Ficlet: Authenticity

Nov 09, 2008 16:51

Title: Authenticity
Characters: Oz, Willow
Rating: PG
A/N Written for prompt 3, episode ‘Inca Mummy Girl, at Phantasmagoria: ‘This is the first time Oz really notices Willow. What are his thoughts about her?’

These girls are all so alike. A bleating flock when seen from the stage. Sheep in hookers’ clothing. No, too harsh. They’re just doing their adolescent thing. Breeding urges surging.

Sure, I’m not averse to a few obvious signals, a little flesh flashed. Teenage hormones are no respecters of scepticism. But it gets kinda old. Herd mentality on display. Might as well paint our asses blue and make gibbon noises. Come and get it baby.

Note to self: don’t suggest to Devon. Real possibility of literal interpretation. Not good.

Look at Eskimo girl, though. (Yupik? Inuit? Hard to tell from the parka style - too generic. Stick with inauthentic nomenclature for now. )

She dares to be different. And so she’s pretty much shunned. Gamma female. Maybe even delta.

The fishing pole is beyond cute. It’s drooping sadly now, though she’s trying to look perky. She’d make a terrible poker player.

I like the way she wrinkles her nose.

Is this a thing?

It might be a thing.

It’s definitely an interest.

Oops. Should have been a minor chord.

Note to self: keep mind on the music. I’ll make time for Eskimo girl later.

204 inca mummy girl, fiction

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