S7 Catch Up - 2 Spuffy fics

Dec 21, 2012 14:54

Title: Convergence
Author: clawofcat
Timing: S7
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Words: 603
Summary: Set during "Lessons," we learn more about Spike, the soul, and his perceptions about Buffy when sanity was slippery at best.
A/N: Originally written for seasonal_spuffy in 2009.

(Within the fever dreams, he sees a girl.)

Title: Beneath Us
Author: clawofcat
Timing: Season 7
Rating ( Read more... )

fiction, 702 beneath you, btvs season 7 catch-all, 701 lessons

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Comments 2

kindredspirit75 December 22 2012, 02:16:33 UTC
I love broken!Spike. Your fic is still poignant even after all this time.


clawofcat January 21 2013, 23:49:57 UTC
Ah, who doesn't love some broken!Spike? He just does sad and crazy so well. Glad to hear that my fic holds up after all this time. That's very gratifying to hear :)


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