it. No sender, he thought. He was afraid that the envelope might contain something dangerous so he took an early precaution. He pressed the button to connect with his secretary.

“Sayuri, there’s an envelope on my table. No info whatsoever. Did you place it there?”

“No, Sakurai-san. As you ordered, no one entered you room before you come.”

So this must be here since yesterday then, he thought. “That’s all. You can continued your work” he was about to hang up when he remembered the meeting. “Um, before I forgot, I have a dinner date with Tanaka-san. Do remind me later.”

“Yes, Sakurai-san.”

He hung up and sat back to his chair with the envelope in his hand. Getting comfy in his chair he teared the opening and took a peek inside. He saw a few pictures.

“What the-” was all he managed before he collaped holding his chest sending the pictures strewn around the room.


Sho was tired from last night. He was practically awake the whole night watching Aiba sleep. He studied his face feature and body structure. He looked at how Aiba’s lips curled when he touched it and his chest moving up and down with every breath he took. He only managed to fall asleep nearly dawn before Aiba woke him up unintentionally.

The first thing Sho done when he reached home was texting Aiba. He told Aiba to wait for him at the bakery after work. After receiving a reply, he smiled and entered his bedroom. He lay down on his bed and took a deep breath. He smelled Aiba scent mixed with his. His mind replayed the scene of his love making with Aiba. How Aiba’s body moved against his, how his voice calling his name and how he responded when his fingers explored his body. He was already missing him. Is this the feeling one supposed to feel when one’s in love?

Then, he was startled by the sound of his phone. He reached for the phone on the table beside his bed and answered it.

“Yes…” he said without hiding his yawn. “Ah~ mother, what-”

A few minutes later he found himself driving toward the hospital.


Ohno opened his eyes to noise from around him. He saw the chaotic environtment lyin before his eyes as he sat straight on the chair. He felt his stomach hurt over something before he remembered Nino punching him right there. OMG, Nino, he thought as he stood up, went in front of the room and peeked inside. He was positive that Nino was already left when he saw nobody in the room except for a motionless figure lying on the bed.


He drove off as his mind rewind the conversation with his mother just now.

“Your father… he’s… hospital…” he heard his mother sobbed.

“Slow down mother, I don’t get you…” he sat up to hear more carefully. “Hello?” he called when he heard nothing.

“Niisan, just come here to the hospital…” he heard his sister then.

“What’s wrong Mai?” he asked but she already hung up. He grabbed his wallet and headed tohis car and drove towards the hospital.

His mind stopped the playback as he arrived at the hospital. He called his sister and waited in the lobby.


He turned and saw her running towards him. “What’s wrong?” he asked again.

“It’s father. He collapsed in the office…” she said as soon as she stablized her breathing.

“What? Why?”

“How should I know? Now come on, mother’s waiting…” she said pulling his hand towards their father’s room.

They walked as fast as they could and as they reached the room he saw their mother sitting on the chair outside, looking down.

“Mother…” his sister called. His mother looked up to them and he saw tears running down her cheek. She turned her gazed somewhere else upon seeing him looking at her.

“What’s wrong mother?” he asked as he walked to her.

“Your father’s waiting” his mother said without looking at him. He felt something was out of place when his mother refused to looked directly at him.

He went to the door but his eyes locked at his mother and slowly turned the doorknob.


“Is the envelope in place?” Matsumoto Yukihiro asked the boy on the telephone.

“Yes Matsumoto-san…” he heard him answered.


“Sakurai Shuji was brought to the hospital this morning…” the boy reported.

“Well, well… isn’t it too bad…” he said cynically.

“May I ask what’s inside Matsumoto-san?”

“None of your business…” he said as he smiled to the pictures scattered on his table. The very same picture he placed in the envelope. “Now keep a close watch and report everything back to me…”


Sho peeked inside and felt a little relieved when he saw his father leaning on the headrest, mouth covered with face mask (SFM). Upon seeing Sho entered the room he pulled out the SFM down to his neck and signaled him to get closer.

“Father, are you ok?” Sho asked. Instead of receiving an answer, he received a slap on his face. “What-?” he stopped and looked to his father in question.

“You ungrateful son. What’ve I done to deserve this? tell me!” Sakurai Shuji yelled as he threw the yellow envelope he received to Sho’s face. Shocked by the sudden outburst, Sho froze in his place, looking down to the scattered pictures; pictures of him and Aiba.



chapter 20...
alot happened...and uuh, Sho's dad know something...
as always enjoy and comment please...
<3 fara

p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, title: only love, r: pg-13, # multi-chapter, p: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, ! fanfiction, p: aiba masaki/sakurai sho
