Fool for Love: A Spaiku Celebration

Oct 07, 2011 09:45

Genre: Haiku
Length: 731 syllables
Rating: PG. Warnings for the use of titles ending in "-ation" for purposes of thematic unity. Or is that "unification?" D'oh! If you feel any trepidation about this form of denomination (dear lord, stop me!), turn back now.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are not mine; I just enjoy ( Read more... )

poem, 507 fool for love

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Comments 1

louise39 October 7 2011, 19:28:25 UTC
William’s dead and gone,
hidebound servitude ended;

Spike hopes William is gone but...

Good to read these unique poems again. Thanks.


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