Every now and then, someone we all know and love needs a bit of help. In his case it is
nyxocity and I hope that some of you will be willing to help.
You can read more on her
Gofundme page! In case you don't want to buy something or have something to offer up, feel free to donate there or contact me or
nyxocity for a paypal address
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Email address: ashtraythief at gmx.de
What I'm offering: One fic, up to 7k (a look at my auction fill history will tell you that I mostly go above wordcount, but I don’t want to promise more than a minimum of 7k)
Samples of my work: my masterlist on AO3
Fandoms: SPN RPF
Likes: slash, femslash, crack, schmoop, fantasy, space, dark, a/b/o, all pairings I’ve ever written
Squicks/Dislikes: non-con, extreme kink, h/c, powerplay, BDSM, bestiality, extreme underage, kid!fic, pairings not on my masterlist
Minimum bid: 10$ for 1k. I won’t be able to work on this before this fall, since I’m writing my thesis this summer.
I’m willing to do timestamps/sequels for most of my fics (definitely not for Bee on a Window and Finding a Home, others up for debate) but we should discuss first if what you want is something I can do it. For some verses I might already have plot ideas and plans that I’ll want to stick to.
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