"Get It Done" fic rec: Wayward by Devil Piglet

Jan 21, 2013 16:23

Check out this haunting fanfic classic, featuring alternating POV from Spike and Nikki Wood:

Wayward by devilpiglet R
Spike’s got his mojo (and his coat) back, but when a feverish Nikki Wood appears in Sunnydale, there’s going to be hell to pay. Goes AU for the rest of Season 7.

Link to complete story: On AAS / On Author's Site

fic, recs, 715 get it done

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Comments 6

slaymesoftly January 22 2013, 03:00:03 UTC
I just spent the past several hours rereading this fic - not sure if I'd read it before or not. Started to leave a review, and saw that the first one listed, from 2010, was from me. And that I'd followed a rec to get there. Amazing story. I wonder if this was my third read? I can't believe I missed it back in the day when I was devouring everything on All About Spike, but surely if I'd read it twice already (once only a couple of years ago), I'd have figured it out sooner?


rebcake January 22 2013, 03:34:34 UTC
Heh. I almost described this fic as "unforgettable", but the way my memory is these days (more of a fuzzy watercolor than a photograph) who even knows what that means? Thank the FSM for seeking_spike and its ilk, or I'd be dead in the water, fic-wise.

Isn't this story great? I can never get enough Nikki, for starters.


makd January 22 2013, 05:08:06 UTC
ITA. This is a great fic - although I must admit that I LOVE everything DevilPiglet's written. She just seems to strike the right chord in me every. single. time.


rebcake January 22 2013, 05:32:44 UTC
Oh, yes. For people unfamiliar with DP's work, this story will be a gateway drug!


kerry_220 January 22 2013, 09:44:31 UTC
Thanks for that. Thoroughly worth the sneaking around I did this afternoon to read it - "dinner will be ready in a moment kids...mum's .....working" :D


rebcake January 22 2013, 16:01:57 UTC
Heh. I know exactly what you mean. Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed it. I never know if these recs I fling out are of any use to anyone. (But at least I can find them next time I want to read them.)


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