Title: Five Things About Tony Stark (that Pepper…) - I. Sight (2/6)
patriot_jackieRating & Genre: PG Fluff
Pairing: Tony/Pepper - Spoilers for Iron Man 1&2
Summary: The human mind reaches out to experience life through five separate senses. It’s little wonder then that Pepper Potts is so attuned to the many stimuli of her tantalizing employer.
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Comments 8
Love it and especially love that teaser for chapter 3!!! You're cruel for having us wait a WEEK! *sad!face*
Thankies! Yeah... UST comprises most of this fic, actually. We won't get to RST until... Chapter 5 or 6, depending on whether you count the Prologue. Oh snap! Did I just give another teaser? *laughs evilly into the distance*
LOL Yes, that is a perfect discription of him!
I love that Tony had JARVIS spy on her and started showing restraint only AFTER that... hehehe. Oh my god these two and their ten year long denial. How could they do it?
I'm wondering what will happen when Pepper wakes up from her limbo-like state, I hope we'll find out how long they've been dating, etc. ;D
I figure that after bringing attention to it rather than ignoring it as they had been, Tony would begin to recognize how uncomfortable it would make Pepper. He's good with all that stuff, but she's far more private, and so he finds himself becoming more considerate of her. It is a good question, though. How exactly did Pepper resist him that whole time?!
Hmm... Time will tell. I'm leaning more towards a 7th chapter to close it, so there could be room for such revelations!
I love our girl, she has principles, integrity... but he's Tony Stark. A true conundrum.
Time will tell. I'm leaning more towards a 7th chapter to close it, so there could be room for such revelations!
I really hope you'll do that. Seeing you update made me so happy.
AAAll that for only half of me! hahaaa
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