Great Buffy Rewatch of 2015: Reptile Boy

Apr 01, 2015 00:38

We're at the fifth episode of S2 now, and it seems in some ways to be just another MOTW episode, with a cheesy snake monster. Somebody really should have warned Mutant Enemy about them - do they ever really work? However, there is rather more depth here than one might expect, though the Spikelessness is depressing for some.

Reptile Boy )

205 reptile boy, rewatch

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Comments 27

perpetual April 1 2015, 18:18:22 UTC
Not completely sure why, but I love this episode. It just exemplifies that fresh, open-hearted, campy but tongue-in-cheek sincerity of Season 2 ( ... )


gillo April 8 2015, 22:49:51 UTC
I imagine W&H send recruiting trips annually. It would be worth their while.

I think Buffy's "I want to die" line really emphasises how very young she is. Angel just doesn't know how to cope with this at all. Presumably he hasn't had a willing, human partner for centuries, let alone one so young and innocent. I think we get an excellent sense of that stage when a young person is very certain of her own maturity and ability to make choices, but in reality displays how very much unready she is. In one way that's what this whole episode is about.


perpetual April 9 2015, 17:41:09 UTC
I know that's the accepted interpretation in the fandom, but I'd rather not dismiss the intuition that Buffy - and all teenagers, at times - can show sometimes. She's reacting emotionally indeed, but Angel just openly accused her of not knowing what she wants, and that's when it's time to get angry. Even the hyperdrama has a purpose: this is a dramatic situation. A vampire and a Slayer in love is irrational, and rational discussion about it won't get them anywhere. So what if she doesn't really want to die when they kiss? She's legitimately hurt by the limbo he's left her in, and whatever she isn't ready for, she definitely ready to get out of that.


trepkos April 8 2015, 07:47:38 UTC
I love the way it just comes out and says they get their money from worshipping evil and sacrificing innocents.

Buffy is an Olympic grade pouter.

Also, Xander and Cordelia's exchange near the start of the episode strongly reminded me of "Grease" for some reason.

And if you were a Slayer, and you found a bracelet with BLOOD on it, would you really leave it till the next morning to do something about it?


gillo April 8 2015, 22:50:59 UTC
Well, it's only Angel who says there's blood, and she has far more interesting things to do with him. Offscreen, because we see remarkably little onscreen as yet.


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