Post-Gift fics

Oct 16, 2011 11:25

Ack! I wasn't paying attention, so I hope y'all don't mind if I squeak in here a day late with my post-Gift fics. I kinda have a lot of them...

Title: Beyond This Life
Characters/Pairing: Spike, Dawn, Ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When all that's left is grief. Picking up the pieces after Buffy's death.
Word Count: 7,815

Title: Ebbing of the Tide
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112 prophecy girl, 522 the gift, summer challenge, fiction

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Comments 6

slaymesoftly October 16 2011, 17:16:34 UTC
Ebbing of the Tide - still brings me to tears. *sniffle*


eowyn_315 October 17 2011, 20:41:58 UTC
*hands you a tissue*


brutti_ma_buoni October 16 2011, 17:29:34 UTC
You're more than welcome to squeak in, especially as it's not Monday yet. (Timezones are just too confusing, so we always prompt in advance and leave a nice fuzzy border of basically anything goes.)

Thanks for posting!


eowyn_315 October 17 2011, 20:42:27 UTC
Heh, good to know! I wasn't sure when the cut-off was.


louise39 October 16 2011, 21:05:22 UTC
"Ebbing of the Tide" is among my favorite stories. Memory is so precious - sigh.


eowyn_315 October 17 2011, 20:42:44 UTC
Awww, thank you!


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