Meta: BtVS 1.6 - The Pack

Aug 21, 2008 21:10

This is kinda rambly and disjointed ... it was a little hard going finding any real meat in this episode, but I didn't want to just treat it like another MotW. It's about Xander, after all.Xander is the good guy. He's the loyal friend with a yen for Buffy, but despite his jealous streak, he's a nice guy. And he remains a nice guy. Throughout seven ( Read more... )

meta, 106 the pack

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Comments 9

trepkos August 22 2008, 07:00:37 UTC
It really makes you wonder why they picked on hyenas to use, when they knew so little about them that they showed Willow looking at African hunting dogs while baby-sitting Xander in his cage.


seraphcelene August 24 2008, 04:44:40 UTC
OMG!! That video of the wild dogs bothered me, too. It would have been SO MUCH more appropriate if they had used the dogs, would have fit better into the behavior patterns they were using for the pack. BUT, and I think this is mostly the reason for using the hyenas, they wouldn't have been able to use the hysterical laughter.


librarian2003 August 22 2008, 09:08:42 UTC
Thanks for an interesting analysis. I agree that Xander pretty much stays Xander throughout the show, albeit an older and slightly wiser one. And yes, unlike evey other character, his exploration of the dark side is more of a theme park ride in which he's a passenger, than his own darker nature coming out ( ... )


seraphcelene August 24 2008, 04:49:27 UTC
his exploration of the dark side is more of a theme park ride in which he's a passenger, than his own darker nature coming out.

Perfect description!!

in S6, they were without a studio censor for the first time ever, something that was remedied in S7, but it meant that they were like kids in a candy shop with the freedom they were given ... but you're right that Seeing Red is far more powerful.

I didn't know that. It makes so much more sense in a way and definitely explains alot of what they did with S6.

There really was something about the light and movement in that scene, even the more "artistic" camera angles that gave the scene an intensity that we just didn't get in The Pack. For me, it was just something about the way the bathroom was just so *bright* while in The Pack it's darker and more shadowed. Too, I always picture that overhead shot with Spike and Buffy struggling on the floor in Seeing Red and it absolutely makes my skin crawl.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, btw!!


faymeadows August 22 2008, 13:39:07 UTC
the biggest, most inaccurate scene in the episode: the Buffy/Xander show down

Oh yeah. If we're talking spotted hyenas here, he should have recognized her as the dominant female - then crouched down and licked her clitoris in a submissive and respectful greeting-gesture.

Then again, I really wanted to see him possessed by ducks... *sighs*


seraphcelene August 24 2008, 05:00:44 UTC
Oh yeah. If we're talking spotted hyenas here, he should have recognized her as the dominant female - then crouched down and licked her clitoris in a submissive and respectful greeting-gesture.

What I mean is that they should have picked a different animal. We're talking about a pack and a pack can generally be made up of any carnivorous, predatory mammal. With the characterizations used in the episode it would have been more appropriate (and made more sense) if they had used the African Wild dog Willow was watching footage of. Except I think they wanted to incorporate the laughter.

Of course, I'm sure that it would have been equally as entertaining to watch him possesed by ducks. The rape scene would have worked out even better since male Mallards are known to pair up, chase and harass the females until they give in and then they take turns with her. I had the displeasure of seeing that once on-campus. Definitely disturbing stuff.


ares132006 August 25 2008, 07:20:21 UTC
This wasn't one of my fave. episodes but on a second or third viewing there are moments that make us ponder.

Great meta. The comments have been food for thought too.

I like your *dirties Xander up*


seraphcelene August 25 2008, 07:38:30 UTC
Thanks for reading! The more opinions, the better. Conversation is always what I'm after with meta. All of the responses and varying interpretations can really help to open up the episode. a2zmom made a comment on my LJ in regards to this meta about Xander's propensity for emotional abuse coming to the fore in this episode as a result of his habitation by the hyena spirit. It was something that I hadn't considered before and that definitely nuances the reading of Xander and Joss's habit of Mary Sue-ing him.


ares132006 August 25 2008, 09:56:01 UTC
I love reading metas because it makes me think and sometimes outside the box. Plus, I love reading what others think of an episode or a character, etc.

Mmm...good point about Xander's propensity for emotional abuse maybe because of the hyena possession. I hadn't considered that at all, but it is something to think about.


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