Title: Sunnydale Careers #134: An Occasional Series Getting Under the Skin of Our Community
Character: OC
Rating: PG
A/N: For
fantas_magoria episode ‘Bad Eggs’
Do you seriously think it was cool being a Bezoar facilitator? It’s not my dream role, working for a vast immobile mind-controlling egg beast. I doubt it ever leads to great things. But the agency liked my CV and I was sick of wetting up Balthazar’s cracked old ass. Mama Bezzie was at least as gross, but she didn’t yak on, so I figured it was worth a shot.
In the end, it wasn’t too difficult. Those egg-baby parenting classes were a perfect set up. Sunnydale schools, you’d think they’d be more cautious, but they like a bargain. “I can source you some cut-price eggs” for cripes sakes! Who needs knock-off eggs? But you whisper it in the health teacher’s ear, and you’re in. The eggs start to propagate, people are familiar with them, they ignore the escalating numbers. And then hatching, latching and, you would hope, dispatching, of large numbers of numb victims into Mama’s maw.
Not this time though. One vampire and a pickaxe, not much of a reward after all that effort. No payoff for me either.
I guess it’s back to the ladle for me. Hope there’s an opening still.