Classic Rec: The Blood Series by Nan Dibble

Nov 26, 2012 13:46

If you haven't had the pleasure, you owe it to yourself to read the late, lamented Nan Dibble's epic Blood Series. It starts up just after the events of Showtime, and goes AU from there. It's a rich, textured look at all the complex relationships in S7 Sunnydale - with a focus on the Spike and Dawn sibling/friendship - as well as a taut, plotty ( Read more... )

711 showtime, fiction, recs

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Comments 4

slaymesoftly November 26 2012, 22:36:12 UTC
OMG yes! I cannot second this enough. I think this was when I first realized how very, very good fanfic could be. (Of course, after Nan Dibble, much of it was downhill from there. lol)


rahirah November 26 2012, 22:46:37 UTC
This is one of the all-time classics, all right. The last one in the series was never finished due to Nan's untimely death, but no one should let that stop them from reading it all anyway!


trepkos November 26 2012, 23:44:20 UTC
This is a fabulous series - glad it's still available to those who haven't printed it out as I did!
Poor Nan Dibble.


zanthinegirl November 27 2012, 18:21:31 UTC
Such a fantastic series. I remember anxiously waiting for each of these. What a loss!

I might have to download these onto my kindle!


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