ETA: The auction is now closed! We raised USD 300, thank you to all who offered and made bids :)
EDIT: It looks like everybody who survived Thanksgiving and Black Friday is back now :)
Since the auction is just picking up speed, I move the end to next SUNDAY, 4 DECEMBER. Let's make this thing a success, our sister needs us!Cancer belongs to the
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Email address: cleflinks [at] gmail [dot] com
What I'm offering: Fic of a minimum of 1500 words. I won't be able to start writing until after Christmas.
Samples of my work: Master List on LJ
Fandoms: J2, SPN, Sherlock mainly, although I'll entertain prompts from anything on my Master List
Likes: BAMF characters, first-time fics, banter, AUs (of any and every type), non-human!boys, fairy tales, schmoop
Squicks/Dislikes: infidelity, non-con, sad endings, Misha/Castiel pairings
Minimum bid: $10
Please send me a confirmation of your donation.
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