Rare character drabble: Olivia

Oct 19, 2010 16:43

Though it's not specified, in my head this is set just after Hush. It also (coincidentally, but still) fits the quote prompt: meet Giles's orgasm friend.

Title Above the Clouds
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13 (strong language)
Word Count 100
Prompt Originally for still_grrr 168 Olivia
Characters/Pairing (if any) Olivia/Giles

Fuck buddy is not a nice term. But realistically, that’s what he is. We are.

I arrive from the airport, jetlagged to hell. We exchange hasty commonplaces.

Then we fuck like it’s going out of fashion.

Then I leave.

If I’m unlucky, between points two and three, something violent and demonic happens; mortal danger threatens. We nearly discuss it. Ripper reminds me he was involved in the dark arts way back.

I point out I didn’t believe a word of it.

Then I get back on a plane, and shake in fear till we land. Like now.

Sorry. Too scary.


410 hush, fiction

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