
Aug 17, 2008 17:11

I'm posting in a brief moment of connectivity as my broadband is very, very sick. I'll try to reply to all the great comments to my flash challenge post but apologies in advance and thanks if I don't get a chance to get back to all of you.

Not recommended for vegetarians…

Ficlet: Red Blooded Male )

106 the pack, fiction

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Comments 18

devo79 August 17 2008, 17:09:28 UTC
OMG! I love this...


brutti_ma_buoni August 17 2008, 18:15:13 UTC
Thanks! That's the kind of feedback I always enjoy!


librarian2003 August 17 2008, 17:24:49 UTC
Oh, wonderful! We forget to think of the long term effects of things that happen in Sunnydale, and this is perfect for Xander.

Well done! Now smack your connectivity into submission!



brutti_ma_buoni August 17 2008, 18:16:07 UTC
Thanks! I am throttling my modem one-handed as I type... Seems to be working so far.


ellan_vannin August 17 2008, 17:38:58 UTC
Xander’s always been more of a steak man, though honestly this mainly means teen-who-dreams-of-steak-while-eating-pizza. But in his plans for future years-of-rolling-in-dollars-laughing-maniacally, it’s a serious T-bone he’s imagined awaiting him after his daily roll. ...makes me giggle. And think of Anya.

This is a great example of the balance of seriousness and humor that become hallmarks of Xander!


brutti_ma_buoni August 17 2008, 18:16:44 UTC
Well, they were a very well matched couple in some ways. Glad you enjoyed!


a_mistletoe August 17 2008, 19:27:44 UTC
Well that explains the kale hatred, although he still never got the hots for mystery meatloaf. Tastily dark insight; reminds me of Nina.


brutti_ma_buoni August 17 2008, 20:47:18 UTC
I don't think kale hatred needs an explanation...but perhaps that's just my own hyena talking. I'd forgotten Nina and the cooking meat actually - nice to know I'm on the same lines as the writers.


cornerofmadness August 18 2008, 02:41:20 UTC
great look at Xander


brutti_ma_buoni August 18 2008, 13:06:10 UTC


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