So, funny thing. When I was contemplating getting this done I was trying to find a hairdresser who would do what I wanted - every place I went to was being way too conservative. So I was trying to figure out (before I cut it myself) where to go, and I made a note to ask you where you get your hair done. Heh.
ever heard of Crops for Girls? check it out. it's on Orchard Street and the man (only one guy there) who owns it and does the haircuts is borderline autistic, I swear, but he's done some great short punkrock cuts for me (even if i'm only a poseur - the last time i ran around saying "i'm so punk rock!", my ex said to me, okay, name three Ramones songs. and i was stumped.) anyway. check it out. your hair looks amazing. but if you're interested, he would totally do a look like that for you. cuts run around 35 or 40 bucks.
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Just thought I'd mention.
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