Title: Pebbles in My Shoes
damnskippytooRating: PG
Characters: Cordelia, Angel
Summary: AU moment set on the evening after the Mayor/big snake fight and the high school going kerplooey.
Word Count: 1,342
Note: I don't remember if Cordy knew about Angel and Buffy's break up, so excuse the non-canon error if she did.
Note 2: This was written a few
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Comments 10
She flashed the smile she knew could convince a drowning man to give her his only floatation device.
So true lmao Angel was under that thrall many times :D
I love this. It's so quiet and companionable, if that's a word. You have *such* a talent for getting their voices down. The way Cordy backhands her compliments, and that way of cracking open Angel's broodiness until he smiles...just a little. Just enough.
The image of his hand shaking like an addict, it's a little moment but it shows without a lot of words where Angel's at, and thus how far Cordelia will take him after that. It's perfect. I hope you write more, there's not enough fic from you. *bats eyelashes*
(Though I do slightly want a Cordy in Bakersfield/Xander in Oxnard AU...)
Thanks for posting!
LOL! That would be an interesting AU and now that you've put it out there in the universe, no doubt someone will write it.
Thanks very much for your comments!
She flashed the smile she knew could convince a drowning man to give her his only floatation device.
Surrender, Angel! Resistance is futile! :)))
Don't you know it, babe. He never hand a chance. ;)
Thanks for reading!
Vuitton makeup case + duffel bag, again it's so perfectly her... And the Easter Parade line? I could hear her voice.
Oh well, I think you guessed I loved it ;)
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