So the first round of claims has been open for a little over a week, which means it's about time we get the second round going, right? :D And I might as well do this now since I don't think I'll remember to do it tomorrow hurhur
If you're an artist or a mixer and you think you could possibly do a second piece/mix, please see if one of your other choices or even one that didn't make it into your first three choices is still available. Please help out if you think you can!
Same rules as the last time. Copy and paste the text box into your claim comment.
Username:Email:Choice 1: [Please use the numbers]
Choice 2:Choice 3:Claiming for Art or Mix: Once stories have been claimed for both, they will be removed from this list! The complete and updated list
can be found on the original post.
Stories with no Claims
Stories that need Art
Stories that need Mixes
EDIT: THANK YOU ALL FOR CLAIMING! Thanks to your help, every single story has been claimed for an art and mix! ♥♥♥ you have no idea how happy this has made me :D