Title: Shopping
Main pairing: Zhou Mi x Henry
Characters: Zhou Mi and Henry Lau
Summary: Zhou Mi is persistent and Henry is busy. Things are not easy when the evil hyung and dongsaeng are in the picture.
He is annoyed.
Very annoyed.
He has his violin examination tomorrow, but his tall lamp of a lover insists to take him out.
Usually, henry wouldn’t mind but not today. He is currently practicing playing his violin, sitting on their bed with zhou mi keep poking his cheek every now and then.
‘oh my god! Zhou mi gege, stop that will you?!’, he shout while trying to shove zhou mi’s hands off his cheek.
The taller was shocked by the outburst, but soon he starts to smile again and continue poking his boyfriend’s bubbly cheek.
Henry rolled his eyes. That’s it. He needs to call THEM. Yes that’s right. Only THEM can make the persistent man to stop bugging him.
He turn and smile sweetly to zhou mi, ‘gege, I’m hungry. Make me some food.’
‘okay henry bunny!’, the taller man beamed.
zhou mi hears the doorbell rings. He turn off the stove and quickly went to open the door.
‘eh guixian! Heechul gege! What are you guys doing here?’
Kyuhyun sigh and look at heechul. The older of the two nod at his maknae and they start to drag zhou mi out of his house.
The latter who is still confused by the current situation, asked his scary maknae, ‘guixian where are you taking me?’
Kyuhyun just give zhou mi a duh-are-you-stupid look while try hard not to roll his eyes. His teukie hyung asked him to be good to his hyungs while the leader is away. And he is trying HARD to be a good boy.
‘you are disturbing poor young henry. You wanna go shopping? Sure, we go shopping.’ Heechul smile wickedly at zhou mi.
The Chinese man widen his eyes and could only mutter, ‘but why with both of you?’
With that he got a smacked at his head followed by, ‘yah! We’re being forced to you know!’
The End