Cut A Path (Past Slayer, G)

May 01, 2011 15:31

Title: Cut A Path
Fandom: BTVS
Rating: G
Setting: Wild West & California Gold Rush
Summary: Now the world is getting smaller, Watchers are harder to avoid

Maria Spinoza dodged her watcher in Abilene after shucking off her dress for the garb of a cowhand and joining a couple of Texans for a cattle trail which suited her better than that dusty Slayer manual. She kept to staking them but she'd rather do it without a old man, coughing into a silk hankie in mild disapproval, watching over her shoulder.

Catching a coach to take her to San Fransisco, she cleaned up a couple of roughneck mining camps when they stopped. Maria stalked through muddy streets with fresh pine store fronts and old tents. Most of the vampires, too drunk of cheap booze and greenhorns on their way to the golden mountains of the West, didn't see her coming before they were goners. Maria figured that she had killed dozens before she arrived in San Fran and without a watcher to boot!

She was whistling as she stepped out of the coach into the bay breezes of the hotel sidewalk and caught her carpetbag as the driver threw it down. Maria's tune died in her throat as the coach drove away to reveal her watcher, sweating and angry in tweed, across the street waiting for her.

past slayers, fiction

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